Job Analysis: The Key to an Effective Hiring Process for HRM - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-15
Job Analysis: The Key to an Effective Hiring Process for HRM - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Human resources Analysis
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 957 words
8 min read


An organization's operation is influenced by the kind of team it has. Therefore, human resource management has to employ an effective hiring process to acquire the right person for specific roles. Job analysis involves gathering information concerning the nature, qualification, mental or physical capability necessary to perform a given type of job (Raymond, 2016). Other factors, such as the working environment and necessary skills, are considered to provide a clear job description. Job analysis has significant roles in the process of acquiring personnel. It helps in the analysis of resources and in developing effective strategies meant to accomplish strategic goals. Through job analysis, the management can identify various areas where the employee may require training to help him, or her fit for the job.

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HR has the mandate of the management of salary and compensation. Thus, it requires job analysis to determine the allocation depending on the duties, skills, and responsibilities entitled to an employee. The performance review, goals identification, and development can be achieved through job analysis (Breaugh, 2017). It is responsible for organization structure maintenance and determination of promotion when incorporated with other elements such as employee's appraisal. Job analysis lies in a procedure that involves two approaches. The first one is a work orientation that mainly focuses on the actual task, while the other one is the employee-oriented approach. The latter approach involves the examination of human attributes that are required to perform a specific job.

Mr. Valdez Wants to know why you are Recommending a Formal Selection Program when the Informal System they currently use is Less Expensive and Seems to be Working.

Various organizations use different methods of recruiting their candidates. In our scenario, the organization has been using the information criteria of recruitment, and it has been doing quite well. The approach might be cheap as compared to the formal approached but sometimes not opted out. The informal approach does not provide a broader range of selection, and thus the candidates are obtained from a limited pool (Coller et al., 2018). The formal setup helps obtain the employee with maximum capability because the process is much competitive as it involves a large pool of candidates. It is much stronger than the informal setup because it mostly emphasizes acquiring the right person for a specific job. Effective advertisement of the job post available is carried out to ensure the more competitive audience is reached. The current technology is incorporated to help in obtaining the right employee. The technology helps the management maintain a clear record of talents that may be considered in future selection. Therefore, formal selection is suitable for Sleep Tight Inn's management.

Mr. Valdez Wants to know how the Data will from the Formal Selection be used for Operations.

The data obtained during the selection process is not only used in coming up with the right person to handle a specific task in the organization, but it is also essential in another organization process. Formal selection criteria identify the abilities and strength of the potential candidates; thus, after selecting them, it will be much easier for the operations managers to assign them roles. Due to this reason, the new employee will adapt easily and quickly to the organization system. It will be advantageous to the organization because its performance will not be lagged (Coller et al., 2018).

Mr. Valdez wants to know if the Sleep Tight Inn should Use Performance Appraisal Data to promote its Employees. Why or Why not?

Promotion serves as a reward to the employee, and hence, every determined employee works hard in an organization to gain it. It raises the status and adding more responsibility to an employee. With these reasons, the process is susceptible, and therefore the HR should carry it out cautiously to ensure there are no conflicts resulted from the decision made. Promotion can be done vertically or horizontally, and it is not normally associated with salary increments (DeNisi & Murphy, 2017). The human resource managers use various dimensions that are associated with performance in selecting the right candidate.

A performance appraisal will be of great use in the promotion of the Sleep Tight Inn's employees. The criteria are based on an individual's standard of performance to actual performance in the organization; this provides details to the managers of the work-related behavior and performance of a particular employee for a specific duration of time. Appraisals also contribute to the career planning of the employed individual. Employees are provided with a chance to review their career plans, putting their abilities and strengths into consideration (DeNisi & Murphy, 2017). An organization can improve its performance through the combination of both performance appraisal and the promotion process. Performance appraisal is not determined by the gender or race of an individual, and hence it is a useful tool that cannot result in inequality. It is a continuous process, which presents a chance to identify the strengths and abilities of both the management and employ. For these reasons, the Sleep Tight Inn requires adopting the approach to create fair opportunities for all of its employees.


Breaugh, J. A. (2017). The contribution of job analysis to recruitment. The Wiley Blackwell handbook of the psychology of recruitment, selection, and employee retention, 12-28.

Coller, X., Cordero, G., & Echavarren, J. M. (2018). Recruitment and selection. In Political Power in Spain (pp. 83-102). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

DeNisi, A. S., & Murphy, K. R. (2017). Performance appraisal and performance management: 100 years of progress?. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), 421-433.

Raymond, M. R. (2016). Job analysis, practice analysis, and the content of credentialing examinations. Handbook of test development (p. 144–164). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

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Job Analysis: The Key to an Effective Hiring Process for HRM - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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