Essay Sample on Johannes Gutenberg Printing Press

Published: 2022-04-01
Essay Sample on Johannes Gutenberg Printing Press
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Engineering Media
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 598 words
5 min read

The printing press can be traced back to 1439 when Gutenberg was involved in a financial misadventure where when he was trying to make metal mirrors that were polished. The metals were said to tap religious relics. In 1439 the city was planning to print the relics, but it delayed because of floods that took close to one year, and Gutenberg suggested that he had a secret that would serve the purpose and the mystery was his movable printing press. In 1440 he unleashed the secret which was the printing machine be that helped the state purpose Johann Gutenberg is known for the invention of the printing press and accredited as the father of printed book. His contribution to the design opened up the world for the modern printing technology that has enabled the first spread of information and enhanced information preservation methods. Gutenberg was born in Mainz Germany in the year which is approximated o be 1395. He is described as a person who had a great passion for mass production of printed pages. However, he is also mentioned as a very secretive person when it came to his ideas and only revealed them when they were complete.

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Gutenberg invented the printing idea and worked to produce massively. With time he continued to modify the printing methods to make them more efficient and to serve people more efficiently. His experience in working in the family goldsmithing business gave him skills to use metal in his work to create reusable cast letters. Despite the fact that the Chinese had invented the metal casting technology in printing it did not spread widely because of their restriction in culture and beliefs. The printing press used much te3chnology of what is currently known as chemistry and physics.

The metal method paved the way for the use of oil-based ink technology for printing. Equipment used ton press ink against the pages was used, and it ensured that all pages got the printing ink. Research suggests that Gutenberg metal screws technology to press a method that was used to push wine. The technique led to the availability of cheaper printed materials that were more available than before the invention. Before the introduction of the Gutenberg printing technology books existed in codex form. Information was reproduced in Hand copies and they could up to two years for the content to be produced. The efficiency of using movable printers made it easy for the content to be easily reproduced anywhere at any given time. Printed handbills and advertising materials became readily available. Published information became a more natural way of communication, and it also acted as an information preservation mechanism.

In summary, it is important to note that his contribution to the invention opened up the world for the modern printing technology that has enabled the first spread of information and enhanced information preservation methods. He is described as a person who had a great passion for mass production of printed pages. However, he is also mentioned as a very secretive person when it came to his ideas and only revealed them when they were complete. It is important to note that he was the founder of what people currently enjoy regarding mass printing press. Similarly, it is an improvement to what was being used in reproducing information because before the introduction of the Gutenberg printing technology books existed in codex form.

Works cited

Bovens, Mark, Robert E. Goodin, and Thomas Schillemans, eds. The Oxford handbook public accountability. Oxford University Press, 2014.

Kovarik, Bill. Revolutions in communication: Media history from Gutenberg to the digital age. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2015.

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Essay Sample on Johannes Gutenberg Printing Press. (2022, Apr 01). Retrieved from

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