Free Essay Focusing on Literacy Programs for Oral Health Care for Older Adult

Published: 2022-08-31
Free Essay Focusing on Literacy Programs for Oral Health Care for Older Adult
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Dentistry Healthcare
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1095 words
10 min read

Older adults are faced with certain challenges in taking proper care for their oral health. It is important to design an awareness program to teach senior citizens the various requirements to take care of their oral health. In the development of quality oral health care program entails seeking to improve their awareness and continued care for their oral health for efficient and satisfactory treatment and preventions management due to their tendency in losing their teeth naturally. Ensuring the older adults receive quality service provision all components in the health industry should work appropriately and efficiently. The training program can be used to set-up the healthcare processes and adheres to their functionality. The primary purpose of community training programs in the healthcare industry is to ensure that older adult patients receive the best and genuine care and services possible for their oral health and related oral hygiene issues. It enhances efficiency, safety, and effectiveness of the performance and service delivery of health care providers and players (WHO, 2015). Although oral health training program instills for the competitiveness of the healthcare industry concerning senior citizens welfare programs, it ensures standards improvement and customer satisfaction. Thus, healthcare providers reduce inefficiencies and costs to realize intrinsic motivation and collaboration in executing their role in oral health care for older adults.

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Oral health training program is used to revise systems in the healthcare industry to embrace technological advancement of systems. It is, therefore, used to replace inefficient structures in the existing order for replacement of innovative methods. Efforts for healthcare stakeholders to ensure quality service provision and also reduce end-user cost have in recent years taken drastic growth to minimize wastage. Oral health training program is thus paramount for any successful healthcare player to collaboratively and actively engage in their role are a team player for effective and efficient service and product delivery.

Quality measure in healthcare is endorsed by all primary players from the healthcare providers, to the older adult patients. The views of all key players differ with the complexity of their requirements and role in ensuring quality healthcare management. These stakeholders include providers, payers, employers, and older adult patients (Manafo & Wong, 2012). Providers perceive quality with a scientific view which facilitates accuracy in diagnosis, appropriate therapy recommendations and practical outcomes in healthcare. While as payers consider quality on the value for money. They evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the service and products provided. Employers, on the other hand, perceive healthcare quality as the equilibrium of low-cost health services and employees' motivation. Older adult patients opine quality as compassion care and flawless communication from all healthcare facilitators.

Through effective training, Quality Improvement (QI) systematically ensure measurable progress in health care services and older adult patients' status. The older adults will be visited and given orientation forums on proper oral hygiene like proper brushing and how to store their tooth cleaning items, therefore, oral health training programs for older adults can be termed as change evaluation. The role of oral health training programs for older adults is to upgrade the delivery system and processes of all pharmaceutical recommendation on the resources and activities in proper oral hygiene for older people. Improvement is inclusive in every aspect of the health service delivery point. This enhancement ensures effective oral health training program of roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders. It is thus essential to monitor the key role players within Oral health training programs for older adults' teams. Quality commitment ensures that the entire healthcare structure is built and sustained on efficient service delivery, team players and positive patient interaction.

The quality of health care provided is assessed and quantified with the recommended therapeutic value and services received by the patient. The primary concern on the measure of quality healthcare has three aspects, which include overuse, underuse, and misuse. Inappropriate care exemplifies unnecessary diagnostic tests and overprescribing drug doses (Berenson, Pronovost, & Krumhols, 2013). Though in many instances patient care calls for attentive care overuse of care measures can endanger the elderly patient's vulnerability. Underuse of health care services as a cost reduction intervention compromises appropriate health care. At these incidences, providers fail to offer a proper diagnostic test or do not adhere to recommended therapeutic services. At instances when medical support lack mastery and fails to communicate with the patient adequately, the quality of the healthcare is misused. This misuse is the leading cause of pharmaceutical negligence, mishaps, and insensitive ethics.

Regulations enhance setting up guidelines and rules followed while Accreditation is the certification for standards approval. In healthcare, both management and certification are essential and should be used concurrently to ensure oral health training programs for older adults and safety. Older adult- Patient Safety in oral hygiene and care is realized when Oral health training programs for older adults are used to monitor and reduce harm. The legitimacy of regulation and accreditation in Oral health training programs for older adults is to ensure patient safety, compliance, and control. Certification has a clear role in public awareness and is the primary driver in patient safety (Joling, van Eenoo, Vetrano, et al. 2018). Physician performance and accountability are monitored through regulations bodies that are put in place to monitor performance and discipline.

There are various players in oral health training programs for older adults. Consequently, we can classify external support to provide information for Oral health training programs for older adults into four categories in healthcare. They include benchmarks, coaches, peer mentors, and collaborative learners. Criteria offer information feedback on performance to help improve services and get patient feedback. Oral health coaches are external practice facilitators who help in troubleshooting challenges and skill development. Peer mentors provide evidence-based practices for expert consultation, while, collaborative learners share knowledge and support to draw inspirations. Therefore, organizing and actively engage in training programs on oral health for elderly adults are ideal for outsourcing information and expertise to ensure adequate and proper healthcare services. These training facilities also can monitor implementation and upgrade on systems due to their prior knowledge and exposure.


Berenson, R., Pronovost, P., & Krumhols, H. (2013). Achieving the Potential of Health Care Performance Measures. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute.

Joling KJ, van Eenoo L, Vetrano DL, Smaardijk VR, Declercq A, Onder G, et al. (2018) Quality indicators for community care for older people: A systematic review. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0190298.

Manafo, Elizabeth & Wong, Sharon (December 1, 2012). Health literacy programs for older adults: a systematic literature review, Health Education Research, Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages 947-960, available at

WHO, 2015. World report on aging and health. WHO Press, Geneva, Switzerland.

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