Jaqueline - Personal Essay Example

Published: 2022-04-28
Jaqueline - Personal Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personality
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1114 words
10 min read

Jaqueline is a twenty-nine-year-old lady who was born and raised in New York City, United States. She is a stout, 5'7 inch tall lady with seemingly light skin, black wavy hair and brown eyes. Her mother named her after her ex-lover, whose name was Jack, something that made her grows up thinking that Jack was her biological father. However, Jack rarely spent time with Jacqueline because he was fully aware that she was not her daughter by blood. Life became challenging for Jaqueline when she was about four years old, Jack, her stepfather, made a habit of reminding yelling and reminding her of how she wasn't her biological daughter. Of course, as a young child, Jaqueline didn't understand what was going on, and so her mother opted to take her to a facility that offered child support. This move was move meant ensure that Jacqueline didn't grow up to question her mother about the same.

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The cat was let out of the bag when Jacqueline turned 18 years old; she went for a paternity test which revealed Jack was not her biological father. It was the lowest moment of her life; words could not explain how upset and hurt Jacqueline was. Despite the fact that Jack wasn't around her, or never cared so much about her, she still had some love for him because she grew up knowing that he was her one and only father. After the paternity test, Jacqueline confronted her mother the issue, questioning her about her biological father. Her mother, full of sorrow and shame, answered in a soft voice and in a way that made her seem like she was also not sure who Jacqueline's father was. She told her daughter the only person that could be her father was a man called Ford. Looking surprised, Jacqueline asked who ford was; her mum said to her that Ford was her sibling's father. For a moment she thought it was all a joke, but then she remembered that her siblings always spent weekends and holidays away from her. It suddenly hit her that whatever her mother said could be right.

Since Jacqueline's spends a majority of her time at her father's place, she decides that she should accompany her so that she could have time to talk to him. Ford took Jacqueline and her sister to a restaurant to discuss what happened between him and their mother. Jacqueline sat at the table looking confused. Ford looked at her and told her if she does not believe they can go for a paternity test, and whatever the case she is still going to be her little girl. She was delighted at what Ford had said to him and stared at him and started crying and replied amidst her sobs that she wants to get the paternity test. It was because she needed to know who her birth father is after the paternity test was conducted, the results came positive, and Jaquelin started developing a relationship with her father.

Ford who was married to someone else when Jacqueline was four years knew that Jacqueline was his daughter. He stayed silent to his wife, and after four years Jacqueline found out that Ford was her father. They were driving around with her mother, and they passed by Ford's house. Jacqueline pointed at the house and told her mother that she knew that house. She stared at her mother again and told her that the house belonged to her father. Her mother stared at the house and asked her if she would like to say some greetings to her father. She accepted and got off the car and walked toward the house and knocked on the door. Her father's wife answered the door, and she told her that her father lives there. The lady asked her name and that of her mother as well. As soon as she had said her name, Tracy her father's wife at the moment invited her to the house. From that moment she started having a healthy relationship with her father thanks to Tracy. After a couple of years, her relationship with her father started deteriorating. Her father was inconsistent in calling her, and at times she went for weeks without receiving a call from her father. Jacqueline always tried to keep their relationship healthy, but she continually avoided her, and she came to a conclusion that he didn't care about her anymore. She developed a negative attitude towards her, and after all, she had spent 18 years of her life without his presence.

Jacqueline is the youngest child of her parents, but she has a stepsister and brother. She developed a close relationship with her stepsister but not with her stepbrother. Her stepsister always ensured she checked on her every day and they even had fun all day and partied together. They were inseparable even though they occasionally had disagreements. She had always wished all her life that she could have a father by her side. The feeling becomes even more because she participated in many activities in school and her mother was the only person who showed up unlike many of her friends who both parents showed up. She loved dancing and singing at her mother used to tell her how she used to sing out loud and dance on the table when she was a little girl. It was the reason her mother enrolled her at an art school so that they can enhance her skills.

Jacqueline attended the High School of Art and Technology. She was enrolled at the school in the year 2007, and after she graduated, she went to Herkimer school and acquired a degree in education. After graduating from high school, she wanted to pursue dancing because it was her passion. Her mother disagreed with her though because she never thought of dancing as a major and she would not pay for her if she went to dance school. As a result, she was forced to pursue education. She graduated in 2010 and got her first job as a teacher. After teaching kids for four years, she realized she found no satisfaction in her career. She enrolled at Berkeley College and pursued fashion as a major so that she can design costumes for performers.

Jacqueline had a pretty good life even though she was had no father when growing up. She had a loving mother who supported her by attending her school during activities. She also had a lovely stepsister who they related well, and she could have well been mistaken to be her real sister. She also loved dancing, and she decided to pursue it even after she was told that it was not important.

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