Management Essay Example for You to Get Inspired

Published: 2022-04-04
Management Essay Example for You to Get Inspired
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1120 words
10 min read

Skills Considered When Hiring Senior Management Person

Thriving in the changing business world requires a manager with demonstrated agility, resilience and focus on satisfying the more demanding clients. Besides, people management skills are critical to resolve conflicts, address demotivation and use one's emotional intelligence to optimize team performance. Excellent mastery of financials is essential to ensure sufficient allocation of resources required in the implementation. Influencing skills are fundamental to retain direct control over processes and people while generating positive influence to create buy-ins to the strategy.

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Extreme communication skills are decisive to convey the intended message up, down and across the firm. It ensures the team members listen, remember and buy into the set goal by acting on the shared information. One should have negotiation skills to develop win-win outcomes when engaging colleagues, suppliers, clients, and partners. Project management skills and all-around management is critical to ensure multiple parts of the firm should work collaboratively to create value.

Management by Objective (MBO) Benefits to New Strategic Plan

Implementing MBO brings alignment of individual efforts within the teams to the collective objective of the organization. It resembles the function of lasers allowing strategic planning processes envisioned to accomplish defined goals. It overcomes the diffused focus caused by different personal objectives to improve process management. It reinforces the understanding of individual roles and assessment of one's input. Such is essential to trigger participative decision making that yields conformance to the integrated hierarchy of objectives. MBO overcomes the activity trap by explaining its causes and enables employees to understand and own the goal making process. Sharing the objectives helps combat the natural resistance to change by initiating clarity amongst the chaos.

Total Quality Management (TQM) Benefits to New Strategic Plan

TQM focus on improving the system quality to satisfy customer requirements through process controls. It aligns the production approach accommodating the participation of all employees to identify flaws and controls that require improvement. Implementing TQM approach mandates the analysis and evaluation through a priorities matrix to assess the options that would meet customer demands. TQM targets wholesome improvement through continuous adjustment of processes till people and machine realization of optimum efficiency. Like MBO, TQM streamlines the procedures to accomplish the proactive functioning system that overcomes deviations hence setting the ideal state to accomplish productivity and efficiency. Not only does it eliminate challenges arising in work processes but also address redundant and unnecessary tasks that may prompt effort duplication. Such helps to preempt and eliminate the unproductive activities.

Part Corporate Culture Play when Implementing Strategy

Corporate culture comprises shared norms, values and beliefs that set the foundation of the firms' model. The successful formulation of a strategy mandates alignment of initiatives meant to support and link to the implemented strategy. A flexible culture is crucial to adapt and create the openness that accommodates diversity in the approach. It becomes a unifying platform allowing members have systematic support, teamwork, and cooperation. It becomes the source of enhanced commitment to embrace the strategy hence avoid natural resistance to introduced changes.

Corporate culture alignment to give leaders a platform to work with individual and teams is crucial to realize efficient operations. The alignment process yields opportunity to build new partnerships while re-establishing past to uphold continuity through reduced internal conflicts. Flexible and unified cultures often approach the new strategy implementation positively by aligning goals that allow the organizational people to commit to accomplishing the primary mission. The corporate culture creates an accommodative domino effect that ensures all work meets the strategic importance. The unification at the basic level helps sustain continuity to drive a progressive performance identity.

Adidas AG corporate culture nurtures high performance through collaborations to pursue win-win outcomes. Its culture features continuous cultivation of transformation, optimizing talent and nurturing thriving teams. It emphasizes mind shift for its people to cease attending to their individual's needs and embrace win-win outcomes in the enterprise objectives. It incentivizes its employees to do more than required and transform the firm into an industry pacesetter. Lastly, it has innovative culture nurtured through acceptance that the world is changing, hence mandates openness and creativity to complement the formal process of doing business.

Types of Controls to Evaluate Strategy

Strategic controls enable one to monitor the big picture and ensure all pieces align correctly to detect challenging areas and potential weakness as the basis for making appropriate adjustments. Input controls involve proactivity measures allowing the implementation measures monitor for challenges to realize timely preventions. The proactivity eliminates the reactionary initiatives through feed-forward processes to discover and address the new challenges. They include concurrent, feedback and feedback loop control. Concurrent controls seek real-time results such as expertise engagement during to navigate process difficulties that could cause delays and inefficiency.

Behavioral controls demonstrate how specific things should be done by set operating standards, and policy rules. They feature direct assessment of the employee- and managerial decisions by tying rewards with the criterion such as the balanced scorecard. Their use suits coordination of resources and avoidance of dilution effect in the relationships developed. They include the qualitative assessment of customers' satisfaction and hands-on supervision.

Output controls assess the outcome to judge the performance. They seek to monitor the achievement of the intended results. They comprise return on assets, investment, liquidity checks and profitability. They ease tracking of performance targets and outcomes such as real-time production speed, market demand, financial measures, and forecasts. The significant time span arising between formulation, implementation and achieving intended results in strategies requires continual tracking of results.

Measurements of Corporate Performance

The assessment of corporate performance varies with the needs of the respective firm. However, a vast majority of firms gauge their performances using financial metrics comprising earnings per share, gross profit margins, and return on equity. The use of mathematical metrics such as return on asset focuses attention on the efficiency of operations and allocated resources. Additionally, balance scorecard monitors financial and nonfinancial performance by gauging innovation, internal processes, customer value, learning and development alongside the financial performance. Its use accommodates assessment of corporate culture attitudes, customer requirement conformance, internal processes, and satisfaction. The inclusion of profit per employee metric tracks the overall financial performance of the contribution of each worker.

Strategic Incentive Management Method

The use of weighted-factor method will help track performance aligned to the set strategic objectives. The weighted-factor method will help assess the periodic accomplishment of the strategic goals while tying compensation to the accomplished goals. Its use will encourage the policy-level managers to assume responsibility to reinforce efforts capable of achieving short-term and midrange corporate goals often suppressed by the focus on long-term performance. The weighted-factor method will accommodate cash and non-cash incentives to ensure employees correlate their performance to sustained motivation and work productivity.

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