Leadership Essay Example on the Role Played Within a Group

Published: 2022-05-31
Leadership Essay Example on the Role Played Within a Group
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 860 words
8 min read

The group leader is expected to show integrity, trust, empathy, confidentiality, and active listening (Potts, 2016). Prejudice hinders one from conducting the group session with such family. The excellent leadership skills ensure that the leader identifies with the family and gain their trust. Once the confidence is earned, the family will be at liberty to handle the group session freely.

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Through a proper analysis of the strength, weakness, motivation, and threat the appropriate group sessions strategies to apply during the group session are determined. This as well is coupled together with the proper leadership skills to ensure effectiveness (Khuman, 2011). The need for the appropriate strategies targets rhymes with the family members to create a good rapport with them. A positive rapport gives room for effective interaction and openness during the group session to achieve the set goals. A competent family member's discussion needs to be as well adequately sustained to allow cropping of the essential information and sharing towards definite goal achievement.

Family motivation is essential in conducting the group discussion (Breshears & Volker, 2013). Once it is blown away because of any reason, the group session will end promptly. The motivating boosting technique is vital to ensure that the leader improves the motivation of the family members despite engaging them with too sensitive information.

Avoiding judging the family members work positively towards a valid session. The family members should be such they are engaged with the participation of everyone. Constructing inquiries from the response in a friendly and caring way sustains the group session. Through asking of analytical approaches, information is gathered as well as shared with the family. However, asking the too personal question will jeopardize the trust created.

Taking feedbacks after the session is essential in assessing the effectiveness of the strategies applied. Therefore, to conduct a proper group session, one needs to be flexible enough to change the mode of approach so that the meeting continues to be effective. The flexibility caters to the ever-changing dynamic of the family.

The roles performed as a group leader ensures that the group session is efficiently done. The functions are tailored towards providing that the group session is done in an organized way despite the group members having people who abuse drugs (Potts, 2016). The leader in such a discussion is critical. The leader:

a) Develop appropriate strategies that the group members will use in the debate. Since the leader needs to know the strength, as well as the weakness of the team members, he or she is in a position to come up with how the group discussion will be conducted (Khuman, 2011). The strategies aim at ensuring that the desired objectives in the debate are attained. The purpose of the group discussion with people who abuses substance may be to educate the members on how they can avoid abusing drugs. The approach towards ensuring that the set goal is achieved needs to be developed. The strategies in place as designed by the leader are directives to be followed to the members. The strategy defines the success of the group discussion. The successful leaders will, therefore, owner up the role of ensuring that the developed policies are appropriate to the kind of the people involved in the discussion.

b) Communication of the instructions to the group members. The leader is in charge of the group as well as the group members (Potts, 2016). Therefore, the instructions are communicated through the leader. The guidance pertains the group discussion strategies, the way forward during the discussion and any other communication to be passed to the group. Examining the kind of the instruction that is given by the leaders, they need to be clear and precise. It attracts follow up of the stipulated ways when the instructions are clear and accurate. Effective group discussion requires the leader to offer explicit instruction as part of the obligation to perform (Breshears & Volker, 2013).

c) Listening to the contribution from the group members. During the group discussion, the group leader takes notice of the feedback as postulated by the group members. The group leader also does the recording of the feedback or the work can be delegated. The listening to the feedback is essential to understand the point of concern as presented by the group member during the session (Khuman, 2011). The report created from the feedback is vital in the decision making as well as planning the useful measure to apply in helping the group members.

d) Pay attention to the group members' participation in the group discussion. The group leader serves to regulate the group discussion. It is achieved by ensuring that every group member is given equal opportunity to speak up. The group leader harmonizes the regulation of those who tend to dominate the group session as well as those who like keeping silent. The group leader ensures that everyone is given a chance to participate.


Khuman, D. (2011). Group Discussion. Indian Journal Of Applied Research, 3(4), 127-128. doi: 10.15373/2249555x/apr2013/41

Potts, H. (2016). WHAT EVERY LEADER NEEDS TO KNOW TO THRIVE IN A NEW ROLE. Leader To Leader, 2016(82), 23-29. doi: 10.1002/ltl.20257

Breshears, E., & Volker, R. (2013). Facilitative leadership in social work practice. New York, NY: Springer Pub.

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