Job Description Essay Example: Departmental Manager for the Biotech Company

Published: 2022-07-26
Job Description Essay Example: Departmental Manager for the Biotech Company
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Job
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 857 words
8 min read

Location: Biotech Detroit and Anaheim

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Biotech's vision: The mission at Biotech is to promote a natural avenue that will encourage a healthier lifestyle to both customers, stakeholders and employees amid focusing on the main objective; producing quality products that are economical, healthy and potent for everyone.

Job Summary:

Biotech seeks to recruit competent individuals to fill the positions of departmental manager. Amid seeking for a qualified individual, competency skills of the position seeker should allude to the belief that the company focuses on; a leader is an individual who has the drive and strategy to rally the employees under them to achieve the organization goals. Biotech Inc. envisions the potential leaders to be vision driven which will help the organization to reach the set milestones for the departments and the business segments. The department manager's positions require individuals who are ethically motivated to adhere to the organization ethical values while ensuring positive relationships with the employees, which creates an environment that promotes cooperation.

Specific Qualities Needed

Biotech Inc. needs an individual who portrays desirable leadership skills. Also, the facility needs a motivated leader who is interested in leading Biotech's employees to great success. Communication is the critical requirement for the pursuant. For that matter. The candidate must be able to communicate with staff and create professional, trusting relationships positively. The candidate must be driven and willing to follow a horizontal leadership style.

Need for Situational Leadership Qualities

The needed employee is required to have the ability to positively impact employees while directing Biotech towards reaching their goals is a must. Since our production department is situated in Detroit and Anaheim, the company seeks to find a hardworking team-oriented Manager in a fast-paced and challenging company. The primary goal of the pursuant is to maintain and boost group-effort by excellent empowerment, coaching, and support to achieve success.

Exceptional Quality

A good manager should be a leader. Therefore, Biotech is looking for a manager in charge of leading, delivering and overseeing production and its processes. At Biotech, the bonds that you form with your customers are just as rewarding as the ones you form with your teammates and managers. The product manager is expected to have skills such as strategizing and executing.

Work Commitment:

This position is open to young and experienced leaders who are ready to learn and adhere to Biotech Inc. leadership needs. Commitment to the organizational duties should be prioritized. Managerial position requires the manager to be a flexible individual for role changing. Moral and ethical reasoning should guide the delegation of responsibilities to the junior employees.

Biotech's Responsibilities and Competencies

Positively Influencing Employees:

Being knowledgeable of their respective areas by promoting innovation and embracing opportunities that come along to improve Biotech Inc. standing.

Motivating Employees:

The manager is required to encourage employees to work together to realize the organization goals while ensuring that the organization values are respected.

Leading Employees:

Ensuring that the departments meet their milestones and there are sustainable development and productivity of the business segments.

Requirements or Qualifications:

  • Bachelor level degree in management, communications or business
  • Three years of experience managing at production or equivalent field.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, spend the extra effort to communicate with team
  • Highly motivated, passionate and hardworking
  • Ability to translate complexity into clear
  • Strong self-awareness during difficult situations

Reference to be provided upon request


Managerial position for a minimum of 5 years. (Required)

Salary: Negotiable

Explanation Part

Week 1 themes and objectives are to focus on one leadership style among the eight common leadership styles. For that matter, the job advert necessitates the need for the applicants to portray skills related to situational leadership skills since they are viable for managerial position (Thompson & Glaso, 2015). The impact of leadership skills has been focused on throughout the job advert thus the possibility of arriving at the most suitable employee for the position is high. The job announcement has been able to reflect the themes in week 1 and two reading by ensuring that the advertisement is situational based and addresses Biotech Inc. leadership needs (Thompson & Glaso, 2015).

The advertisement is informed by the current leadership predicaments and the necessary competencies that the leaders should possess. Organizational effectiveness has been emphasised throughout the job advertised. In that perspective., the goals and efficiency of the position will be realized in case the suitable employee appears for the job position. Since week one deliverables necessitate the need for the leader to be effective in emotional intelligence (Thompson & Glaso, 2015). The requirements for the job confirms that the viable employee will be able to associate with the junior employees. The job announcement has used simple vocabularies to articulate the competencies required and a universal language (English) to ensure that the potential leaders can understand the position requirements (Thompson & Glaso, 2015). The simple language used is viable to enable the applicants to read and understand the needs for the position.


Gandolfi, F., & Stone, S. (2017). The Emergence of Leadership Styles: A Clarified Categorization. Review Of International Comparative Management / Revista De Management Comparat International, 18(1),

Thompson, G., & Glaso, L. (2015). Situational leadership theory: a test from three perspectives. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36(5), 527-544.

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Job Description Essay Example: Departmental Manager for the Biotech Company. (2022, Jul 26). Retrieved from

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