Essay Sample: Ludlow-Taylor Elementary School and the Taylor Art and Culture Centre Program

Published: 2022-03-23
Essay Sample: Ludlow-Taylor Elementary School and the Taylor Art and Culture Centre Program
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Culture School
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1754 words
15 min read


Ludlow-Taylor Elementary School is an outstanding school community that boasts of its top-notched staff, involving and caring parents, and diligent students who show the thirst and ambition to succeed in their studies and become productive citizens to this country. The school's data shows its rapid impressive growth over the last couple of years, as the management try to move the institution towards the highest level of achievement in the country. In their efforts to achieve these goals, the school management continues to enhance the need for a student-centered approach mode of learning where the cognitive and skills of students are developed when they are still young enough to accept change. Under this learning approach, the specific needs of every student are assessed by the teacher and more efforts are placed to ensure that such needs are met, and strengths are furthered. It is on such basis that the school introduced the Taylor Art and Culture Centre.

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The program's primary goal is to encourage inquiry, creativity, and teach the love for learning and appreciating the country's history, which began hundreds of years ago. The program gives the student an opportunity to interact, sharpen their cognitive development, enhance their social skills, and also develop ways to deal with challenges in their daily lives. This report gives some of the critical issues about the program, the problems being witnessed, and how the school is dedicated to guaranteeing that such matters are dealt with efficiently. The paper is therefore to all other elementary schools across the country which are still weighing the prospects of developing and implementing such an idea. The writing is significant in enabling everyone, not only the students, but also other leaders, members of the armed forces, parents, and individuals in the public sector, to come together and foster unity regardless of their political, religious, racial, and economic differences.

Agency Mission, Value Base - Public Law and Policy

Agency's Mission, Goals, and Objectives

Missions are essential to every organization's existence (Babnik, Breznik, Dermol, & Trunk Sirca, 2014: p. 612). Missions help to answer the questions regarding why the institution is in existence in the first place, its relevance, and the impact it makes in the society (Freeman & Jeanloz, 2017). The mission is like the moral compass of an organization and directs the organization on the issues it needs to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in its manifesto. The Taylor Art and Cultural School is one of the primary sites for realizing the vision of quality and practical oriented education and learning program. The agency's mission is to cultivate the comprehension of the nation's art and cultural diversity and to enable students to appreciate the foundational disciplines which ground all their intellectual inquiries. The school aims at specializing the aspect of acquired knowledge in various subjects with an understanding of scientific, artistic, humanistic, and technological context. Through the program, the agency conveys knowledge and convenient skills, nurturing critical thinking among its members, as well as enhancing ethical decision making by the students. In other words, the agency's chief mission is to prepare students for civic engagement and leadership roles in the future.

Goal 1: Effective communication and cordial interaction in a culturally appropriate manner


Attain functional expertise in listening, language, interpretation, and writing.

Identifying cultural explicit perspective and morals entrenched in language conduct.

Decoding, examining, and inferring authentic texts of innumerable cultural genres.

Producing organized and coherent discourse in oral and written modes.

Goal 2: Recognition and appreciation of cultural values, practices, and heritage of our country and other foreign countries.


Achieving working knowledge of history and geography of different countries.

Explaining the nature of primary social and political structures in the country.

Identifying and appreciating various works of literature, art, and music.

Goal 3: Development of cognitive strategies and disposition for efficient learning processes.


Distinguishing the disposition of cultural uniqueness, cross-cultural transformation comparison.

Acquiring flexibility and openness of mind in understanding and appreciating cultural differences and diversity.

Developing insight into nature of American language, the process of communication itself, and cultural acquisition.

Demographic Mission

Ludlow-Taylor Elementary school takes on a student-centered approach as opposed to a task oriented one. The school embraces demographic diversity and appreciates the uniqueness that every student contributes to the whole. The school's administration is sensitive to cultural and demographic diversity and seeks to cater to the needs of the different students joining the school. The school has a diverse mixture of different ethnicities, economic classes, and races and this adds to the school's unique approach to learning. The Ludlow-Taylor Elementary school believes in the promotion of equality and encourages students to work together non-discriminately.

The Values That Underlie the Above Stated Mission, Goals, and Objectives

The Ludlow-Taylor Elementary School educates students to become aggressive in succeeding in different areas of life. With the ability to generate, access, and utilizing information becoming a critical factor in social, economic, and personal growth, students and the staff members are required to accept changes and learn new aspects of modern life which include art and cultural diversity. The expanding globalization effect has resulted in movement and connection of people from different corners of the world even as society strives to enhance the free flow of information. It is indeed correct that the effect of rapidly shifting informational and communication technologies is reshaping individuals' personal, educational, and social activities, as well as local, national, and international institutions. It is on such societal changes that the Taylor Art and Cultural School lays its beliefs and values. The agency has the underlying values of engagement, sustainability, diversity, and leadership. These essential values are perceived to underpin the school's preparation of students and its contribution to American society in the current century through understanding and appreciation of art and culture.

Relevant Public Law That Impacts Your Agency and Its Programs

On matters of dogma, the public inclines to look to think that it is the Federal government that has much impact on the country's education programs. However, the local, government also determines the country's educational policies on state levels. Earlier in the country's history, the legislative comprising of the Congress, enacted the 10th Amendment to the American constitution which forms the basis for making education a core function of the states. Because of such laws, each district school is supposed to be administered and financed by the community in conjunction with the district's state government. Standards and quality of education vary from one state to another contingent on the educational policies and laws implemented by the state government. The Taylor Art and Culture School provides academic and co-curricular activities which not only align with the Ludlow-Taylor Elementary School's administrative policies but also the Federal and State Laws. Hence, some of the laws which influence the school's operations are; the law on equal access to education, laws on safeguarding teachers' and students' constitutional rights, the Persons with Disabilities Education Act, No Child Left Behind Act, and Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

Comparison between Agency Values and My Values

As one of the staff members in the school, I am mandated to ensure that the program runs efficiently in line with the canons set by the state and centralized governments concerning the education sector. I believe that the values of the agency are positive, relevant, and of immense benefit not only to the students but also to the general public. As a field officer, I believe that creativity, diversity, and togetherness should be the critical factors instilled in our education policies. The Taylor Art and Cultural School operates on the values of cohesiveness, creativity, appreciation, and understanding of cultural diversity. These values align with my values as a professional field officer in the education sector, and I believe that they are essential in transforming the institution into a world-class school.


How the Program is Funded

Funding is key to every organization's success and the ability of the institution to meet its desired goals and objectives (Mourao, Pereira & Moreira, 2017, p. 846). This is because it is through the adequate availability of funds that managers or administrators can effectively undertake their administrative role to ensure that all the essential products and equipment needed for the organization to operate efficiently are available. The program receives funding from well-wishers and donors who share in its vision of using art to teach kids how to young men and women of integrity when they grow up. Through a state funding program, it also receives occasional monies for its CSR work sponsoring local drives and charities that clean up the community and encourage young people to nurture their innate talents and desires.

Sources and Sufficiency

However, with the availability of adequate funds always comes the aspect of mismanagement which can turn a successful company or institution to fail within a short period. The essential element is, therefore, that every manager ensures that the available funds are used accordingly with much transparency, accountability, and integrity.

Solicitation for Funds

The programs of the Taylor Art and Cultural School are funded both directly and indirectly by the school administration and the Washington State government respectively. The School is financed mainly by the Ludlow-Taylor Elementary School. The school management allocates at least 15 percent of its annual budget towards the operation of the Agency and its programs. The state government through the department of education and cultural heritage also allocates additional $120,000 yearly to help finance the School's programs. Through these two sources, the school has managed to impact the lives of many students in the schools and enabling them to appreciate art and cultural diversity.

Funding Problems

The major problem is that with the speedy upsurge in the figure of students who register for the School's program, the funds being allocated to the organization are limited against the high number of students to be served. Hence, the institution, through its directors and chairman who is also the Principal of the Ludlow-Taylor Elementary School, always outsources for other funds from parents and well-wishers. Additionally, the changing landscape of arts calls for the procurement of specific equipment and resources. Acquiring them is problematic since the meager funds available cannot even adequately meet the demands of the participants.

Organizational Structure of the Taylor Art and Cultural School


The Taylor School runs several programs all intended to enhance the cultural appreciation and understanding by the student. According to O'Neill, Beauvais, & Scholl (2016), organizational structure defines the manner in which organization activities like supervision, delegation, and coordination are allocated among different employees with the aim of enabling the organization to achieve its objectives and goal...

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Essay Sample: Ludlow-Taylor Elementary School and the Taylor Art and Culture Centre Program. (2022, Mar 23). Retrieved from

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