Essay Sample about Marxism Cultural Phenomenon in Relation to Power

Published: 2022-10-04
Essay Sample about Marxism Cultural Phenomenon in Relation to Power
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Karl Marx
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1199 words
10 min read

The political stability enjoyed in the current centuries among the many existing nations of the world never came to existence easily. The understanding of the political ideologues was problematic in the eighteenth centuries. This is due to the lack of information on the essence and routes of politics within society. Politics was complicated based on the forces behind its success and failures upon linkage to the involved participants and communities in general (Korsch, 2013). The division of the society as a result of cultural beliefs and values allows for the foundation of political understanding on a large view. The knowledge obtained from past historical publications assist in achieving overviews of issues in connection to specific issues at hand. Power has been a question of concern within society for a very long time. However, the knowledge on its origin, purpose and its impact on individuals has proved to be problematic to a large number of people. The analysis of Marxism directs the paper in developing a foundation for the understanding and interpretation of the origin of power and its implications within the society today.

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The political environments within different communities are impacted by the cultural beliefs and values of the individual members related as a society. The political practices are tied to the norms of persons as a result of the unification of ideas based on the measure of acceptance and neglect on specific practices. Culture can be described in several ways. Nevertheless, for clarification purposes, it is defined as the norms, beliefs, and practices which guide the behaviors of individuals bordering a particular location set up. The code of conducts of individuals directs and assists people in identifying and differentiating between the right and wrong acts. Communities in most cases are associated with conservative adoption of characteristics and norms for the well-being of the community members. Political knowledge of different groups of communities is associated with Marxism theory because of the adoption of the strategies mentioned in the theory. Philosophers argue on the basis of importance and challenges faced by relating politics to the Marxism phenomenon.

Marxism is a theory established by Karl Marx and in his knowledge; he links politics to the division of people within different geographical locations into social classes. A social class is the classification and categorization of individuals into groups in relation to the financial capabilities. The annual incomes differentiate between the low, middle and rich classes of persons. The structural existence of politics in relation to political positions was created based on the social classes. The top seats of management were left for individuals who were financially stable and responsible for the cut down of events within different places. In accordance with Spivak (2012) in the 18th century, the culture of individuals associated power to the rich while the poor were the sources of labor to the responsible power holders. It was prohibited to associate poverty-oriented individuals to the throne of leadership. The belief behind the choice of Marxism ideologies was related to cultural practices and norms of individuals of that time of existence (Foucault, 2013). The argument upon issuing power to the rich alone and neglecting the rights of the poor was related to the belief of financial stability. The poor would have entrusted upon the titles to make wealth unlike the rich who already had valued monetary items (Pye, 2009). The rich class used their positions to acquire the political seats after which they implemented power to the locals. Other groups of individuals were on the receiving end to listen and watch power implemented to them.

Power is associated with the influence of individual behaviors. The capacities and abilities to rule over a particular group of people with the objective of being the final voice of control can also be linked to power. The works of McAdam (2000) indicates the structure of powers to be vertical in comparison to Marxism theory. The divisions were made based on education levels, wealth, family origin, religion, and race. The idea of power as applied by Marxism theory is biased based on the provision of power to individuals on favors. Individuals were limited to participate in power related ties as a result of the cultures on the type of leaders needed and those rejected. The cultural influences blinded the people in the right manner to choose leaders of the right caliber (Fiorina, 2005). The guide on beliefs that power is subjected to the wealthy and literate individuals caused several challenges within different communities. Marxism fights democracy since the involvement of every person into politics was discouraged, and only a chosen group of people had the chance to take over leadership. The leadership culture made technical issues on the approach on the need to alternate the ways of political approaches (Street, 2015). The fight of fair representation of families into politics without favors of group division was made hard due to the customs on leadership guides as directed by Marx.

According to Sunar (2016) relating power to specific groups of individuals encouraged community members to work smartly about identification with specific groups associated with power. "The phenomenon of Marxism encourages the protection of cultural beliefs and norms of societal individuals, and as a result, the cultures of people are protected" (2009). The future generation benefited on power inheritance as a reward for their industrious families. Xiao (2009) states that "the social classes helped in the subjection of power to individuals from other categories of people with full support." Dictatorships were not observed among the political leaders who represented the locals in top positions of managing the needs and wants of people. Power needs little knowledge of project and mass management. It is true that an illiterate cannot understand the relationship between productive and non-productive ideas on matters related to management and control of people. The wealthy individuals had the capacities to provide the locals with the required resources at times of needs unlike it would appear when the poor had the seats at hand. Power and wealth go hand in hand, that is they are dependent on each other. Money rules but at the same time the power control money.


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