Lesson Plan Essay Example

Published: 2022-09-08
Lesson Plan Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching Pedagogy
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1145 words
10 min read

Structure of the Lesson

I have broken down the lesson into timelines that focus on different activities. First, this structure will help me stay organized and focused during the lesson. Thus, I will use the lesson's allocated time sufficiently. Second, the structure will ensure the lesson contributes to the big idea of teaching the four seasons, towards which I will be working. In particular, each activity will build towards understanding the topic (Fujii, 2016). Third, the plan will help me consider, prepare and gather all the materials I will need for the lesson.

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Fourth, I have structured the lesson to include both teacher and student input to foster student participation and interaction. Moreover, according to Fujii (2016), the most effective way to promote learning is to engage students actively in the process. I particular, I have included the flashcard game and the group activities that will engage the children. Additionally, this structure will help me consider the needs of all the students. For example, setting aside time for the students, to match the correct season with the correct weather individually, will help me meet their unique needs adequately. Finally, I have included a concluding session that will wrap up the lesson that will ensure the children remember what I have taught during the lesson.

The reason behind Choosing the Topic

The topic chosen is the four seasons. I have chosen this topic because it is the best topic to teach children about the passage of time and change in weather we experience during the year. The students will learn the seasons of the year and the adjectives associated with each season such as rainy for spring, hot for summer, windy for autumn, and cold for winter.

What I understand about this topic concerning my learners is that, while they may be familiar with the changes in weather during the year, they may not really know how to name each season accordingly. Additionally, the children may not know which weather condition relates to which season.

Nevertheless, this topic may present various challenges. First, the students may find it difficult to pronounce the new words. Second, they may lack the motivation to learn new vocabulary. Additionally, the topic presents disruptive students that will lower the learning opportunities for other students and even hamper my teaching. Finally, the students may find it difficult to match adjectives with seasons mostly while working individually.

The contribution of each Activity

The first activity will be warmer. This activity will connect the students to the prior lesson on colors. The students will learn to associate these colors with the seasons. The presentation stage, which is the main activity, will involve using the flashcards to present the four seasons and adjectives. Mainly, this activity will help the students learn the new vocabulary and its pronunciation. In this activity, I will use drilling, both individual and choral, and actions such as modeling and gestures. Eliciting the vocabularies and adjectives from the children will help them remember. The third activity will involve the use of concept checking questions (CCQs) through pictures to establish if the students understand the lesson's target vocabulary and adjectives.

The next two activities will encourage student participation in learning the new vocabulary and adjectives. One activity will be a flashcard game whereby I will stick the flashcards around the classroom and the students will run to the season I shout. The other practice activity will incorporate group participation. One group will hold pictures while the other will hold the names of weather. Then the students will match the names with the correct picture. Through these activities, the students will practice the new vocabulary in a controlled way and they will learn the types of weather.

The sixth activity, production, will ensure each student matches the seasons with correct weather on a worksheet individually. The reason for this activity will be to establish whether the students understand which weather condition is associated with which season. Since this will be an individual activity, I will walk around and monitor the performance of the students. Here, I will have the ability to identify and meet the unique needs of each student regarding the topic. The final activity, cooler, will seek to wrap up the lesson. The students will act out the adjectives as I say them, which will ensure they remember the seasons and weather conditions.

Other Activities

An activity I considered including in the lesson plan was "the season's song". In this activity, I would have the song poster printed and hang on the board, and the seasons and the activities elicited on it. They, I would get the children to follow my actions and singing. I would use fun gestures with the song and repeat this thrice. However, I chose not to use this activity because it would consume a lot of time. Instead, I opted for the flashcard game.

Another activity I considered including in the lesson was "find the season pictures". In this activity, I would have the children draw and color the weather conditions for each season on small pieces of Manila paper. Then, I would collect up all the pictures and randomly scatter them around the classroom. Then I would pick a winter box, and say "Okay, everyone. Find all winter pictures and put them in the box. Ready... Go!" Then we would repeat for all seasons. However, I chose not to use this activity because it would not help me meet the individual needs of each student. Moreover, they will all be up and down competing to pick the pictures.

Impracticability Solution

If any of my activities do not work in the way I have planned, I will replace it with one of the other activities I had considered including in the lesson plan. Similarly, if the activity proved to be difficult for the children, I would replace it with a simpler activity.

Thoughts and Ideas to Support the Lesson Plan

The lesson plan does not incorporate many games because I had to consider particular students such as those with disabilities. These students may not have the ability to move around a lot. Additionally, I had to consider the safety of the children. Thus, just having the flashcard activity as the only game was sufficient.

Similarly, the idea of allocating the presentation stage most minutes was because the activity comprised the main developmental tasks of the lesson. These tasks were essential for the students to learn the new vocabulary and its pronunciation. All other activities were consolidative in nature to help the students apply the knowledge acquired in the presentation stage. Finally, the whole lesson would take an hour. Having the children for such a short period would minimize the occurrence of disruptive behavior resulting from boredom and exhaustion (Fujii, 2016).


Fujii, T. (2016). Designing and adapting tasks in lesson planning: a critical process of Lesson Study. ZDM, 48(4), 411-423.

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