Literature Review Essay Example on Sex, Gender, and Sex Hormones

Published: 2022-09-12
Literature Review Essay Example on Sex, Gender, and Sex Hormones
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  Gender Sexes Human sexuality
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 759 words
7 min read

Oakley, A. (2016). Sex, gender, and society. London: Routledge.

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The central theme of this research source is the difference that exists between men and women. Ann Oakley tries to find an answer to the question of what makes men and women overshadowing the cultural definition of the two sexes; the author bases her opinion from the description created by biologists and psychologists. Ann Oakley is a known sociologist in British, a feminist and an author. The fact that the author is a feminist makes her work relevant to my topic given the fact that she may have more knowledge on issues about women behavior. This study majorly addresses society in general. The research relates to my topic and argument because it points out some biological concepts which determine the behavior of women.

Chapman, E. N., Kaatz, A., & Carnes, M. (2013). Physicians and implicit bias: how doctors may unwittingly perpetuate health care disparities. Journal of general internal medicine, 28(11), 1504-1510.

The primary issue of focus in this research is the healthcare disparities. The authors are pointing out the fact that the cultural stereotypes have to a great extent contributed to the differences within the health sectors. Dr.Chapman is a Geriatric fellow whereas Dr. Kaatz is a post-doctoral fellow. Their research is therefore applicable to my topic given the fact that they have a background in the field of scientific research.

Li, S. H., & Graham, B. M. (2017). Why are women so vulnerable to anxiety, trauma-related and stress-related disorders? The potential role of sex hormones. The Lancet Psychiatry, 4(1), 73-82.

This research majorly focuses on women's behavior and feelings. The two authors try to illustrate how female sex hormones bring about the different emotions in women. Both Dr. Sophie Li and Dr. Bronwyn Graham are senior researchers at the department of psychology, University of New South Wales Australia. Their piece of work and their background apply to my research topic in the sense that psychology touches much on human behavior.

Haraway, D. (2013). Simians, cyborgs, and women: The reinvention of nature. Routledge.

In this book, the author focuses mainly on the connection that exists in the behavior of simians, cyborgs, and women. She uses short narratives throughout the book, which portrays both science and fiction, in an attempt to bring out the relationship that exists in the behavioral pattern of the three creatures. Dona Haraway is a distinguished American professor and a feminist. The author's background and this research are relevant in the sense that the woman behavior is tackled.

Smith, M. J. L., Deady, D. K., Moore, F. R., Jones, B. C., Cornwell, R. E., Stirrat, M., ... & Perrett, D. I. (2012). Maternal tendencies in women are associated with estrogen levels and facial femininity. Hormones and Behavior, 61(1), 12-16.

The major theme in this research work is the correlation that exists between maternal behavior and the levels of the oestrogen hormone. The authors present a comparison between studies done on different women. All the authors are professors in psychology and are therefore significant to my topic of study.

Mileva, G., Bielajew, C., & Konkle, A. T. (2013). Sex differences in physiology and behavior: the importance of hormones and rearing environment. Estrous Cycle: Physiology, Endocrinology, and Role in Breeding and Reproductive Management. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, USA, 1.

This research focuses on the differences in physiology and behavior which come about as a result of the fluctuation in hormones during the oestrus cycle. The researchers majorly focus on the mammalian females. Mileva, Bielajew, and Konkle are psychologists at the University of Ottawa. Their research applies to my topic and study in that it shows the biological determinants of behavior in females.


Chapman, E. N., Kaatz, A., & Carnes, M. (2013). Physicians and implicit bias: how doctors may unwittingly perpetuate health care disparities. Journal of general internal medicine, 28(11), 1504-1510.

Haraway, D. (2013). Simians, cyborgs, and women: The reinvention of nature. Routledge.

Li, S. H., & Graham, B. M. (2017). Why are women so vulnerable to anxiety, trauma-related and stress-related disorders? The potential role of sex hormones. The Lancet Psychiatry, 4(1), 73-82.

Mileva, G., Bielajew, C., & Konkle, A. T. (2013). Sex differences in physiology and behaviour: the importance of hormones and rearing environment. Estrous Cycle: Physiology, Endocrinology and Role in Breeding and Reproductive Management. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, USA, 1.

Oakley, A. (2016). Sex, gender and society. London: Routledge.

Smith, M. J. L., Deady, D. K., Moore, F. R., Jones, B. C., Cornwell, R. E., Stirrat, M., ... & Perrett, D. I. (2012). Maternal tendencies in women are associated with estrogen levels and facial femininity. Hormones and Behavior, 61(1), 12-16.

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Literature Review Essay Example on Sex, Gender, and Sex Hormones. (2022, Sep 12). Retrieved from

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