Essay on Lab Tests Confirm: Ron Should Have Been Allowed Samples/Notebooks.

Published: 2023-10-14
Essay on Lab Tests Confirm: Ron Should Have Been Allowed Samples/Notebooks.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Science
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 565 words
5 min read


Since the laboratory tests were accurate, Ron should have been allowed to take notebooks and samples he generated during his project. That is mainly because the test results can be used in the general public health setting hence being beneficial to the society as a general. The results were accurate, and the health outcomes generally depend on the accuracy of the lab tests and reports. There is various ample precedent on different areas that support the idea that Ron should have been allowed to take notebooks and samples he generated during his project (Balcom et al., 2016). They include the cell and science, which indicate that the data and materials should be available to the qualified researcher. Still, NIH states that the data developed under its grants should be shared; hence ethically Ron should not be denied to take notebooks and samples of the results he generated during his project. Although Ron was required to provide additional materials to ensure much accuracy of the test results, he should as well have been allowed to take notebooks and samples he initially generated since they were as well reliable because he had conducted all the necessary procedures and processes within the laboratory in the best possible way.

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The owner of the data/materials generated.

Since the data and materials generated within a lab test result in new knowledge, it is mostly assumed that they are different from the ones that are produced from other laboratories. Although the data and materials generated may suggest otherwise. The data and materials generated belong to the institution from where the investigator purchased them from. In case Ron wanted to move the data and materials generated from one institution to another. He should expect to do so but under exceptional circumstances.

How the funding agency that supported the work did not influence the decisions

Whether the funding agency that supported the work suggests on various things, the principal investigator has the primary responsibility of making the decisions concerning the collection and sharing of the data and materials generated. Ron should assume that he will stay with the original data generated from his lab tests.

Why Dr Morris is not acting ethically in her position on disposition of the materials

Denying Ron to take notebooks and samples of the results he generated during his project may slow his progress on his next job. That may have an impact in the larger sense of the progress of science. Although Dr Morris has the responsibility of making sure that Ron's project is not scooped by another lab, he should have allowed Ron to take notebooks and samples of his project. However, the institution regards the materials that Ron developed as their resource.

What could have prevented the development of the situation

As part of preventing the development of the situation, reasonable strategies would have been implemented to minimize such potential problems which chose to share the data and materials generated rather than secrecy. Before the data generated was published to the general public, it would have been advisable first to maintain an open data policy with the necessary caution.


Balcom, J. R., Kotzer, K. E., Waltman, L. A., Kemppainen, J. L., & Thomas, B. C. (2016). The genetic counselor’s role in managing ethical dilemmas arising in the laboratory setting. Journal of genetic counselling, 25(5), 838-854.

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Essay on Lab Tests Confirm: Ron Should Have Been Allowed Samples/Notebooks.. (2023, Oct 14). Retrieved from

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