Kings & Queens: Representing Power & Justice Through Images - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-15
Kings & Queens: Representing Power & Justice Through Images - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Government Justice
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 582 words
5 min read


Kings and queens used images in retaining some dignity and sovereignty. These images and sponsor art were drawn the faces of the former and current kings and queens, which helped a lot the people and retained the authority and regards from those they ruled.

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The images help represented power and justice that are different from what is found in the manual scripts. They thus present a more précised ideal and to grasp people's perceptions during those times of authority and exercise and better understand the complexity of the perception.

The images helped in administering ruling fast based on the case right at the hand of the kings or the queen (Billoré & Dehoux, 2016). The images could be drawn either by punishment or by the person undergoing the punishment with some writings, which will help the culprits understand why they are given such a ruling.

The visual language is less codified and helps in better understanding, which helped in better analyzing basic normative texts, ruling, and illuminations with fewer codices. It facilitated the use of scripts that could not be understood by the person been ruled.

Images helped increase authority as they told a story of a particular ruling that was administered before or a science of a particular task where it brings out the message. The science or the fact is more educational and helps people quickly understand the message portrayed.

The images helped in communication as they caught the people's attention once they were drawn to them. Besides, this helped them to get the information portrayed by the images in a simplified manner hence better understanding of the message been portrayed.

The Use of Certain Colors, Symbols, or Religious Images Communicate Specific Messages to Their Medieval Audience


One way colors were used to communicate to their medieval audience is to trigger emotion (Morgan, 2015). For example, black was used commonly in mourning situations, and white to symbolize peace. Yellow and black were used to indicate caution on something, while red or black was used to indicate danger.

Colors were used to a medieval audience to indicate loyalty and to belong to a particular nation or territory. It was used to indicate unity to communicate more about exclusiveness and social power for a particular land.


One of the ways symbols were used is to communicate identity to a medieval audience. It implied that symbols were used to show that a specific medieval audience belonged to a particular community and identify them within a congregation.

Another use of a symbol to medieval audiences is to indicate the power and loyalty of a person, territory, or organization. Nations, kings, and even individuals in the medieval audience used symbols to show power.

Religious Images

Religious images were used to communicate matters of faith and belief to medieval audiences. Besides, religious images displayed a clear message about ancestors who believe in them, and thus, boosting their faith in religious matters.

Another use of religious images on how they communicated to the medieval audience is to enhance more understanding of their religion. Besides, this improved the faith and belief of followers.


Billoré, M., & Dehoux, E. (2016). The Judge and the Martyr: Images of Power and Justice in Religious Manuscripts from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Century. In Textual and Visual Representations of Power and Justice in Medieval France (pp. 193-212). Routledge.

Morgan, D. (2015). Visual piety: A history and theory of popular religious images. Univ of California Press.

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Kings & Queens: Representing Power & Justice Through Images - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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