Free Essay: Manufacturing Depression, Causes of Depression and Treatment

Published: 2019-09-24
Free Essay: Manufacturing Depression, Causes of Depression and Treatment
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Mental health Depression
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1418 words
12 min read

Depression was found in the 1950s to be a mental illness caused by the imbalance of neurotransmitters, especially serotonin. With time, there has been the development of anti-depressant including selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitions (SSRIs) like Prozac. The drug received great reception in the USA as it facilitated the remaking of self. The anti-depressants were seen as a way of alleviating stress.

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The first side effect of anti-depressants is the way they alter the neurochemistry. Greengard argues that there the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization had no idea of the existence of depression. During that time, no one had a feeling of the presence of depression. After its discovery, the CDC termed it the common cold of mental illness and the WHO found it as the fourth contributor tote global burden of disease. It is perceived that doctors have improved in their diagnosis of depression. It is presupposed, the present-day life has it demand that cannot be met by the neurochemistry bestowed upon us by the natural selection.

Global warming increased world warfare, and the world economic collapse has been implicated in the increased depression. These incidences have imposed sickness and worry onto the people. Furthermore, it has been argued that the prevailing climate of new opinion serve to from the unique form of horrible weather. The increased views have resulted in confusion since some claim that depression is in our heads. However, the depression is not an imaginary but an organic medical state that has an effect on our health status.

The fact depression has been being treatable medical condition has made people open up to their doctors to their suffering which they might have never sought any relief. The move as saved lives through preventing such attempts as suicide has cemented family togetherness and increased the productivity of people. Also, the neuroscience field has reaped more from the fact. The industries have expanded their research to finding medications that can treat depression. It has led to researchers trying to unleash how the nervous system works.

Greengard in his argument notes that depression can be real or fake. It can be real due to the involvement of neurochemical events or false due to the unpredictable ingenuities or the feeble resolves. Greengard overlooks that fact that depression is made for us and not by us. Therefore, it can be argued that it is manufactured.

Depression might be associated with undiscovered brain pathology. It, therefore, means that any sense of unhappiness points out to a brain illness just like any other disease. Many Americans have been having incessant questions relating to their level of happiness. The fact that depression has been manufactured has led to the question of Am I happy enough? Changing to Am I not happy enough because I am sick. Depression has been constructed not as an illness but a concept of sorrow concerning it source and relief relating to whom we are to suffer and our fate after being cured. These thoughts make the antidepressant market virtually unlimited.

By 1987, depression was an illness but not as famous as now. In 1980, it was officially a disease as stated in the American Psychiatric Association DSM of Mental Disorders. DSM sorted psychological troubles into groups then into individual diagnoses. DSM provides taxonomy of mental disorders and assigns every species a five-digit code that can unlock the treasury insurance. DSM III incited a revolution in psychiatry concerning the origin, the nature and the causes of mental suffering.

Depression has led to severe disabilities. It is deadly. It is resistant to comfort and even depressants. The fact that the condition has led to the outright suffering of clients, Greengard argues, has made him unhappy too. The therapist is known for putting patients in diagnostic categories, but they cannot take it that they may be mentally ill.

Depression has increasingly expanded its diagnosis is rising. Depression is a reconstitution of the wide range of band of human experience as a disease. Therefore, depression is a culturally transmitted disease carried not only by a microbe or a genetic factor but also an idea that is transferred by a delicate and non-delicate means. It includes direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising, the dominance of pharmaceutical companies in medical education, research and practice. Also are the state laws requiring the insurance firms to gather for the treatment of depression and the casual conversations from diagnosed friends? Due to the above, there has been spreading of sorrows, discontent, unhappiness and hopelessness. The idea has therefore taken up residence in nearly all people. Despite the vivid knowledge of depression, Greengard argues that the climate of opinion.

The failure to have depression as a disease just as tuberculosis has led to the failure to have the actual nature of its existence. Erosion of depression is the social goal. However, ignorance is a hindrance. Depression is a disorder of emotional evaluation of the experience. Such people do not have resilience. These people, therefore, cannot move towards assertiveness and optimism. The Western civilization is argued to valorize depression because depressives shape it. Depression doctors consider pessimism as a sign of internal disturbance. On the other hand, medication does not distinguish between ordinary sorrow and pathology.

The descriptive approach to the diagnosis of mental illness varies from one nation to another. The psychiatry industry has been working towards the elimination of the disparities and the human element from psychiatry. The human element is seen where the symptoms constitute the diseases and vice versa. Doctors serve to give one a reason to hope that things will be getting better.

Re-known psychologists such as have argued that the current psychotherapeutic regimes are incompatible. The contemporary practices include clinical drug trial, brain imaging and cognitive-behavioral therapy. These modalities seen as means of treatment are considered to be a conspiracy by capitalist world. Greenberg argues that the conspiracy is aimed at convincing that unhappiness is a chemical feature. He criticizes psychopharmacology and CBT as indoctrination into the pieties of American optimism. He sees them as getting people to consent to the present arrangement. Greenberg notes that the drug companies see the worlds unhappiness as an opportunity to make money. They invented the disease to sell the cure. The modern psychiatry has created expansive criteria for mental illness. Thus, it has led to adverse consequences for the health insurance, the justice system, social welfare administration and the cost of health services.

Patients suffering from depression and anxiety disorders respond very well to treatment by psychoanalytic and behavioral therapies. Furthermore, patients treated by psychotherapists do better than patients dealt with by persons with no psychiatric training. There has been little evidence to support the idea that supplementing antidepressant with therapy has led to better outcomes.

Biologic psychiatry aims at identifying the organic conditions that underlie the symptoms of mental disturbance that patients complain of. It aims at establishing disease as a classical of medical practice. Most cases of depression can spontaneously remit but does not point out there is the lack of brain pathology. There is a correlation between depression and the ill-health. Having depression can lead to effects such as cardiac disease.

Depression has biologic, psychological and emotional aspects. The choice to handle it biologically carries a moral point as evidence by the various publications such as Noonday Demon (2001) by Andrew Solomon and Unholy Ghost (2001) and Poets on Prozac (2008).

The analytic-rumination hypothesis that focuses on the process of thoughts serves to reinforce the process of depression. It has made people fix their minds and extend the negative moods. Individuals with ruminating tendencies are more prone to depression. Moreover, they are more likely to be frightened by stressful events. However, stressful events have been linked to better decision making in complex situations. There is the enhancement of mental skills with stress and thus the correlation between the increased creativity and depressive disorders. It means that there is a cognitive style that is intertwined. Though there is improved intellectual performance, the urge to get out of depression remains most compelling.

In conclusion, the manufacturing stress is such a complex phenomenon that tries to explain the cause of stress. It points out that the events and the changing conditions are responsible for most depression it is associated with an organic pathology. Management of depression comprises of pharmacological and non-pharmacological modalities. Both of them have been useful with some amount of failure, but there is increasing research on their effectiveness. Notable, however, is the association of depression with the increased performance but does not alleviate the need for antidepressants.

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