Leadership Dynamics: Merging Frameworks for Effective Organizational Culture - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-24
Leadership Dynamics: Merging Frameworks for Effective Organizational Culture - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Company Organizational culture
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1223 words
11 min read

Establishing Cultural Norms

In an organization, leadership and organizational culture are intertwined. They are all significant considerations that businesses make to emerge successfully. It is significant to establish norms that propel the company upwards in profit-making and service delivery to the consumers (Morden, 61). Two leadership frameworks can be merged to develop a special culture that drives any organization's operations. The Tannenaum and Schmidt's framework, in collaboration with Cameron's framework of competing values, have essential methodologies that can be adapted by business institutions to generate many gains. The former focuses on the level of freedom or authoritative management employed in an organization. To the left of the model is a managerial method that is more dictatorial, while to the left is a liberal approach where the organization has the opportunity to enjoy the freedom of making decisions (Shrestha 12).

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On the other hand, the competing values framework assesses the cultural dimensions using horizontal and vertical methods. The horizontal methods focus on internal and external business organizations. To the right is the intensive focus on external environmental factors such as the customers, competition, and many more. To the left are the micro-environmental factors that influence business operations. The vertical methods focus on management control at the lowest end and employees' freedom at the top. All the two frameworks are essential in enhancing effective organizational culture in an organization.

Type of Leader

I am more of a subordinate-centered leader. For leadership to be effective, there has to be a unanimous or majority support from the subjects. Leadership entails coming up with new objectives, challenges, and visions, and rallying a team of people to achieve or overcome them. For an effective and uniform approach towards achieving the objectives, leadership has to be made more centered on the people. That will take both the Tannenaum and Schmidt's framework and the competing values framework. According to the former theoretical concept, my leadership will be more focused on the horizontal scale's right. It implies that more engagements with the internal environment staff will be prioritized before coming up with major resolutions. The right side of the framework requires consultative and collaborative efforts towards combating a challenge. The uniform approach is significant in ensuring every member owns the plan. It, consequently, becomes a more efficient way of making that a culture. It also entails delegation of duties and more supervisory roles, significant in mentoring members towards being leaders.

The competing framework will also be essential in exploiting my subordinate-centered leadership skills. That implies that my focus will be more on the macro-environment. The external environment is the ones that sustain an organization by purchasing their commodities and services. Therefore, it is very important to engage them in a bid to ensure that their interests are often factored in a while coming up with essential resolutions. Another method of empowering the external environment is ensuring that the members are motivated and encouraged to provide high-quality goods and services (Gulosino et al. 36). The vertical approach will focus more on the upper end, focusing on the employees. They need to experience contentment in their respective work zones. The two frameworks are, consequently, all significant in the implementation of the subordinate-centered leadership style.

Degree of Rigidity

Rigidity or lack of rigidity is also another factor that can influence the culture of a business organization. The aspect of being rigid or not is relative to the circumstances in question. Most leaders are often sensitive about money and quality in an organization. They are examples of the ultimate products from both the customers and the organization, respectively. The two factors are often considered significant value and cannot be handled without rigidity. My leadership aspect of rigidity depends on different situations and circumstances. Some call for a more rigid attitude, while others require lesser rigidity. Those that require lesser rigidity will require a more subordinate-centered leadership approach, will call for a more right-inclined Tannenaum and Schmidt’s framework application (Shrestha 27). Those that require a more rigid attitude will require a stern approach and more authoritative leadership, which is to the left level of the Tannenaum and Schmidt’s framework. A balance in rigidity limits resistance, especially in organizational change management (Morden 61). It helps in improving the relationship between the workers and the managerial staff. It also creates a mutual understanding between the two parties, where the staff can understand situations that do not entertain leniency from the organization's leadership. The framework builds a stable leadership foundation.

Value Composition

Value composition is a significant factor in implementing a leadership culture in an organization. The clan is the most critical value that I would prioritize in enhancing a positive organizational culture. That implies that the internal business environment will be a key factor of success in the organization. The competing values framework outlines the clan culture to the left of the horizontal method of assessing leadership type (Gulosino et al. 36). With leadership centered on empowering the staff, the results are portrayed, and every other activity is aligned based on the input towards the business micro-environment. That means that the staff, equipment, and machinery within the business should be tailored towards meeting the business's objectives. That is enhanced by advocating for a culture of teamwork, sensitivity to customers, supportive work environment, and unity in the organization. With a culture of teamwork, it is possible to achieve a lot. When the staff is focused on achieving a given objective, it becomes easier to achieve it than when the interests are not in harmony with the organizational goals. Clan value helps in generating the quality needed to make the services more effective.

Figure 1. Competing Values Map (Gulosino et al. 36).

Internal maintenance and sensitivity to customers are also important attributes of the clan value. If the internal business environment is maintained, it implies that the production units are more efficient and cannot run out of the required resources to produce the best quality goods and services (Shrestha 12). It is important to maintain all the organizational resources, including but not limited to technological equipment and skilled labor. If they are all in perfect shape, it becomes easier to become sensitive to the customers through the quality of goods and services produced.


Tannenaum and Schmidt's framework and the competing values framework are theoretical concepts that can help build the best culture of management in an organization. It is important to consider employees' nature before instilling a particular method of leadership that is not popular. However, using a more liberal and inclusive approach often makes management easier than the dictatorial and authoritative approaches. That is mainly because such methods do not empower employees to give the best of their services. They fail to impart the desire to share the same values and objectives with the management team. A subordinate-centered leadership style that factors in every significant attribute of success is, definitely, the essential methodology. It empowers the staff with more responsibilities according to the organizational goals, which is often ultimately reflected in the results.

Works Cited

Closing, Charisse, Louis Franceschini III, and Portia Hardman. "The Influence of Balance within the Competing Values Framework and School Academic Success on Teacher Retention." Journal of Organizational and Educational Leadership, Vol. 2.1, 2016, pp. 21-53.

Morden, Tony. Principles of Management. Routledge, 2017, pp. 32-77.

Shrestha, Milan. "Contribution of job nature on Leadership style among Academia." SEISENSE Journal of Management Vol. 2.4, 2019, pp. 1-13.

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