Islamic Perspective on Euthanasia, Free Essay Sample

Published: 2019-09-16
Islamic Perspective on Euthanasia, Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Islam Ethics Euthanasia
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1924 words
17 min read

Euthanasia is also known as Mercy Killing. It is the proceeds or practice of finishing the being of a human being or a person tormented from a fatal disease or a deadly circumstance, in the course of lethal inoculation or the deferment of unexpected therapeutic treatment. Euthanasia is not permitted according to Muslim teaching or commandment. They consider that all human beings' lives are holy because Allah gives them, and that Allah decides how long each individual will exist (Smith, 2011). Human beings must not mess about because they suppose that it is only God whom they identify as Allah who gives and obtain the life of an individual. Although assassination is permissible in Islam, but according to them is that euthanasia is not incorporated among the cases permitted in the assassination.

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Euthanasia is prohibited in the Islamic land for it includes an optimistic position on the element of the doctor to finish the life of the patient and speed up his bereavement via deadly inoculation, thrilling distress, a pointed weapon or any additional way (Isgandarova, 2015). This is an act of murder, and, is a key sin and thus prohibited in Islam, the belief of pure compassion.

The Holy Koran does not distinguish a persons right to die willingly. The Islamic influence in opposition to euthanasia can be recapitulated in two major motives: Firstly, it states that Life is holy, and euthanasia and suicide are not incorporated along with the causes permissible for assassination in Islam. Moreover, Allah chooses how extensive each of us will exist, and two verses maintain these motives. According to Islamic knowledge, life is a heavenly belief and cannot be finished with any vigorous or unreceptive charitable involvement. The entire Islamic intellectuals consider lively euthanasia as not allowed (Hiram), and there is rejection disparity among Sunni and Shiite schools. The instant of failure, bereavement is in the power of Allah and the human being has no say out on this subject. The human being cannot and ought not to try to pace up or delay the death. The thought of reliance, freedom and grandee favorite do not relate at this juncture for these two reasons; existence does not healthily into the personal and charming existence since if done it will consequence to harm the relations and the communal organization in general (Bhala 2011). A persons freedom of the first choice is enforced by the harm it causes to other people.

It is against the law for the long-suffering to murder himself and also it is illegal for someone as well to take life, regardless that he has been given authority to murder another person. The earlier holder will be murdered and the second will be assaulted alongside the other in assassinating him, for his consent does not provide the prohibited act legally recognized. The long-suffering do not hold his personal heart to authorize someone as well to take the life of another person.

The Islamic healing organization confirmed in its statement that there was no place for euthanasia and supported murder. They suggested that beneath what person's name or type of sympathy assassination, murder, supported murder, the right to pass away, the obligation to depart life, nor did it trusted in the idea of an obstinate and open permission in that part. The mere survival of euthanasia as an authorized and genuine alternative was already stressed sufficiently on the long-suffering, who would correctly or erroneously, appreciate writing in the eyes of his/her relations the soundless petition to go (Shaw, 2011). Which they offered to the organization of drug Commission on need at the last part of existence on May 13, 1996:

Several pious Muslims trusts that do not give the kiss of life to instructions which stand for a yielding shape of euthanasia which is harshly prohibited in Islam. Muslims cannot murder, or be complicit in the assassination of another, apart from in the benefits of fairness. Nevertheless, the Islamic Code of Medical Ethics declared that it was useless to keep the long-suffering industriously in a vegetative condition by daring ways. It was the procedure of life that the general practitioner aimed to uphold and not the procedure of assassination (Sachedina 2009). This means doctors could discontinue demanding to extend life in cases where there was expected a cure. According to the Islamic Medical Association of America (IMANA), when demise became predictable, as resolute by doctors intriguing care of fatally ill patients, the long-suffering person should be permitted to pass on without avoidable actions. IMANA say that whirling of life holds up for patients believed to be in an unrelenting vegetative condition is allowable. This is because they think all automatic life support actions as impermanent procedures. While whirling off a life-support is acceptable, speeding up bereavement with the use of assured pain-killing drugs are not permitted as this would be associated with euthanasia.

In Islam, the perpetuation of life and the wellbeing of a human being are subsequently put after the conservation of belief (Vroom 2013). In the Quran, there are many verses concerning the matter of existence and bereavement. These verses educate the supporters that living is a reward from God and hence holy. As was shown out in Iran, sharia, or Islamic system, is the lawful and managerial system. Islam's draw near to subject of passing away and becoming extinct is rather obvious. As supernatural being is the contributor of existence, he only can take the existence missing. Euthanasia and supported suicide is thus against the law and subject matter to immoral study.

Euthanasia is a plain issue that all the twigs of Islam have had a united view on. In an Islamic background the question of euthanasia is discharged as dutifully prohibited, thus, the stipulation for winning a being is obvious. From Islamic perception holiness of living is of the highest significance, so assassinating a human being out of sympathy and in the array to ease him of ache and anguish is not merely evil, but a danger to the ethical foundation of the social order. Islam conditions that to take the life of one's identity or to get somebody else to do it, is rejecting God, and of course to reject God's rights over peoples beings are to reject him overly, and this is the plain instance of profanity. Islam educates its supporters that a being in any career desires to be sincere, demonstrate sound presentation and be God cognizant. This law for the doctors is of course of additional worthy since they stroke on the human being spirit as well as his body (Active Euthanasia, 2009). A physician is anticipated to preserve a characteristic, moral routine at all expenses. In this intelligence, contentious matters such like euthanasia have haggard the medicinal line of work into the meadows of principles, beliefs, and faith. Existence and bereavement as of Islamic perception Islamic jurisprudence have four major foundations, and every Muslim relies on these foundations to obtain a reply to their query. The main foundation of Islamic rule is the sacred Quran. The next foundation is the Sunnah, which is the wisdom, proverbs and the existence manner of the clairvoyant of Islam. The third foundation is Ijma', (meaning agreement or recognition of an issue of a particular set of natives), and the final one is Aghl or cause. Based on these foundations Islamic rules and systems are recognized and administered.

Islam stresses that the human being has not formed human being; therefore he has no authority above his carcass. Peoples existences are not of human existence for them to do with as they observe fit, this life was handed over to people in mind, care for and secure carry-on. Islam recognizes Allah as the empire of the universe and the world they insist that he brought into being and caused to die and that there is none besides Allah. Imam of the Shia Muslims said that God was and will be the holder and donor of living and his privileges in giving and in winning care will never be dishonored (Aramesh & Shadi, 2007). He also said that he who provides existence is he who is the proprietor of life and he who is a stealer of life.

In Islam, the asylum of human being days is a fundamental importance as rulings of God. The award of being is so precious that the sacred Quran shapes that cutback of one day is similar to reducing the entire the lives. For that explanation people prescribed to the family of Israel that whoever assassinates a heart, except it be for homicide or misbehavior in the territory, it was as though he swing everyone, and whoever keeps it living, it is as though he reserved living every man. Their heralds came to them with obvious urgings, but still following that several of them surely acted profligately in the territory. Assassinating someone is a huge offense. The sacred Quran plainly tips out this matter in the Quran verses that do not take life any one whom Allah has prohibited.

Even though looking for therapeutic management for a sick individual is compulsory in Islam, sickness and infections, in fact, are examined as experiments for both patients and their relatives. Sickness and particularly ache are not only a caution for the body that something is wrong, but also a lesson in staying power for the people, and that is to be grateful in eras of well-being and long-suffering in periods of illness. Islam does not look at the ailments as just some bodily illness, but as gears for getting religious morals (Ebrahim 2007). In this observance, both illness and health can be gears for the realistic to acquire closer to the God.

In conclusion, it can be said that the Islamic point of view is that life belongs to Allah. It is He who provides and takes it away. No creature can provide or acquire it. Muslims are in opposition to euthanasia. They consider all human life to be consecrated since Allah gives it, and that Allah decides how long each one will be in this world. No one should interfere with this (Sharp, 2012). The exclusion of the express euthanasia and the ruling out of suicide and supporting in conveying it concerning, for according to Shariah murdering a person torment with a fatal sickness is not permitted for the doctor, the patients relatives or the patient himself. The patient whatsoever his illness and however sick, he/she is, shall not be exterminated because of extreme anxiety and loss of anticipation in recuperation or to stop the transmission of the patients illness to others, and whoever obligates the act of assassination will be a purposeful murderer. The Quranic text substantiate without a silhouette of uncertainty that killing is totally forbidden, as Allah Almighty says, no one should take life which is made sacred by Him, except by way of fairness and commandment.


Bhala, R. (2011). Understanding Islamic law. New Providence, NJ: LexisNexis.

Sachedina, A. (2009). Islamic biomedical ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Vroom, H. (2013). Looking Beneath the Surface. Editions Rodopi.

ACTIVE EUTHANASIA. (2009). Acta Medica Scandinavica, 223(S725), 71-71.

Aramesh, K. & Shadi, H. (2007). An Islamic Perspective on Euthanasia. The American Journal Of Bioethics, 7(4), 65-66.

Ebrahim, A. (2005). Islamic Ethics of Life: Abortion, War and Euthanasia. * Edited by JONATHAN E. BROCKOPP (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2003). 262 pp. Price PB $24.95 ISBN 1-570-03471-0. Journal Of Islamic Studies, 16(3), 376-378.

Ebrahim, A. (2007). Euthanasia (Qatl al-rahma). J Islam Med Assoc, 39(4).

Isgandarova, N. (2015). Physician-Assisted Suicide...

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