Leadership Essay Sample for Your Inspiration

Published: 2022-03-09
Leadership Essay Sample for Your Inspiration
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Leadership analysis Management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1091 words
10 min read

Leadership is an important aspect of achieving every organization's output and goals. However, it is important for every leader to evaluate the leadership style that determines how one will undertake the leadership role. Aroma leadership style can be said to be autocratic or authoritarian leadership style because the leaders did not involve other team members in their decision making, it is necessary for the new management to be flexible and adopt several leadership styles that are positive. The leadership style that should be adopted by the new management should include, democratic or participative style of leadership where all the employees are involved in decision making, through consultation and giving them instructions where necessary. It is necessary for the manager to work together with the subordinates and not supervise their work hence give them the freedom they deserve. The other leadership style that is necessary in the case of Aroma management is a transformational style where the leadership ensures the advancement of the employees to a high level of motivation. It is necessary for the leader to inspire the employees to change their work perceptions, expectation and motivations towards achieving a common goal (Iqbal, 2011). Visionary leadership style is also necessary where the new management will transform employees vision into realities. However there are other different leadership styles that include the Strategic style of leadership, wherein this type of leadership, the leader is the head of the organization. He or she fills the gap that is between the need for practicality and new possibility through providing of prescriptive habits. The other leadership style is team leadership which involves the creation of a future vivid picture what the organization stands for and is headed. The vision in this style provides a sense of direction. Cross-cultural leadership style exists in an organization based in an environment with different cultures. This style is industrialized in recognizing front-runners working in a globalized market. The other style of leadership is Facilitative leadership which seems to be dependent on outcome and measurement and not personal skills.

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