Managers Versus Leaders in Healthcare - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-01
Managers Versus Leaders in Healthcare - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Management Health and Social Care
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 456 words
4 min read


Management and leadership go hand in hand, besides being two different things. Both managers and leaders are critical in delivering services for an organization (Algahtani, 2014). This essay will assess the differences between management and leadership.

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Leadership entails getting people to comprehend and believe in an organization's set mission and achieve the set goals. Comparatively, management focuses more on administering and ensuring that an organization's routine activities are happening as planned. Leadership entails the process of inspiring others while managers focus on planning. Leaders envision the future, communicate it to others, and develop a strategy to realize this vision. Besides sharing the vision, leaders inspire individuals and negotiate for funds and support to accomplish their objectives (Azad et al., 2017).

Managers guarantee the accessible funds are well controlled and utilized to offer the best results. It gets presumed that managers are leaders; however, some people lead without holding any managerial positions. Management in healthcare plays different critical roles, including planning, organizing the available resources, budgeting for health organizations, coordinating their organization activities, and developing the right management demands for specific conditions. For instance, managers are to get nominated on merit; they must earn their workforce and patients' admiration. Managers must remain aware of the purpose of services delivered by their organizations (Kantanen et al., 2017).

Consideration as a Manager

I believe my current position is a leader because, as a healthcare worker, I focus on motivating and inspiring my colleagues. I have created a passion for following my vision of delivering quality care, and I keep a keen eye on my followers and try to lead via a transformative approach. The primary qualities that identify me as a leader include holding integrity, excellent communication abilities, creativity, and vision.


In conclusion, leadership and management concepts have differences. Mangers administer and ensure that set guidelines get followed while leaders envision future achievements and get people to believe in them. I believe I am a leader since I am a visionary, possess good communication skills, and inspire my follower.


Algahtani, A. (2014). Are leadership and management different? A review. Journal of management policies and practices, 2(3), 71-82.

Azad, N., Anderson, H. G., Brooks, A., Garza, O., O’Neil, C., Stutz, M. M., & Sobotka, J. L. (2017). Leadership and management are the same. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 81(6).

Kantanen, K., Kaunonen, M., Helminen, M., & Suominen, T. (2017). Leadership and management competencies of head nurses and directors of nursing in Finnish social and health care. Journal of research in Nursing, 22(3), 228-244.

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