Free Essay Example: Master Family Plan

Published: 2023-01-31
Free Essay Example: Master Family Plan
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Family Personality Child development Relationship
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1729 words
15 min read

All human beings undergo different changes in their lives. The changes are both physical and biological because they involve growth, development, and maturity. Adolescence is a developmental stage that every human being must undergo before becoming an adult because most of the maturity changes occur at this phase of life. Research has shown that people exhibit similar characteristics during the adolescent period despite cultural, political, and social backgrounds. In most cases, the biological and physical changes occur at different years, depending on the nature of an individual.

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All people are the same regardless of their social setting because the secondary characters and changes appear during the adolescent stage. God created all people in the same manner because body changes occur similarly to all human beings despite racial and religious differences (Labov, 2011).

According to the writer, people undergo different changes in their lives that include psychological and physical appearances. The changes also have effects on the people because they usually feel that they can make the appropriate decision. Adolescence is a stage in which people believe they can decide on the right way to lead in life. Young people value them personal space; therefore, they quickly get irritated. Parents and guardians play a crucial role in shaping the characters of their minors while undergoing the adolescent stage.

Schools also determine the characteristics of teenagers through guiding and counseling procedures. The schools and parents also ensure that teenagers and young adults can identify right friends who can help them develop their desired personalities. Some teenagers may be so curious or excited with the changes that they encounter during the adolescence stage; therefore, necessitating for the need to consult with a counselor or psychologists. In most cases, the excitements may not have tremendous impacts on the lives of teenagers because some changes are manageable (Labov, 2011). Parents and teachers would help their minors in the process of identifying themselves with their friends to avoid interaction with undesired friends.

Physical Health

Exercise and Physical Fitness

Exercise is important for physical fitness among teenagers. Adolescent and young adults are required to engage in physical exercise for at least 40 minutes per day (Labov, 2011). The frequencies of the exercises should be 3-4 days a week. Moderate exercise is recommended for adolescents because extensive exercise affects their growth. Research has shown that strenuous exercises lead to knee damage among teenagers because their bones are undeveloped. The type of exercise is based on gender and age. For example, weight lifting is more appropriate for boys at the age of 15 years and above. Generally, exercise is beneficial for the desired growth and development rate among teenagers and young adults. Also, physical exercise is important for mental and cognitive development because it prevents and decreases depression among human beings.


Emerging adult family members and adolescents are required to manage the number of calories in their daily meals to maintain healthy weights. A lot of calories in diets results in overweight; therefore, affecting the health status of an individual. Overweight results in Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and other related conditions. Adolescents and young and young adults are also requested to ensure a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables. Vegetables are fruits are beneficial because they contain Vitamin C which is important for the development of the immune system.

A balanced diet is also essential in ensuring appropriate growth and development among adolescents. After the physical exercise, the balanced diet promotes the recovery of the lost calories; therefore, maintaining the normal physiological processes in the body. Drinking 8 glasses of water in a day prevents constipation and dehydration in the body.


Sleeping is another important factor that affects physical growth. Adolescents and young adults should create enough time for them to sleep. Sleeping relaxes the mind and enables the body to regain the lost energy during the day. According to Arnett (2017), teenagers should sleep for 7-9 hours each night. Sleeping at night is beneficial because it promotes the effective performance of the body during the day. Deep sleep is not attained during the day nap. Adequate sleeping at night also prevents other related health issues from the body.

Lack of adequate sleep affects cognitive development; therefore, impairing with the ability to make appropriate decisions. Impairment of cognitive development leads to poor learning abilities among adolescents and young adults. Being tired normally affects how the information is processed and interpreted in the brain. The learning capabilities of students are affected because they lack enough sleep.

Parent-Child Relationships

Parenting Style

Different families have varying parenting styles depending on the personalities of the parents and religious beliefs. Psychologists and counselors have identified authoritative parenting style as appropriate for teenagers. Adolescents usually engage in various activities that require supervision and corrections from parents and guardians. Authoritative parents are more open while discussing crucial issues with their children. Good parenting is achieved when the parents have all powers in the family (Labov, 2011). In this parenting style, the parents establish family regulations to guide all members. The children are required to obey all decisions made by their parents.

The authoritative style of parenting also pertains the punishment of misbehaving teenagers/children. Despite the authoritative parenting styles, the family relationship is important in promoting desired physical and mental growth among children. Obedient teenagers will always respect the decisions made by their parents; therefore, ensuring an effective family relationship and reduces conflicts.


Families also have different traditions that guide them in their daily activities. The disparities in traditions depend on the applied parenting style, religious beliefs, and cultural beliefs. It is fundamental for all teenagers and young adults to familiarize with the traditions established in their families since they help them in developing appropriate personalities and character traits (Selfhout et al., 2010). Family traditions should be respected because they are usually passed from one generation to another. Traditions determine the history and nature of a family; therefore, giving people their identities in society. Most people believe that the ability to respect and preserve tradition help in bringing family members together; therefore, improving their relationships. Fallowing traditions also creates unity in the family and the entire society.

Listening Skills

Communication is the main component that determines the nature of interactions and relationships among people. Listening skills improve communication among family members and promotes effective decision-making processes. The ability of children to listen to the decisions made by their parents determine their respect to the seniors. Eye contact during conversations also indicates that the children are listening to what their parents tell them (Labov, 2011). The advancements in technology and the introduction of smartphones has affected the listening skills of teenagers and young adults. For example, most young people are busy on social networking while their parents.

Lack of listening skills portrays that children do not respect their parents and guardians. According to Arnett (2017), those children who pay attention to the discussions with their parents have limited problems in their lives. On the other hand, the inability to listen to what parents say results in different problems that normally affect cognitive development among teenagers and young adults.



Establishing educational objectives guide children in achieving their desired goals in life. According to Arnett (2017), parents perform key roles in establishing the educational expectations for their children. Education shapes the characters of children; therefore, improving the qualities of their lives in the future. Parents are obligated to provide quality basic education for their children as a way of improving their adulthood lifestyles. Also, parents are mandated to regularly check on the progress of their children. Checking on the progress of children ensures that the established goals are achieved. Close interaction between parents and teachers also promotes quality grades attained by the children.


Mentorship programs are important in the growth and development of children. Parents and other older people provide essential mentorship skills that shape the characters developed by adolescents and young adults. Teachers, psychologists and motivational speakers also help in mentoring the teenagers. Children at puberty are mentored to avoid the negative impact from their peers (Selfhout et al., 2010). Mentorship programs help students in organizing themselves in their education; therefore, attaining quality grades. Children who get excellent grades in schools are normally rewarded by their parents. Quality performances also minimize problems and misunderstandings between parents and children; therefore, improving family relationships.

The college-level teenagers and also mentored on how to manage and maximize their study times. In most cases, young adults get mentorship skills to allow them to plan their education events. Education advisers provide fundamental approaches that can be used by learners in their studies to boost their performances. Developing an appropriate educational plan helps the students to organize their studies and complete their degree programs.

Type of Education

People have different learning capabilities based on the nature of the memories. Childhood development is intertwined with cognitive foundations; therefore, parents and guardians are obligated to support their children in achieving appropriate childhood development. The brain normally develops during early stages of life. Type of education provided to children depends on their learning capabilities. Adolescents and young adults are encouraged to choose the right type of education based on their abilities and desires. Parents support their children in the selection of the appropriate type of education that fit them in life. Learners are advised not to select their courses and type of education based on the desires of their parents because their attitudes may greatly differ from parents' decisions. Parents also strive to provide quality education for their children. Research has shown that emerging adult family members and adolescents may not be successful in education that do not fit relate to their attitudes and desires in life (Selfhout et al., 2010).

Media and Technology

Guidelines for Types of Media

The advancements in technology have resulted in the introduction of modern media. Social media has been widely used in the world due to the desire to communicate, make friends, and socialize with other people from different parts of the globe. Teenagers and emerging adults are leading consumers of social networking services. Media and technology have resulted in various impacts on the lives of adolescents. Media have propagated violence in most communities due to the impacts of watching action movies; therefore, affecting family relationships. Researcher studies have shown that 75% of teenagers in the world play and watch violent videos (Selfhout et al., 2010). 20% of all media addicts are likely to commit related crimes in families and societies.

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