Low Volatility Games - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-23
Low Volatility Games - Essay Sample
Essay type:  Definition essays
Categories:  Statistics Games Money
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 639 words
6 min read

Low-volatility games are suitable for those players who want to be steady with how they gamble. These games are of low risk. Individuals who play low-volatility games have a high probability of winning (Stahl). However, these wins are not bigger than their total wager. Also, low volatility games are identified by the use of the paytable- these games have small wins and variations ranging from 4 to (Stewart et al.). A game of low volatility should give the player a win after spinning 3 to 5 times.

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Low volatility games suit individuals who are just playing to have fun, they will have no significant loss when an individual enjoys having small rewards because they do not want far and few big prizes. These games are also suitable for players who wish to have entertainment with their money (Stahl). Those players who are still fresh in gambling should use low-volatility games to learn how to play the slot. For some individuals who play casually low vitality is right for them because they do not want big wins but have fun.

High volatility games

High-volatility games are suitable for gamblers who are ready to take significant risks and make profits that are substantial (Stahl). High-volatility games may end up being dull to a player who is not lucky. It is always unusual for a gambler to do several spins without having a significant win.

High-volatility games are best suited for players who are ready to be involved in immense risks, fans of jackpots and bonus games because it will change their lives and players who have set limits of money they will lose before they quit the game because they do keep that in mind (Stewart et al.). Also, high volatility suits players who are playing with a large amount of money because they have the aim of competing for big prizes.

Why Slot Machines Are More Dangerous

Whether one decides to mortar, a brick, or decides to play casino online, slots will still be the leading and most popular among all other forms of gambling. Slot remains popular and, therefore dangerous because the games in the machines playing them are not complicated, and also understanding them is also very easy (Stewart et al.). Some casino games such as baccarat need more practice and learning, slots, on the other hand, can be played without training and practice (Stahl). Being that slot does not require training and more practice, it is accessible to almost anybody. Therefore, it is hazardous for the majority will prefer it. As a result, they will misuse resources.

Technology is also a factor making slot machines dangerous. Technology is resulting in gambling advancements. The current slot machines used have incredible improvements, creative innovations are made, making simple slot machines into mobile games and touch screens. The innovative advancements are creating some excitement in individuals. As a result, the majority go for the machines (Stewart et al.). As a result, it becomes addictive in their life. Online games in slot machines make the games easily accessible. Not only does the slot machine make playing games fast, but the games are also easy to play. Therefore, slot machines attract more gamers (Stahl). As a result, it ends up being addictive more than other forms of gambling. Even developers of slot machines have made improvements in the gaming software, making available games more exciting and attractive (Stewart et al.). The improved software includes better game features that are innovative and have increased rounds of bonus. For instance, slot machines have big multipliers of bonuses and expanding features. All these software improvements make slot machines addictive and dangerous all the time.

Works Cited

Stahl, Lesley. Slot Machines: The Big Gamble. CBS News, 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLD17r0U2D0

Stewart, David, et al. "Demisfying Slot Machines and Their Impact in The United States." 2020, https://files.fm/u/amsc5nq3. Accessed 24 July 2020.

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