Leadership Theory - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-04
Leadership Theory - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Business Business ethics
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1434 words
12 min read


Leadership is a description of the art process that involves motivating a group of individuals working towards a common objective. In the business world, this can mean leading colleagues and workers with the aim of fulfilling organizational needs. There are various approaches to leadership adopted by different people depending on their perspective or viewpoint. Amongst one of the most successful leaders in the modern business field is Grant Cordone. Grant is a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur, established sales training, and media expert, Cardone university CEO, company consultant for organizations such as Google and Toyota (Cordone, 2016). In addition, Grant privately owns five companies that generate revenues exceeding one million dollars annually. The U.S.-based personality is has authored various sales and business books that include “If You’re Not First, You’re Last; it became the best seller of the New York Times (Cordone, 2016).

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The self-made millionaire is popular for his bold and straight-shooting viewpoints on leadership. According to his presentations through speeches and reports, the entrepreneur uses a full throttle and entertaining style to motivate and educate workers on how to make success their duty, responsibility, and obligation (Cordone, 2016). Gary Vaynerchuk is another successful leader whose approach regarding leadership has played a key part in his success in entrepreneurship (Vaynerchuk, 201behavioring to Gary, the most effective leadership strategy involves practicing a model behavior similar to the one you expect from one’s respective followers (Vaynerchuk, 2019). The paper focuses on leaders Grant Cordone and Gary Vaynerchuk using their viewpoints on leadership to evaluate leadership theories.

Grant Cordone Leadership Theory

As a leader, Grant works with teams and individuals to identify change needed to create visions that guide the change through inspiration and execution of required change by obligation (Cordone, 2016). The approach is associated with the transformational leadership theory that involves leaders that influence and inspire their followers to exploit their full potential and perform beyond their capabilities (Rolfe, 2011). To install empowerment in a team, it is essential that the respective leader adopt transformational leadership attributes that are consistently effective for motivational purposes (Rolfe, 2011). These attributes include charisma to install ambition, inspirational motivation to install vision, Intellectual stimulation to install innovation, and individualized consideration to ensure maximum support of followers. However, according to Cordone, it is vital that followers focus on individual commitment and progression towards the goal of interest (Cordone, 2016). In addition, the approach enhances the ability to find a purpose, common ground and enhance the work ethic required to fulfill plans at an organizational and individual level (Rolfe, 2011).

One of the essays addressing leadership by Grant Cordone was derived from one of his inspirational speeches available on multiple media platforms (Cordone, 2016). According to the report, a good leader is supposed to prepare staff members to follow and react in a favorable way (Cordone, 2016). To be an effective leader, one needs to have undoubted self-esteem. Having self-confidence enables individuals to gain the confidence to make any decisions (Rolfe, 2011). Cardone believes that this is the fundamental basis, which makes leadership grow (Cordone, 2016). Employees always act in confidence, which they have emulated from their leader. This has helped the employees to understand that when they have made a mistake, there is room to gain from it and proceed (Cordone, 2016). Grant believes in imagination and outside package from his employees, leading to the promotion of creativity, leading to increased performance (Cordone, 2016).

New Business Ideas

As a leader, Grant devises new business ideas and modifications to improve business quality at a lower cost and faster rate (Cordone, 2016). Such aspects are essential to enhance the intellectual stimulation of followers or employees. Intellectual stimulation is an important aspect of transformative leadership that is characterized by challenging assumptions, taking risks, and soliciting the ideas of followers (Ghasabeh et al., 2015). Such leaders motivate their employees to be innovative and develop contemporary thoughts for both the benefit of the organization and themselves. To ensure that followers have a chance, transformative leaders focus on creating an environment that is more open, collaborative, and supportive (Ghasabeh et al., 2015). The aspect changes the individual quality of employees by ensuring they get involved in a transformative environment that inspires creativity and innovation (Ghasabeh et al., 2015). In addition, intellectual stimulation requires that leaders get involved in collaborative operations with their followers to help and support their process of growth (Ghasabeh et al., 2015). Followers are encouraged to explore and devise new approaches to existing operations and welcome opportunities, which enables them to learn and grow (Ghasabeh et al., 2015).

Transformational leaders are commonly known to be soft and considerate to their workers (Mason et al., 2014). However, the major aspect of such leaders is that they challenge their employees through innovation and creativity (Mason et al., 2014). Grant emphasizes the importance of ethical thinking in leadership (Cordone, 2016). According to the CEO, ethical decisions must take into account the interests of every member of the organization and must be morally right (Cordone, 2016). However, it is important that leaders understand that the ethical concept requires integrity and composure as it is a challenging trait to adapt to while in leadership roles (Mason et al., 2014). Integrity involves trustworthiness and honesty that individuals will strongly adhere to set principles and be accountable for their actions (Mason et al., 2014). Leaders with integrity inspire trust and confidence amongst team members in a way that they can trust each other to deliver on their promises (Mason et al., 2014).

Ethical Concept

Concerning the ethical concept of transformational leadership, leaders can promote conduct amongst followers through reinforcement, decision making, and effective two-way communication (Ghasabeh et al., 2015). The concept is based on various employees’ different social identities and how they can be balanced to ensure everyone is comfortable in a socially diverse working environment. According to research, people tend to perceive themselves in relation to others within the group they belong to (Ghasabeh et al., 2015). Ethical leaders have the ability to influence the performance of followers through promoting greater identification within the team because they are viewed as the representation of values and standards required by the organization in question (Mason et al., 2014). According to research, ethical leadership was presented to increase extra-performance of roles, which is associated with organizational effectiveness and functioning (Ghasabeh et al., 2015). In addition, ethical leadership is associated with enhanced followers’ beliefs about their confidence and capabilities (Ghasabeh et al., 2015).

Grant’s viewpoint of leadership in regard to transformation through intellectual stimulation involves an indirect strategy (Cordone, 2016). The strategy is based on the belief that every leader and individual in an organization can enhance intellectual simulation despite their level in the hierarchy (Mason et al., 2014). The primary attribute of intellectual stimulation at an organizational level involves influencing the development of team members’ creativity and innovation in one way or the other (Mason et al., 2014). According to the successful entrepreneur, intellectual stimulation is the key to enhancing one’s problem-solving and cognitive thinking abilities. In respect of the transformational leadership concept, the primary achievement of using intellectual simulation is to improve the followers’ ability to identify and solve problems creatively (Mason et al., 2014). As a leader, having a workforce that can identify problems and solve them without requiring external input provides a guarantee of organizational growth and individual development of employees involved (Mason et al., 2014). It is also essential to create a working environment where every person can learn from each other rather than a system where only specific individuals benefit (Mason et al., 2014).


According to the transformation leadership theory, a leader is distinguished by his or her high degree of emotional intelligence, which constitutes self-management, self-awareness, social skills, and social awareness (Siangchokyoo et al., 2019). The Self-management concept of emotional intelligence involves the ability of a person to manage their internal state affairs and motivate themselves to achieve the set goals through commitment and optimism (Siangchokyoo et al., 2019). Social awareness incorporates the ability to read and understand the emotional environment within the work setting, and relationship management is characterized by the ability to incorporate desirable responses in others. According to research conducted involving more than 200 companies, it was concluded that emotional intelligence through transformational leadership enhances great job performance and job satisfaction amongst employees (Siangchokyoo et al., 2019). The aspect was associated with the rapid organizational growth of most companies practicing leadership that incorporates emotional intelligence (Siangchokyoo et al., 2019). Therefore, it is ideal to affirm that leaders need a high emotional intelligence quotient to achieve success in their various places of work.

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