Marketing MMI's Product: Key Factors to Understand - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-15
Marketing MMI's Product: Key Factors to Understand - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Marketing Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 755 words
7 min read


Given that Manufacturing Mobile Inc. has failed in several attempts to market their product effectively, you have been brought in as a consultant help in marketing the new product. However, to market a product successfully, there are critical factors that a marketer must first understand, including how the product is produced, its cost as well as the target ground. Additionally, it is essential to understand the environmental factors that might affect its marketing, and these factors include economical, technological, legal, demographical, as well as cultural factors (Loidl et al., 2016). Therefore, I believe that the most critical factor that is most vital in the market is technology.

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In the modern business operation technology plays a vital part in the daily lives a large percent of the populace, however, in marketing it one of the sources of how the news about the product gets out in public. Using the technology mostly the social media platform, I can therefor factor in all the other environmental factors into the new product and determine who have reviewed it, the age and how many counts to truly determine the demographical niche or the target group that the product caters. By employing technology effectively, it can assist in the marketing of the product using fewer resources and all the information about the product to the target customers (Jain & Yadav, 2017). Through the use of technology, the product can be marketed internationally and to all cultures and demographic groups.

What Might Someone with An Opposing Viewpoint Think Is the Most Important?

However, someone might have a contrasting view as to what is the utmost critical environmental factor as persons are unique and have diverse thinking. Therefore, they might think that political, as well as cultural factors, are more critical (Loidl et al., 2016). However, it is essential to note that while marketing across state bounders or continents, it is vital to put into consideration the political stability, tariffs as well as quota in each state or market. Therefore, the critical assessment of these factors is essential in determining the effects of cost and products.

Given This Opposing Argument, How Would You Argue Your Opinion?

Technology is changing every day, and on top of that, it is embedded in all aspects of business, and this has made it easier and faster to do business. Therefore, by using technology as our primary focus, we will be able to collect data on the market and therefore create different models, including the company strategic marketing plan (Jain & Yadav, 2017). Additionally, the technology will assist in reaching a larger group of customers while offering better accessibility to the clients.

What Solutions Should Be Considered as You Seek to Develop A Sense of Ownership of Your Plan?

To ensure a “sense of ownership” it is essential to integrate the marketing approach to the overall company marketing plan. By so doing, we will get an accurate mixture of awareness as well as the entire marketing plan effort. By employing these crucial steps, the company will be able to focus on its clientele as well as maintain a steady consistency of accomplishment. Therefore, a company assessment and plan are essential.

What Solutions Would You Recommend to The Board, And Why?

One of the recommendations that I would present to the board is creating a team of experts and employees as this would offer an objective suggestion. This team would also be critical in identifying the trends in marketing as well as the different products offered by the rival companies. Additionally, the team will be tasked with the role of identifying new technological innovations as well as the tactical trends for penetrating new markets as well as connecting with the clients (Jain & Yadav, 2017).

Is A Compromise Feasible?

My option is that a concession is always possible. A concession effect favours the clients as they get a choice of selecting the middle selection of a discriminatory set as an alternative of the extreme choices. A compromise is therefore essential as it helps increase sales by generating another model which is exclusive.


Loidl, V., Oberhauser, C., Ballert, C., Coenen, M., Cieza, A., & Sabariego, C. (2016, April 12). Which Environmental Factors Have the Highest Impact on the Performance of People Experiencing Difficulties in Capacity? Retrieved August 21, 2020, from

Jain, D. E., & Yadav, A. (2017). Marketing and Technology: Role of Technology in Modern Marketing. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 19(05), 49-53.

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Marketing MMI's Product: Key Factors to Understand - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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