Essay on Macronutrients & Micronutrients: Research on Dietary Habits in All Ages

Published: 2023-09-30
Essay on Macronutrients & Micronutrients: Research on Dietary Habits in All Ages
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare Nutrition
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 921 words
8 min read


In nutrition there is basically two classifications based on the quantities that are required by human body. There is macronutrients and micronutrients; macronutrients are nutrients that are needed in great amounts for the body to function appropriately whereas micronutrients are nutrients that are required in a much lesser quantity than macro nutrients.” This research was conducted on the diet consumption generally in all age groups to determine the various nutritional habits (Freeman & Hayes, 2004). The data collection methods in the findings were general observations, interviews and information from collected data. This research document will focus on the macronutrients in human health, effects of low and high levels of macronutrient Daily nutritional intake of a diet.

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Some of macro nutrients include; carbohydrates, proteins and fats. macronutrients are the major building blocks of the body thus are considered ‘macro’. Each macronutrient has a very basic role in the body. The carbohydrates for instance also termed as” energy giving’ foods are so vital since their metabolism helps the body to obtain chemical energy. High levels of sucrose or fructose consumption (which are also forms of carbohydrates) could be hazardous but intake of fiber- containg foods could be beneficial.

Fats which is also a macronutrient is found in fat and fat containing foods. fats are also metabolized in the body and yield energy to the body but in relatively higher amounts than carbohydrates. However as much as fats are important, the also may pose a higher medical risk if consumed in large of the major risk likely to be posed as a result high amounts of fats consumption are obesity and weight gain.

Proteins are also macronutrients that also referred to as ‘body building and repair’ and essential is the body in many different ways. Proteins are among the vital macronutrients required in the body. proteins consumed in the diet promotes the satiety sensation and enhancing weight loss. Proteins consumption triggers the release of anoretic hormone that promotes satiety feeling. the anoretic hormone has peptide (YY) which is very directly linked to the satiety sensation. The peptide is very vital in weight loss and thus is used as a therapy in obesity patients (Huang & Hu, 2020). The dietary composition of macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates and proteins) may be a major factor contributing to weight gain and obesity.

Daily Intake

In a daily intake research conducted ,its was evident that this particular set of individuals had a higher rate of carbohydrates consumption (40%) ,Carbohydrates consumption rates was closely followed by fats(38%) and proteins (20%) .hence in an average meal weighing 300g for instance, the consumption of nutrients could be estimated as 120g carbohydrates,114g fats and 60g of proteins (the rest of the percentages could be micronutrients).

  • Carbohydrates-40% (120g/300g)
  • Fats-38% (114g/300g)
  • Proteins-20%(60g/300g)

The presence of macronutrients in the diet have been linked to genomic stabillity.Macronutients (proteins, calories and glycerol) consumption have been found to have an impact directly on the micronucleus and the DNA .An increase in micronucleus frequency is seen as a result of intake of proteins, calcium and zinc whereas a decrease in the same due to intake of omega-6 and fats, this decrease has a negative impact and may damage the DNA (Freeman & Hayes, 2004). Therefore, some macronutrients may result to DNA damage while others impact positively on the genomic stability.

Calorie intake (macronutrient) may also have an impact on the red blood cells. there is a link between calorie intake and homozygous sickle cell disease patients where by retardation of growth is seen. Impaired somatic sickle cell growth in sickle cell anemia may be as a result of inadequate food consumption. Although other causes like gender and age (adolescent-adult) may also be a factor but consumption of food is still a major factor.

Macronutrients in companion with minerals and vitamins are very vital in endurance of exercise activity. The basic function of macronutrients in the body during sport activity is restoring energy balances, optimizing biochemical, hormonal and immune functions (Madsen et al., 2008). A well-balanced dietary plan is important since helps reducing diet related diseases like hepatocellular disorders, renal related disorders, cardiovascular problems and digestive disorders. Athletes are thus required to consumed balanced diets containing all macronutrients to avoid health disorders when exercising.

Calcium which is a major dietary macronutrient plays a central role in the preventing obesity and metabolism regulation. Calcium dietary intake leads to an increase in breakdown of fats thus this is very important in increasing fat and weight loss (Huang & Hu, 2020). This regulation is due to the circulation of calcitriol ions which regulate the triacylglycerol storage and the metabolism of lipids. Moreover, the increased calcium ions in circulation, triggers the adipocyte calcium ions. Large amounts of calcium in the diet increase lipolysis and counters lipogenesis and thus greatly prevents diet related obesity.


In conclusion, macronutrients have a great impact human health both positive and negative. the pros of macronutrients are that they contribute to appetite regulation, the development and welfare of the body so as it may able to fight infections also exercising among many other benefits. However, some may have negative impact if consumed in excessive amount.


Freeman, J. & Hayes, C. (2004). “Low-Carbohydrate” Food Facts and Fallacies. Diabetes Spectrum, 17(3): 137-140.

Huang, Z. & Hu, Y. (2020). Dietary patterns and their association with breast milk macronutrient composition among lactating women. International Breastfeeding Journal, 12(9), 517-527.

Madsen, L., Liaset, B. & Kristiansen, K. (2008). Macronutrients and obesity: views, news, and reviews. Future Lipidology, 3:1, 43-74.

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Essay on Macronutrients & Micronutrients: Research on Dietary Habits in All Ages. (2023, Sep 30). Retrieved from

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