Market Mix in Adidas - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-02
Market Mix in Adidas - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Marketing Sport Social media
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1007 words
9 min read


The marketing mix is described as the set of activities normally used by Adidas to promote air flights. The organization ensures that football players have sports-related clothes and equipment. There are four modes of the marketing mix. This is the product, place promotion, and price. Researchers have also developed several other p's like politics, people, positioning, and packaging, and as per my opinion, these other p's are still valid.

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First, we look at the product, Adidas is a company that deals with sports clothing and equipment. This business idea is specifically meant to be for the football players and the teams' supporters. Normally, Arsenal's supports will be interested in buying the sports items branded with the arsenal label. Thus, Adidas Company is likely to increase sales, especially when the team arsenal wins at the football grounds.

The price at which Adidas will sell its football clothes and the football equipment is the next factor that will help the players and the team players decide whether to buy this sports clothing. But in most circumstances, the team players and the team supporters will buy clothes branded as per their team despite the price. Because each would like to be identified by the team they support

Also, we consider place, the position at which Adidas will be selling their products, is the other determining factor of purchasing the products. For example, Adidas can carry its products to the football ground. They are likely to make more sales than when Adidas has placed their Adidas labeled products.

The last of the four p"s, is called promotion. This refers to the activities that Adidas will carry out to help create awareness of their existence. Activities such as giving sponsorships to football teams, giving awards of trade, advertisements, and many other activities are likely to involve the public. All these activities of drawing public awareness are what is termed as a promotion.

Meaning and Examples of Sponsorship

Sponsorship normally refers to the usage of Sponsorship, for example, in a certain event so that Adidas can campaign for its product. Clients cannot buy what they do not know. Therefore, each organization should create platforms for the creation of awareness for their existing products. An example is like sponsoring a football team so that they can play in another country. Then attend to the event and then make a speech so that Adidas can create awareness for its products.

Importance of Adidas Using a Good Market Campaign

The above-the-line mode of creating awareness includes; advertising on newspaper magazines, billboards, televisions, and the likes. This are the traditional modes of advertisement. These modes of advertisement are quite expensive. This type of advertisement cannot be used to reach a specific group of people. This is because of these modes of advertisement address big masses. These masses are made of different subgroups of people who have different tastes of products (Clark, 2012). If Adidas uses the above the line promotion, it is likely to increase its products; customers are likely to trust Adidas' products. A wider market than Adidas expects they will be created, and backlinks are likely to be created.

On the other hand, with the use of below the line promotions, this type of promotion is specific. Because it targets a specific group of people, Adidas can decide to target the young stars. This can be done in making deals of Sponsorship, direct public speaking, and social media platforms (Sutirtha, 2012). This method is more of a personal method of creating awareness. Healthy relations are usually created in the below the line mode of promotion.

Using both methods of promotion has its advantages. Because the above the line mode of promotion addresses publics while below the line addresses a specific group of people. But to achieve the goals and objectives of Adidas, using below the line mode of advertisement will be healthier (Clark, 2012). Below the line modes of promotion, will create awareness at a personal level. This will help Adidas in building a good relationship with its customers. Therefore, increasing the number of air flights.

Effectiveness of Adidas in Using Social Media

Talented thirty-two youngsters in London have been benefiting from the take the stage campaign. These youths have been given a chance to meet the leaders of the areas they are talented (Funk, 2014). For example, those who are good at dancing meet the dancers' leaders. This has usually encouraged talents to take the stage. The 'take the stage ' campaign has often been using social media platforms to reach the target audience. The social media users have also been used by the 'take the stage ' funs to get information update of the take the stage, talented individuals. Social media platforms have also been used to buy or sell goods and services (Funk, 2014). Therefore this is part of the marketing strategy in this generation. Adidas has used social media to reach the target audience.


Having a clear vision and aims of an organization will help determine the flow of activities within NATS. There is a likelihood of having coherence in performance, with the vision at the fingertips, of being a global leader in traffic solutions in the air. The employees and the manager will work very fast toward the achievement of the day to day aims of the organization and, by so doing, achieving NATS vision. NATS has recorded high levels of economic growth that have been achieved due to the creativity and innovation of workers plus the partnership across the world. NATS' success is being achieved day in day out as a result of following the organization's visions, goals, strategies, and aims.


Clark, S., A Case Study Observing the Effectiveness of Adidas’ Advertising and Marketing Tactics as an Official Sponsor of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games.

Funk, T., 2014. Advanced social media marketing: How to lead, launch and manage a successful social media program. Apress.

Mouzas, S., 2006. Efficiency versus effectiveness in business networks. Journal of Business Research, 59(10-11), pp.1124-1132.

Sutirtha, S.I., 2012. Brand activation is below the line marketing.

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