Free Essay Example: Lead at a Professional Conference

Published: 2023-11-19
Free Essay Example: Lead at a Professional Conference
Essay type:  Rhetorical analysis essays
Categories:  Learning Management Professional development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1011 words
9 min read

Heutagogy was developed by scholars Hase and Kenyon as a mode of self-determined learning based on the concepts of double-loop learning (Halupa, 2015). Argyris and Schon explained double-loop learning as seeking multiple strategies to examine governing variables of an error, rather than reworking the same problem in different ways. Heutagogical thinking has been proved a more effective mode of learning, and it should be applied to supervisory and management training. The following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are talking points in the discussion among development professionals on how heutagogy can be used to design learning processes for supervisory and management training.

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Why Should Heutagogical Thinking be incorporated with Learning Processes for Supervisory and Management Training?

Heutagogy should be incorporated with the learning processes for supervisory and management training because it applies a holistic approach to the development of learners' skills, with the learners as the major agents of their learning. It is an active and proactive learning process where the instructor provides guidance and resources but the learner autonomously determines what and how it will be learned (Blaschke, 2012). Learners reflect upon the problem-solving process, how it affects their beliefs, and actions, which facilitate the development of their competencies, capability, and capacity to learn. Incorporating heutagogical thinking to supervisory and management training will develop the learners’ self-efficacy, creativity, communication, and teamwork skills, which are key elements for competent supervisors and managers. Heutagogical thinking should be incorporated to produce self-driven supervisors and managers who can quickly adapt to different environments, identify problems, and provide solutions quickly, while they remain focused on internalized goals.

In Which Ways can Heutagogical Thinking to be applied to Designing Learning Processes for Supervisory and Management Training?

Heutagogical thinking can be applied to designing learning processes for supervisory and management training by increasing out of classroom learning and increasing learners’ autonomy in the processes of learning. First off, the learning processes should not require trainees to be in institutions to learn, instead, they should enable students to undertake training at their preferred environments out of institutions to maximize their freedom, enable them to learn from their personal and others’ experiences, and manage their learning. Second, the learning processes should prioritize the autonomy of the learners by letting them choose their processes of learning. The trainers should provide resources necessary for learning, and then let the learners decide their paths of learning by negotiating the learning. Autonomous learning will enable them to employ internal processes like reflection, environmental scanning, experience, interaction, and proactivity, which enable them to learn beyond problem-solving (University of Illinois Springfield, nd).

How is Heutagogical Learning Related to Constructivism Learning Theory?

Constructivism theory posits that people construct their cognition of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. When a person experiences something new, they have to harmonize it with their previous ideas and experience to change what they believe or discard the new information as irrelevant (BADA & Olusegun, 2015). The main characteristics of constructivist learning are sharing of knowledge, educators' role is to be a facilitator or guide, and groups of learning are small and made of heterogenous students (BADA & Olusegun, 2015). Heutagogical learning is constructivist because it provides experience and evaluation of alternative perspectives and solutions, embeds learning with real-life situations, facilitates various ways of presentation (including video, audio, and text), and encourages awareness of the learning process by facilitating reflection and metacognition.

Is Heutagogy a widely-known, accepted, and a Well-Differentiated Concept?

Heutagogy was derived from self-directed modes of learning and has not been widely known nor accepted throughout the past decade, however, it has recently resurfaced and demanded attention due to the complexities of modern workplaces (Blaschke, 2012). For more than a century, people have seen education as behavioristic, which created the perception of learning as just the change in behavior, however, scholars and educators have embraced self-determined learning to help learners to survive in the dynamic lifelong path (Akyildiz, 2019). Heutagogy has contemporarily become a widely-known and accepted concept, mainly because of technological advancements, for instance, the invention of web 2.0 and social media that offer facilitates heutagogical environment (Blschke, 2015). Web and social media have promoted heutagogical popularity by supporting the development of learner-generated content and learner self-directedness in information and defining learning processes.

What are the Similarities and Differences of heutagogy and andragogy?

Andragogy is a model of self-directed learning of adult education characterized by control of the learner and self-responsibility in learning. In andragogy, the learner defines their learning objectives as per their relevance, employs a problem-solving approach to learning, directs themselves in how to learn, and the learning process incorporates the learner’s experience (Blschke, 2015). Heutagogy is an extension of andragogy learning because its primary focus is on self-directed learning; however, the two have some differences. While andragogy learning is meant for independent adults’ learning, heutagogy is solely meant for interdependent self-determined learning, where learners identify the potential to learn from experiences, and they can manage their learning. Moreover, unlike in andragogy learning, heutagogy learners do not get any self-direction from the educator and they are fully responsible for their learning, which is facilitated by websites and other online platforms.


Akyildiz, S. T. (2019). Do 21st Century Teachers Know about Heutagogy or Do They Still Adhere to Traditional Pedagogy and Andragogy? International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(6), 151-169.

fBada, S. O., & Olusegun, S. (2015). Constructivism learning theory: A paradigm for teaching and learning. Journal of Research & Method in Education, 5(6), 66-70.

Blaschke, L. M. (2012). Heutagogy and lifelong learning: A review of heutagogical practice and self-determined learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 13(1), 56-71.

Halupa, C. M. (2015). Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Heutagogy. In Transformative curriculum design in health sciences education (pp. 143-158). IGI Global. of Illinois Springfield. (nd). Center for Online Learning, Research, and Service: Learning Theories. UIS.

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