Paper Exampel on Living with Back Conditions, Arthritis and Osteoporosis: Quality of Life Impact

Published: 2023-11-29
Paper Exampel on Living with Back Conditions, Arthritis and Osteoporosis: Quality of Life Impact
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1403 words
12 min read


Quality of life for necessary daily living activities faces significant effects with back conditions, arthritis, and osteoporosis. Arthritis is a condition that expresses joint inflammation for connective tissues and tissues adjacent to the joints with stiffness and pain as the common symptoms that gradually develop around and in one or more joints. Skeletal disease osteoporosis implies a porous bone whereby it deteriorates low bone mass and lean tissues. The disease causes more vulnerability of fractures for bones by making them brittle and weak. Wrist, spine, and hip are the familiar places of fractures for osteoporosis, and until they occur, it often lacks diagnosis because it is not simple to detect (Woolf & Pfleger, 2003). There are several distinct ways to define osteoporosis conditions, with its occurrence lasting more than seven weeks beyond the healing period. Society continues to face an unexpected increase of osteoporosis toward older people with lifestyle alterations, such as lack of exercise and drug abuse. Adults in addition to the age factor overexert in work and are at risk of osteoporosis conditions.

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The Genetic Implication of Objective

The genetic implication for healthy people 2020 objective of lessening adult proportion with osteoporosis characterizes through micro-architectural bone tissue deterioration, risk of increasing fracture, and low bone mass. There is a vital role-play of genetic factors with twin and family studies regulating bone mineral density in adults (Stewart & Ralston, 2000). Additionally, other determiners of fracture risk, such as bone turnover, the skeletal muscle's geometry, and bone ultrasound properties, outline osteoporosis's genetic implication. The effects of several genes determine the polygenic disorder by bringing modest influence on bone mass. A single gene in a rare event can also cause mutations and the occurrence of osteoporosis by regulating bone mass in multiple loci animal experiments linking to human studies. Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder commonly associated with severe age-related disease, implicating more healthcare costs, mortality, and morbidity. Osteoporosis is a multifactorial disorder with genes and environment interaction casing it with fracture risk and bone strength exerting subtle bone mass influence. Osteoporosis in epidemiological studies interestingly bears fractures' heritability as a genetic component for families with a history of fracture. There is a constant increase in bone metabolism for adults, and several genes regulate it with the minor genes exerting lesser effects than significant genes. Genes get involved in molecular pathways of bone cells and the metabolism of calcium.

Environmental Factors Affecting Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis environmental contributing factor such as diet plays a vital role for bones. The building of healthy bones requires essentials such as vitamin D and calcium hence create a more significant risk of osteoporosis when adults lack enough to build their bone mass (Huang, Ng, & You-Qiang, 2015). Having a balanced diet with these nutrients is essential for people because others make it harder to build strong bones, such as excessive sodium or protein. The body loses calcium for a diet with high protein or sodium; hence, a balanced diet enhances adults' bone formation. Calcium and vitamin D intake with exercise can influence people's lifestyles with the continuous growth of bones. Lead is another environmental factor that influences osteoporosis with its toxicity, targeting tissues and central role-play of toxicokinetics in the skeleton. Bone cell function faces diverse effects from lead by altering bone cell differentiation with calciotropic hormones of plasma levels (Goyer et al. 1994). Bone matrix proteins synthesis as hormonal stimuli alters bone cells with lead because it perturbs its ability to respond and mediate sensitive signals.

Lead by inhibition of enzymes discomposes the function of the bone cell and result in changed cellular energy. Lead causes a multifaceted and complex impact on bone cells with molecular and cellular effects similar to other biological targets that lead products. Lead can additionally interfere from standard control of paracrine to uncouple osteoclast and osteoblasts. It interferes directly with the process of cytokine transduction signals and hormones. Lead alters bones' structural integrity, reabsorption rate of bone, and peak bone mass, contributing to osteoporosis development. Lead toxicity targets the organ system of the skeleton and burdens the body to limit its impacts.

Protective Factors

Ingestion of vitamin D and calcium are among the protective factors of osteoporosis. Calcium and vitamin D have been used as a therapeutic regime to prevent and treat adults with bone loss. Adequate nutrition is one way to protect against osteoporosis, particularly with vitamin D and calcium adequate intake. Absorption of calcium and phosphate intensifies with vitamin D since it boosts intestinal absorption of them. Vitamin D ensures cell independence and proper functioning of organs and tissue, while calcium is the bone tissue reservoir (Marini & Brandi, 2010). Bones receive protection from vitamin D by supporting muscles and assisting the body with strong bones by absorbing calcium. Regular maintenance of skeletal growth is through the most common body mineral calcium. Adults need to gain enough calcium and have a balanced diet to protect against osteoporosis because it is a loss through urine, sweat, skin, nails, and hair. Bones get more comfortable breaking and weakening by lack of enough calcium; hence taking foods rich in it such as dairy products, helps protect and strengthen bones.

Moderate physical activity as the second factor leads to more protection against osteoporosis. Exercise lessens the rate of bone mass loss by slowing it and conserving remaining bone tissue. Physical activities reduce the risk of falling and fracture by increasing reaction time and protecting the spine. Exercises prevent falls by building muscle strength and help people with appropriate posture awareness. A combination of weight-bearing activities, strength training, and balance exercises would best be efficient for better results and protection against osteoporosis.

Risk Factors

Family is a hereditary factor that risks the development of osteoporosis because it can run in families. Bone mineral density as a genetic variation can determine and make up inheritable genes. Families with a history of osteoporosis are likely to pass it to siblings; hence it is recommendable for people with such experiences to seek early screening. Gender is another risk factor whereby women more than men are likely to develop osteoporosis. At the age of 50, women are more vulnerable to the disease with their gender because of thinner bones and smaller frames (Marini & Brandi, 2010). Menopause for women develops the risk of osteoporosis because of dropping levels for the hormone estrogen. Bone loss protection for women comes from estrogen; hence a drop in their level risks them to contact osteoporosis. Drug abuse threatens the development of osteoporosis in people, such as smoking and using alcohol. Alcohol can more likely create fractures by thinning bones due to heavy drinking while smoking fastens bone loss. Ages of people are another factor whereby when one gets older, they tend to lose bone mass and at around the age of 30 is the peak of growth. After period 30, there is the begging of loss for bone mass; hence, a diet with enough vitamin D and calcium will make sure bones keep strong.

In addition to the age factor, adults do overexert at work and are at risk of osteoporosis. The world's population is aging and is becoming more prevalent to most common diseases such as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis hallmarks the exhibit as heritable in the increasing effort to determine its genetics by researchers with bone mass density. Osteoporosis characterizes multiple gene variations through technology put into analyzing the aspects that risk and protect the condition. Society faces a heavy financial burden due to osteoporosis, with more cases of the older population and postmenopausal women. Genetics, environmental factors, and behavior of people are among the elements that highlight osteoporosis; thus, multi-collaboration may ensure optimal condition accuracy in future research.


Goyer, R. A., Epstein, S., Bhattacharyya, M., Korach, K. S., & Pounds, J. (1994). Environmental risk factors for osteoporosis. Environmental Health Perspectives, 102(4), 390-394. Retrieved from

Huang, S., Ng, G. C. T., & You-Qiang, S. (2015). Genetic Disorders Associated with Osteoporosis. Advances in Osteoporosis, 19.

Marini, F., & Brandi, M. L. (2010). Genetic determinants of osteoporosis: common bases to cardiovascular diseases?. International journal of hypertension, 2010.doi:10.4061/2010/39457

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion website. (2014).

Stewart, T. L., & Ralston, S. H. (2000). Role of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. Journal of Endocrinology, 166(2), 235-246., doi:10.1677/joe.0.1660235

Woolf, A. D., & Pfleger, B. (2003). Burden of major musculoskeletal conditions. Bulletin of the world health organization, 81, 646-656. Retrieved from

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Paper Exampel on Living with Back Conditions, Arthritis and Osteoporosis: Quality of Life Impact. (2023, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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