Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis Essay

Published: 2023-12-27
Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human behavior
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 924 words
8 min read


In the Laban movement studies, it is clear that movement is significant to the human experience. However, it has been overlooked. As a result, there is a need to pay attention to how movement is perceived. Although it is complex, making it simple entails various elements, including the context, people, and movements, including the middle and the end. Human movement entails its nature with constant changes (Whittier & Geigerich, 2017). The Laban movement analysis provides an improvement in the perception of movement through observation, description, and precise analysis. It also enriches the movement possibilities while giving options for clarity.

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Why I Chose the Directives

I chose the Laban/Bartenieff Movement analysis since its framework and a language provide an understanding and useful perception of the human movement. The framework with the Body, Effort, Shape, and Space elements comes together in phrases. As a result, the framework provides a specific context that is unique and continuously changes, thus creating an infinite relation through movement (Wahl, 2019). The Laban/Bartenieff Movement analysis also provides the lenses of perceiving movement through various possibilities. It allows individuals to look at movement in different ways while gaining new information about the movement.

I also chose the Laban/Bartenieff Movement based on its basic goal of promoting objectivity. Its objective allows the observer to address what is happening free of implicit bias with particular preferences and interpretive meanings (Barr, 2019). The movement also creates an analytic framework that organizes the perceptual process, aligning with the value systems and structures. The elements of the Laban/Bartenieff Movement influence the understanding and values of individuals working to develop and fix the work. In addition, Laban/Bartenieff Movement analysis provides clarity and precision with a developed and comprehensive approach to perceive movement.

In the process, I faced several challenges. One of the challenges includes finding the application of the Laban/Bartenieff Movement analysis theories and practices in various ways based on the discipline's needs and interests. It required me to be keen in terms of observation and describing the experienced movement. Another challenge includes making meaning out of the movement (Barr, 2019). Although the biological body is the basis for the movement, I was required to use pictures of movement in human life and the synaptic impulses, which is very complex. I also experienced a challenge in understanding the framework that would heighten and refine my awareness of the movement while recognizing my preference.

Despite the challenges, I learned a lot of new things by working this way. I learned to be observant and describe the movement perceived. The framework of the Laban/Bartenieff Movement creates conscious and effective inroads that heighten the perception of movement. My friend helped me understand how I perceive movement in my life and learn a new language. This process helped me understand movement with more significant distinction with new words and approaches that organize and frame my pursuit around movement.

Ways of Utilizing the Categories of Body, Effort, Shape, and Space

The body id the basis for movement as it makes movement possible. It informs the ongoing and shifting perceptions of the self. The body category describes the structural and physical characteristics of the human body while moving. I would utilize this category through breathing, that is, upper and lower, to explain how the parts are connected and how others influence them (Wahl, 2019). These initiate the movement while ensuring the connection of different bodies to each other. They also give patterns in terms of organization and connectivity. The body is molded by movement, making it arise to meet the needs and get closer to what is desired. It allows individuals to express their inner thoughts and desires while accomplishing various tasks that give meaning to life. Breath helps address the meaningful address of movement while honoring the sequencing and context of movement.

After the body develops connection within the body, the body changes shape during movement. The shape category is, therefore, essential for integrating factors that combine other categories into meaningful movement. Shape forms describe the static shape the body takes, such as pyramid shape (Whittier & Geigerich, 2017). Widening and narrowing entail the directional movement, representing a relationship where the body is directed toward some part of the environment. The caving gives the movement three-dimension interaction.

The space category involves motion in connection with the environment as well as the spatial patterns and pathways. I feel there is a way of organizing and moving in space to give the sense to move. It entails kinesphere, which is the area the body is moving within and allows the mover to pay attention to it (Barr, 2019). The curving pathway in space produces the geometrical observation where the movement is being done, emphasizing directions. The efforts in the Laban movement involve a system of understanding based on subtle characteristics.


The Laban movement has influenced the understanding of movement. Various aspects of the movement have been revealed from the Laban movement, including the language of movement, which incorporates the education practices and movement therapy. Laban movement promotes describing, visualizing, and interpreting various human movement based on shape, space, and time and effort to help one create and observe dance cleanly.


Barr, S. (2019). Laban/Bartenieff movement studies: Contemporary applications. Journal of Dance Education, 2(1), 1-11.

Wahl, C. (2019). Laban/Bartenieff movement studies: Contemporary applications (3rd ed.). Human Kinetics.

Whittier, C. J., & Geigerich, K. C. (2017). Laban/Bartenieff movement analysis. Creative Ballet Teaching, 3(1), 96-114.

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