Map of Sudbury - Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-09-24
Map of Sudbury - Free Essay Example
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  History Europe Literature review Community
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 842 words
8 min read

Map of Sudbury, - 1650

The map of Sudbury is critical in the study of the history of Puritans especially in the Colonial New England because it outlines the regional differences of the Puritans. The map is evident that the Puritans had the design of their villages which included Sudbury and Plymouth before they moved to those areas and how the two different villages were made of the same basic culture. Also, the design of the map of Sudbury is critical in the study of the Puritan life in Colonial New England because it is well planned out hence dictating how the layout of each village was significantly influenced by some of the ideas that were held most valuable by the Puritans. Also, the map of Sudbury emphasizes how New England used to be an outstanding region around the seventeenth century and the information from the map can also be used to determine the various living standards of the Puritans in various parts of the New Colonial England.

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John Pory’s Description of Plymouth, written in 1622

This source enhances the understanding of the Puritan life in the New Colonial England because it describes the Puritan life as John Pory witnessed in Plymouth. The source shapes the understanding of the values of the Puritans by describing how Plymouth was inhabited and how they developed a culture of cultivation in an area that had long been abandoned by the Indians. Hence, this primary source is essential to the understanding of how the colonial new England was formed especially how the group of Puritans that was led by Captain Jones found new settlement. Also, the article expresses the belief of the Puritans in the covenant with God as it explains the belief of the Puritans in the sayings of St. Paul as they settled on the harbor of Plymouth. Also, the article emphasizes on the good health that the Puritans were having by settling around Plymouth which resulted from the abundance of fish and fowl throughout the year.

Old Deluder Satan Act, 1647

This primary source enhances the understanding of the Puritan life in the new colonial England because it highlights one of the major acts that enhanced coexistence among the Puritans. The act enhanced coexistence among the Puritans because it outlined that once a particular part of the society reached a certain population then they would come together to appoint one individual who would teach the children. Also, the act provided an outline of charges so that the parents of children or the masters would not be oppressed by paying more for the sake of the education of their children. On the other hand, the act also provides an outline of how the town would set up the universities with regard to the increase in population, and only those who were fitted for the university would be allowed to instruct the youth.

Part B

Map of Sudbury, - 1650

This source provides proof for the regional differences that existed in the colonial new England and how it constituted to the way of life of the Puritans. According to the online readings, it is evident that there were regional differences between the colonial New England and Chesapeake and the regional differences determined the life expectancy that the members of the puritan community had in the colonial New England. Hence, the map proves why the differences that existed between new England and other English colonialists such as the Southeast and justifies why epidemic diseases led to the decline of the population of coastal Indians of New England in the early seventeenth century. Hence, the information from the online sources support the details of the map by accounting for the regional differences that existed among the Puritans in the colonial New England.

John Pory’s Description of Plymouth, written in 1622

This article provides a description of Plymouth and how the Puritans settled on the harbor of Plymouth. Therefore, this source accounts for the regional differences in the colonial New England. The contents of this source compares to the description of the Puritan life in the founding of New England in which the group of Puritans was then later known as Pilgrims. The article also compares to the description of how the Puritans left Netherlands and got help in a new settlement from an Indian named Squanto, who taught the English how to plant corn.

Old Deluder Satan Act, 1647

This article highlights one of the major acts that governed the Puritans in the colonial new England. This source compares to the online readings that emphasized on the religious doctrines of the Puritans even though there were ideological differences on some aspects of the church. For instance, the Puritans had differences in ideologies of individuals who could be admitted to the church membership, the individuals who could be baptized as well as those who were authorized to take the communion. The article provides an act which enhances the social coexistence among the Puritans which all existed in terms of covenant hence confirming the Puritan idea of the covenant.

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