Religion Essay Example: Jesus The Christ, Our Reconciliation

Published: 2019-11-06
Religion Essay Example: Jesus The Christ, Our Reconciliation
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Religion God Christianity
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1229 words
11 min read

Reconciliation is a fundamental constituent of Christian theology. Reconciliation means the salvation that comes as a result of atonement. The separation of man from God came as a result of the sinful nature of human beings. Because of the broken relationship with God, it is necessary for reconciliation to take place to restore the relationship. Sins created hostility between God and humanity. On the other hand, Jesus the Christ came to earth to reconcile the world with God. As the anointed one, Jesus can be said to reconcile the world through extraordinary acts and His powerful teachings. This paper elucidates how Jesus Christ demonstrated His desire for reconciling the broken relationship between man and God.

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Jesus demonstrated reconciliation in his everyday insights. For instance, when he was stilling the winds, the fishermen boats was capsizing, Jesus calmed the storm. Through his parables and miracles, Jesus made more followers. Besides, Jesus performed other miracles such as raising the dead, healing and turning water into wine. The gospel in the New Testament often referred to Him as the anointed one, Messiah, and Savior. Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi living in Galilee. Jesus is believed to be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit through Virgin Mary. He lived and started his mission in the world to bring the lost Jews back to God. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was crucified in Jerusalem after He was persecuted by one of His disciples known as Judas Iscariot. This was according to the prophecy which stated that Jesus was the son of God and was to be sacrificed for the salvation of humankind from sin. Jesus Christ`s mission on earth was reconciliation.

Furthermore, after one of Jesus teachings, the disciples questioned Him on his true identity and mission on earth. Jesus responded by saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." Jesus meant that he was acting as a reconciliatory factor between God and the world. Therefore, if anyone believes in Christ as the son of God, he is reconciled to God. Jesus Christ demonstrated His agenda of reconciliation in His mission on earth. Jesus came to earth to reconcile the sinful world to God. When Judas and the Pharisees betrayed him leading to His arrest, Peter chopped off an ear from one of the soldiers. When Jesus saw this, he was remorseful and reinstated the years of the soldier. Through this incident, the soldier went away and repented. Additionally, the act restored peace at the place allowing for His peaceful arrest. Jesus Christ led an exemplary life that focused on reconciliation and forgiveness. The mission still went on to the time of His crucifixion on the cross. Jesus heard praying that God forgives His persecutors. However, all the teachings and mission of Jesus for reconciliation would not be completed without His death and resurrection.

Pollock and Algernon in their book, The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, argue that through the life and death of Jesus, Christians were saved from their sins as Jesus blood is believed to have cleansed all the sins of the world.Through Jesus, Christians got reconciled to God after being separated by sins that were committed by Adam and Eve. The messianic prophecy claims that Jesus will come to claim the church from sins and go back to heaven and establish the eternal kingdom.

To start with, the understanding that Jesus is the Son of God is not to be comprehended in a human perspective. This is because God did not enter into marriage with Mary so that Jesus was conceived. Additionally, during His trial, Jesus confirmed that he is indeed the son of God by affirming to the high priest. He assured him that he would one day see him seated at the right hand of God. However, he was accused of blasphemy and was to be killed by crucifixion. In addition to that in 1st John 4:15, the Bible reiterates that "If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and them in God. Therefore, believing in Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of reconciliation between God and man.

When Jesus obeyed the will of God, He provided a means for the salvation of human beings from sin. Those that believed in his death and resurrection are thought to have eternal life. The disciples of Jesus were engulfed with fear of despair and defeat as they witnessed Him suffering, dying and being laid in the tomb. They could not quite comprehend the teachings Jesus taught them about His suffering, death, and resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus Christ offers some basic teachings to Christians today. For instance, the transformation shows that the existence of Jesus is everlasting and independent from any other thing. He does not depend on food, air, people, and power for life. He is self-existent as evidenced by the number of days he spent in the tomb. Additionally, resurrection assures Christians that Jesus Christ was, in fact, the son of God as prophesized. The resurrection of Jesus attests that the teachings of Jesus Christ are real and that God fulfills His promises to humankind. Resurrection assures Christians of the true identity of Jesus Christ as the divine being, therefore, Jesus was not a mere teacher, carpenter, or prophet. Some theologians such as Habermas had doubts about the whole incidence concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Habermas doubts extended for ten years. During this moment, Habermas studied the biblical texts on the resurrection of Jesus Christ until he was sure that indeed Jesus resurrected.

Moreover, the resurrection of Jesus also affirms the omnipotent and benevolence nature of God. He sacrificed His Son for the redemption of humankind from sin. Therefore, the resurrection of Jesus irons out the doubts about the true nature and identity of Jesus Christ. In addition to that, the understanding of the divine nature and purpose of life is vivid in the resurrection. God intends human being to lead righteous and fulfilling lives, and that is why He sacrificed Christ for the redemption of the world. The blood of Jesus is valuable to the extent that it can afford forgives of sin and the cleansing of humankind. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central message to Christians nowadays.

In conclusion, Jesus Christ is regarded as the most influential personality to have lived on earth. His desire for the restoration of the relationship between God and Christians is still alive today. His teachings remain the central focus of religious teachings today. More research is being conducted on several other aspects of His life such as His existence though scientifically, the studies are obsolete. Christianity being a religion majorly focuses on the Bible as the primary textbook and therefore most of the teachings are available in the document.


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Keller, Timothy, and Spence Shelton. Jesus the King Study Guide Exploring the Life and Death of the Son of God. 2015

Pollock, Algernon. The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. 2015. Scripture Truth Publications

Skarlakides, Chares K. Holy Fire: The Miracle of the Light of the Resurrection at the Tomb of Jesus: Seventy Historical Accounts (4th-16th C.). 2015

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