Leadership Beyond Trust: Lasting Relationships & Legacy Building - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-08-26
Leadership Beyond Trust: Lasting Relationships & Legacy Building - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 628 words
6 min read


Being a leader and an agent of change is not enough; I have learned that one needs trust to create meaningful followership. Without trust, no organization or mission can stand for long. And if you want to build a legacy, trust needs to come naturally. The success of the Non-For-Profit bodies of today requires a personal touch. Instead of revering transaction, let also focus on creating relationships. They last long enough and are irreplaceable. Transactions are so easily replaced. Visualize life without trust, relationships without trust. They are meaningless, lacking purpose. I am a believer in building trust and in the portfolio, one step to greatness and success. To achieve success for a higher purpose, trustworthiness is vital. Failure to give consideration, you have facilitated just a transaction. Trust is everything. It is such a valuable lesson I have learned. As such, it helped me develop that as my lead priority in becoming a transformational leader.

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Leadership ought to be centered on facilitating social change; therefore, a leader should display elements of an agent of change. At times, however, the limitation of leadership and its entirety to address specific issues effectively have come under scrutiny. In most contexts, leadership remains a complexity that cannot be defined with a precise model and style and has remained a substantially contested concept. There is no paradigm model of leadership, and many aspects can influence the latter.

As of Jackson and Parry (2018) argued, community and place are some instruments that can direct a leader's attitude. Persons have raised concerns about whether individual leadership styles and models enhance leadership practice, and if results of leadership can justify its processes. Drawing from that premise, the leadership model and vision ought to empower each person at a time. Looking forth to becoming a visionary leader, the priority should be trust. Commit to priority by be being there for people when they need you. Vice-versa, avoid pushing back when someone's trying to be there for you. I have learned this in business and my relationships. I want to make my priority; I am ever clear on my preferences; I will be there for them whenever they need me.

According to Jackson and Parry (2018), such item like the justification of right leadership is one of the myriads of complexities on the subject. It is arguable that at one point, those leaders judged to have been on the wrong side of history may have indeed been the morally correct. Yet, society or organization may deem such persons otherwise. Come to think of the incredible lessons around having perspective as a leader, drives a person to develop a bias for action, driving performance, and finally being reflective around your priorities. To coin this interaction, I want you to develop take away this as on the best practices to steer you to leadership success, one that I like teaching my team.


Serving in an organization that focuses on coursing social impact, it is imperative to question our potential. I usually ask myself; why can't I do things just a little bit better if I know what impressive looks like for my community or people in my circle? Once you get to ask yourself such questions, then and only then that you can have a bias for action. It is a practice that I feel every young person should emulate and work towards becoming their own most prominent coach and a transformational leader. Through reflection and asking myself these critical questions, if not me, who? If not now, when? I promise you will go so much farther than most others in life and leadership journey.


Jackson, B., & Parry, K. (2018). A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying leadership. Sage. https://www.bookdepository.com/Very-Short-Fairly-Interesting-Reasonably-Cheap-Book-about-Studying-Leadership-Brad-Jackson/9781446273784

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Leadership Beyond Trust: Lasting Relationships & Legacy Building - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 26). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/leadership-beyond-trust-lasting-relationships-legacy-building?pname=speedypaper.com

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