Forensic Science Essay Example: Lindy Chamberlain Case

Published: 2022-11-07
Forensic Science Essay Example: Lindy Chamberlain Case
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Forensic science
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1427 words
12 min read

The Lindy Chamberlain case is among the controversial cases that managed to dominate the news during the 1980s period. The case involved the death of an Australian baby girl who was two months old. The storyline of the murder case indicated that the Australian child who was named Azaria Chamberlain had been taken away by a dingo and later killed by a dingo. The parents of Azaria Chamberlain were Michael Chamberlain and Lindy Chamberlain. The murder incident occurred in Uluru which is located in the Northern Territory. The actual date of the murder incident happened on 17th August 1980 a during the night period. There was a high level of controversy that surrounds the events of the case as the manner in which the death of the young Azaria Chamberlain occurred was sound suspicious. However, in this report, various forensic methods will be integrated to analyze the actual events of the case and to ascertain the facts that had been brought forward by the parents of Azaria Chamberlain.

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One of the relevant things that are relevant to the Lindy Chamberlain Case is the physical evidence that as present at the crime scene of the case. The physical evidence is described as a form of material that performs a significant function in the crime scene that may lead to litigation, and the physical evidence can be introduced in the court law to act as a solid proof based on the actual characteristics of the physical appearance of the object (Kally, 2017). Regarding this case, there were various physical evidence that were present at the crime scene. The other physical evidence that also needs to undergo intensive evaluation is the tent to which the child had been kept by her parents to ascertain if the marks that were present at the crime scene had been made by either a dingo or a sharp object (Biber, 2017). The other physical evidence that would prove to be relevant is the presence of the footprints that were present at the crime scene when the event occurred at the crime scene. The evidence regarding the footprints would be highly essential as it will play a significant role to determine whether there was the presence of dingo footsteps that would be tracked at the crime scene. The dingo footprints would play a significant role in determining if the actual perpetrator of the murder crime was the dingo. In this case, the storyline of the matter is that a dingo snatched the baby from the tent meaning that the baby had been dragged to her execution by the dingo which subjects the forensics to determine if there was an element of the child being a drag at the crime scene (Biber, 2017). The other significant physical evidence that would be evaluated from the forensic perspective is the presence of any form of saliva. The physical evidence will ensure it play a vital role in capturing any traces of saliva that might have been retrieved from individuals who might not have have been mentioned in the testimonials but were present at the crime scene.

The other physical evidence that will be crucial in analyzing the crime scene is the fingerprints of the various individuals that were present at the crime scene. The evaluation of the fingerprints would enable the forensic investigators to determine whether the fingerprints that have been retrieved from the crime scene if they match the fingerprints of the occupants or suspects that were present at the crime scene (Kally, 2017). The other physical evidence that was present at the crime scene is the tent in which the two-month-old child baby is perceived to be snatched by the dingo. The cuts that are present at the tent would undergo intensive investigations to determine if the actual cuts of the shelter were made by the dingo or from a sharp object. The other primary physical evidence that would need to undergo extensive evaluation is the cloths that Azaria had worn during the date of her death. The clothes of Azaria would be highly essential as it will play a significant function in determining if there were any actual elements of cuts that had been made by the dingo (Bryson, 2016). The essentiality of the clothes of Azaria would also perform a vital function in determining whether there was any presence of the dingo's teeth in the clothing of the child. The other significant physical evidence that would need to undergo an extensive evaluation to determine whether there are the dingo lairs that might be present within the perimeter where the actual murder incident occurred in the case has a basis.

Blood analysis technique is usually an essential technique in undertaking forensic evaluation in a crime scene. One of the significant physical evidence that was present at the crime scene is the blood stains that are present at the crime scene (Kally, 2017). In the crime scene, there was the presence of blood which would need to undergo investigations to ascertain whether the blood strains were retrieved from the child (Bryson, 2016). The blood which was retained from the crime scene would also need to be evaluated by the forensics to indicate whether the blood would have been retrieved from either a potential murder or the dingo that claimed to have snatched and later on murdered the child.

Photography is one of the vital technique that forensics can apply in a crime scene investigation. The most suitable photography technique that would be essential in conducting studies that are related to this case is the use of digital photography. Digital photography in the case will play a significant role in capturing the meaningful and relevant scenes that are present at the crime scene. The photographs that would be acquired will assist in authentication the testimonials that have been offered by the suspects and the witnesses that were present during the murder incident of Azaria Chamberlain. The digital photographs that should be acquired from the murder scene would play a significant role in guiding the crime scene investigation of creating the different perspectives that might have led to the murder incident. The digital photographs would also assist in identifying the gaps that might be present in the murder scene based on the testimonials that they might have acquired from the primary suspects and murder witnesses of the crime. The digital photograph would also enable the crime scene investigators to have evident know-how if the marks that were present on the body of Azaria Chamberlain were cuts that had been made by the dingo that is alleged to have snatched the dingo and murdered the dingo.

In analyzing the various forensic techniques that have been used in investigating the Lindy Chamberlain case, it is quite evident that there is different evidence that proves to be highly essential that had been retrieved from the crime scene investigation. One of the relevant evidence that had been acquired from the crime scene is the tent in which her parents had kept the Azaria Chamberlain before her untimely death. In analyzing the facts of the case, it is in this tent that the parents of Azaria claim to have kept the child before the dingo had its way and snatched the child from the tent (Bryson, 2016). The tent is alleged to have marks to indicate that the baby had been seized from the tent. The other significant evidence that is present in the case was the actual location of the parents when the snatching incident was happening at the camp. The other relevant question is whether the parents heard the baby crying when the dingo was grabbing the child at the tent. The answers that would be provided by the parents of the baby will be vital evidence to determine whether the dingo killed the child or the parents were responsible for the death of the child. The wounds that were present on the body of Azaria would also act as significant evidence to determine the facts of the case.

All in all, it is quite evident that forensic methodologies would play a significant function in guiding forensic investigators to determine the facts of the case. Among the important forensic techniques that have been deployed in analyzing the evidence of the case include digital photography, blood analysis, and physical pieces of evidence.


Biber, K. (2017). The archival turn in law: The papers of Lindy Chamberlain in the National Library of Australia. Sydney L. Rev., 39, 277.

Bryson, J. (2016). Evil Angels: The Case of Lindy Chamberlain. Open Road Media.

Kally Katherine. (2019). Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation. Retrieved from

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