Jabal Ali Free Zone - Free Essay

Published: 2023-08-16
Jabal Ali Free Zone - Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Company International relations
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 637 words
6 min read

Jebel Ali Free Zone is one of the world’s biggest known free zone companies with specialized industry and logistics experience. According to Sundarakani (2017), it has assumed a vital job in welcoming universal partners to the nation, and in this manner, making a network of trust and smooth working that has brought about a lift to UAE and Dubai’s economy. This paper presents a summary of the Jabal Ali Free Zone.

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Jabal Ali Free Zone has housed many companies and organizations in the recent past. The vast majority of these organizations have established their central territorial station in Jafza to serve the more extensive Middle East locale. According to Sundarakani (2017), today, Jafza gladly remains a unique base for many organizations. This has had a positive impact on the profit margin since there has been exponential growth in the entire industry. Therefore earning a name in the whole central and west continents and even to some parts of the African continent. Historically, Jabal Ali Port was an ambitious infrastructure tasked to make the biggest port. Jafza’s primary concern is on long-term client relationships, and cultivating alliances with worldwide investors. This has made it win ISO certification as the first and greatest free zone in the world.

The provided financial statements show the financial performance of Jafza in the last financial years. The annual reports reveal a decrease in profits. However, that did not affect the stability of the organization as the decrease was quite bearable. The company recovered the decrease in the subsequent fiscal years. The currency being used by its competitor is different. Unfortunately, Jafza experienced a tremendous decrease in profits due to reasons such as poor management.

When it comes to its competition, companies have established strong business relations with Jafza because it is the oldest free zone in Dubai. Many have significantly benefited from such a relationship leading to a great contribution to the UAE's economy. Jafza’s vision is to be the leading worldwide supplier of reasonable modern and logistics foundation solutions. Jafza’s mission is to set high standards in quality delivery and service provision. The Jebel Ali free zone’s goals and objectives are to be a one-stop-shop administration provider (Sundarakani, 2017).

Jebel Ali Free Zone strategic pillars characterize destinations that apply and should be executed over the area and business units in our Group. The strategic pillars include Strategy Implementation, to make Jabal a minimalist port authority, and ensure the organization conforms to the ISO necessities. It has implemented the following strategies for its success; firm system strategy, competition, and structure; related backup enterprises; conditions for demand; and factor conditions. A SWOT analysis is to recognize the essential factors critical to the success of the association's objectives and goals. Having into consideration ethical practices.


Jabal Ali Free Zone is one of the world’s biggest free zone companies with specialized experience in industry and logistics. Jafza’s mission is to set high standards in quality delivery and service provision. Jafza’s vision is to be the leading worldwide supplier of reasonable modern logistics. However, the company has some weaknesses that competitors can take advantage of, limited business activity in a specific free zone is not qualified for an extension past their free zone cutoff to different zones of UAE. At some point, poor management was also a major weakness that led to a fall in the profit margin, but later the company recovered.


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Oxford Analytica. Jebel Ali will prevail in the Gulf shipping rivalry. Emerald Expert Briefings, (oxan-ga). Retrieved from HYPERLINK "https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/OXAN-GA216822/full/html" https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/OXAN-GA216822/full/html

Sundarakani, B. (2017). Transforming the Dubai logistics corridor into a global logistics hub. Asian Journal of Management Cases, 14(2), 115-136. Retrieved from "https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0972820117712303" https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0972820117712303

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Jabal Ali Free Zone - Free Essay. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/jabal-ali-free-zone?pname=speedypaper.com

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