Is Print Media Dead or Passing on? - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-16
Is Print Media Dead or Passing on? - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Entertainment Media
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 659 words
6 min read

In the current era, where a wide range of digital and traditional channels are accessible, it is easy to assume that electronic media is better than print media (Dayton, 2016). It is estimated that the print media was growing at a rate of 2.8% annually, while the electronic media was growing at 15.9% (Dayton, 2016). The electronic media is affordable, wider-reaching, and faster. However, it does not mean that electronic media is more effective than print media. Print media is more intentional and sincere, and people have more trust in it due to its originality (Dayton, 2016). Thus, regardless of the emergence of electronic media, print media is very relevant in terms of meaningful interactions and uniqueness (Dayton, 2016). The online media does not impact the demand and market share of the print media; thus, print media is still active and not dead.

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The digital era indeed poses myriad challenges to the print media because most people turn to online media to get updates on current affairs. However, print media has been used for a long time and still applicable because academic platforms highly rely on it. For instance, my graphic design course that focuses on both web design and 3D animation has made me appreciate the role of print media. Print media is very significant to visual planners because it is a primary component of understanding graphic design projects (Neves, 2017). It also enhances the storage of designs for future reference (Dayton, 2016). Graphic designers rely on print media to create sketches or charts that can help their audience to have a better understanding of the content. The print designs are also associated with originality, and it creates a positive impression for a designer compared to electronic media.

Many challenges are experienced by people who try to convince the millennial generation on the importance of print media. Most people in this age bracket prefer electronic or online media because it is cheaper and faster to access. Besides, it is difficult for graphic designers to prove that their print designs are more reliable compared to those prepared electronically (Neves, 2017). Therefore, advanced training should be provided to this generation on the importance of print media. Lack of information and knowledge is what makes people ignorant of the benefits associated with several issues such as the print media. Advanced learning or training can be easily achieved through print media as it is accessible to people of all statuses. People do not have to own gadgets or electronics to get information.

Institutions or schools should develop strategies that will ensure the endurance of print media in this digital era. The current graphic design courses focus on web composition, advanced perspective, and PC 3D activity. Therefore the print media has recognized such trends and willingly innovates in them to meet the needs of customers (Neves, 2017). They have come up with strategies that will help them to convince the millennials that print media is the best option. They have invented 3D printing or additive printing and Sheet Fed digital printing that will be useful to various sectors such as the graphic and design. They can incorporate several techniques such as the printed quick-response codes or personalization components that attract customers (Dayton, 2016). The innovation has helped the printing media to remain relevant and influential in the industry.

In conclusion, both the print and electronic media play vital roles in the current academic and professional sectors. Therefore, none is superior or inferior to the other, as each of them has its benefits and demerits. Nevertheless, people should not overlook the print media due to recent global technological advancements. The printing techniques are essential because courses like graphic design rely on them to create designs and plans. It enhances originality and convinces people that an individual is skilled.


Dayton, K. (2016). The Comparison of Effectiveness between Print Media & Electronic Media in terms of Promotion and Recruitment.

Neves, M. (2017). The future of print design relies on interaction. The Design Journal, 20(sup1), S4087-S4100.

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