Leading Hypertension Mgmt: Enabling Access to Quality Care for All Patients

Published: 2023-10-15
Leading Hypertension Mgmt: Enabling Access to Quality Care for All Patients
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 700 words
6 min read

Hypertension management is a major challenge affecting many leaders in healthcare, where they have embraced different strategies to help hypertension patients manage the condition. As a leader in healthcare management am focused on ensuring that all the patients get quality healthcare services for patients living with hypertension. The challenges I would like to help the patients access healthcare include enabling patients to access medical care regardless of their financial status (White, Dudley-Brown, & Terhaar, 2019). I will also focus on encouraging people to focus on healthy lifestyles that do not risk the chances of people getting hypertension. The number of people getting hypertension is on the rise; I will focus on reversing the trend.

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Changing the lifestyles of the people will be done through education where the people are educated on better living lifestyles that do not expose them to health risks that might finally lead to hypertension. African Americans are the most affected; hence the campaign will focus on identifying the ways that make them get hypertension and the changes that need to occur (Roberts et al., 2016). The public awareness will be done by trained staff with communication and lifestyle skills. The attitudes of the people need to change where people need to start focusing on changes that will improve their health and reduce the number of hypertension cases among African Americans people living in the United States.

To increase my knowledge and awareness of financial, economic, and other concerns, I will require to be trained by experts and other experienced professionals of healthcare management. The training will enable me to handle challenges that I am likely to encounter; therefore, when doing the actual work, I will be able to handle the challenges (Chimberengwa & Naidoo, 2019). The economic strategies will be supported by the government through universal health insurance and other medical support that the government offers to the government. The outcome of the public awareness campaigns has to be measured to ensure the goal of public awareness is achieved. Modern technologies will be applied in creating public awareness of healthy living lifestyles.

Translating the evidence will strengthen healthcare delivery because healthcare professionals will know the people that need medical care support. Different patients have different needs; therefore, knowing individual member needs is key. The program will target young African Americans who are easy to convince to change their lifestyles as opposed to old people (Amelung, 2019). The new strategies will make people change their diet by avoiding foods that increase the chances of one getting hypertension. People will also be encouraged to exercise frequently. Research has shown that frequent exercise reduces the chances of one getting lifestyle diseases. The evidence would also play a role in influencing nursing practices to change how nurses handle hypertension patients to a more patient-oriented manner.

The new evidence-based practice has to be backed through a policy that will guide the healthcare manager and other stakeholders on how to help patients living with hypertension. I would urge the legislators to come up with a policy to make the government set up a support fund that would be used to support the fight against hypertension (Amelung, 2019). Resources will be required to facilitate activities of all the team players that will be supporting the patients, and the people change their lifestyles. The policy is also required to support and guide the people that will create public awareness by educating the people on the importance of changing their lifestyles.


Amelung, V. E. (2019). Healthcare management. Springer. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-642-38712-8.pdf

Chimberengwa, P. T., & Naidoo, M. (2019). A description of community-based participatory research of hypertension awareness, prevention, and treatment in a district of Matabeleland South Province, Zimbabwe. African journal of primary health care & family medicine, 11(1), 1-9.

Roberts, J. P., Fisher, T. R., Trowbridge, M. J., & Bent, C. (2016, March). A design thinking framework for healthcare management and innovation. In Healthcare (Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 11-14). Elsevier.

Torlasco, C., Santini, F., Liu, X., Faini, A., & Parati, G. (2017). Awareness of hypertension consequences is less than awareness of risk factors for hypertension. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, 18(7), 563-565.

White, K. M., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terhaar, M. F. (Eds.). (2019). Translation of evidence into nursing and healthcare. Springer Publishing Company.

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Leading Hypertension Mgmt: Enabling Access to Quality Care for All Patients. (2023, Oct 15). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/leading-hypertension-mgmt-enabling-access-to-quality-care-for-all-patients?pname=speedypaper.com

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