Leadership in Times of Crisis: Examining Image & Competency - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
Leadership in Times of Crisis: Examining Image & Competency - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 468 words
4 min read

Do a leader's actions have a positive or negative image across others? What does good leadership entail when running an organization? Maxwell (2020) notes that in front of people, instead of behind a desk is the place to handle the problem. This paper examines how leaders get viewed by those subordinate to them at times of crisis and whether they can be competent enough at those hard times. In business cooperation and achieving their business objectives, leadership is the crucial factor in organizational effectiveness, and transactional and transformational leadership styles have a significant impact on organizational performance.

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Leadership carries with it greater responsibilities and power, and leaders ought to emit positive energy rather than harmful. When everything is okay or smooth sailing is not when the real test of leadership occurs, but instead, one establishes their credentials as a good leader or poor one at times of his actions during the crisis. Furthermore, it stirs up a sense of security and confidence when done in front of others. My organization is protecting its employees by issuing guidelines that get followed. The second way is to set aside a cross-functional response team that ensures that safety and health concerns are dealt with by professionals.

Maxwell (2020) notes that a leader is one who, during a crisis as one who should be a visible presence. Mostly in times such as this pandemic, most employees have the fear that is in all, a leader puts himself as one that people can confide in as well as reassure them by calming their fears. Secondly is that a leader should not empower fear but rather acknowledge it. A leader should define the current state of reality. A leader ought to pass out the information on better days ahead by placing the fear in the right context (Maxwell, 2020).

Thirdly is that they should paint a brighter picture of the problem. A leader ought to show the people of the better days they are talking of by painting that picture for them. Point beyond fear to a brighter day. A leader should be generous with hope but be cautious of predictions. Beyond the fear is what quality a leader should have and wary of forecast the outcomes of things. A leader should be conservative of creating false hopes, not too much/little excitement in others who would blindly follow them.

In conclusion, leaders get followed or looked upon by many, and therefore, they possess them the power to create positive energy of negative ones. People follow their actions portrayed by their leaders mostly than others, and hence a leader's movement needs to reflect the right moves or morals.


Maxwell, J. (2020, April 15). ‎The John Maxwell Leadership Podcast: Crisis Leaders: What They Do Well (Part 1) on Apple Podcasts. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crisis-leaders-what-they-do-well-part-1/id1416206538?i=1000470855454

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