Business Essay Example on KPMG Management Consulting

Published: 2019-05-21
Business Essay Example on KPMG Management Consulting
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Business
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 502 words
5 min read

I have recently joined my family business at the management level after a year and eight months stint in KPMG Management Consulting. The working experiences I have acquired has quickly made me discover my passion for management. I believe that by gaining more knowledge and insights in these areas, coupled with my previous working experience, will certainly help further my capabilities to contribute to the family business. This factor has strongly influenced my decision to enroll in the taught program of the Masters of Science (MSc) in Management. I am sure that by enrolling in the program, coupled with both my undergraduate experiences as an Economics student and previous working experiences, will further enhance my world view towards business.

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I have also taken the initiative to gain external working exposure prior to joining the company. I had my first abroad working experience as an Investment Banking Summer Analyst back in 2012 with Nova Capital Global Markets, a technology-focused boutique Investment Bank based in New York City. I was assigned to mine for potential leads. During the task, I was able to exploit my multi-lingual ability to alias with clients from all around the world. With a proper degree of self-discipline and healthy relationship management with the customers and the entire team, I was offered a full-time position after graduating. I was thrilled to be able to achieve my goal to work abroad and transfer all the necessary skills to the operations of the family business. It is with a firm belief that when enrolled in the taught program of the Masters of Science (MSc) in Management, I will be able to gain the perfect experience required for the management.

Resulting from the unfortunate events that have happened to my family members, I have decided to give up the full-time offer. I was able to transfer the skill sets that I have acquired from my internship to my daily tasks. Throughout the one year and eight months of advisory experiences, I have obtained better insights about different industries and sectors and fostered lifelong relationships with my clients and colleagues in the company.

I have traveled to many countries in various continents. I have enrolled in a study program at Maastricht University in the Netherlands back in summer 2011. The program involves much traveling to European Union Institutions in different countries. Most importantly, my traveling experiences have given me a better perspective on how to expand my family business. When given the opportunity to pursue the Masters of Science (MSc) in Management program I will be a full experience manager.

Due to the rapid expansion of the family business, and my fathers age factor, it was time for me to join and step up in the family business. I am certainly confident that I could apply what I have learned from my past experiences to expand the family business. Nevertheless, gaining better insights, knowledge and lifelong connections by enrolling in the MSc in Management taught the program, could bring me even closer to my aspiration.

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Business Essay Example on KPMG Management Consulting. (2019, May 21). Retrieved from

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