Mathematics Class Discussion - Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-24
Mathematics Class Discussion - Free Essay Example
Essay type:  Personal statement
Categories:  Learning Knowledge Mathematics
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 547 words
5 min read

From the previous Mathematics course, I learned various concepts. For instance, calculus was of particular interest to me. The topic was mind-opening, especially in the differentiation and integration calculations. It was eye-opening how differentiation and integration can be applied in real-life scenarios and, hence, predict particular cases. Besides, it was also important to note that the government uses calculus in predicting and estimating budgetary allocations. Furthermore, calculus helped me understand concepts that I did not know existed before. The process of identifying limits as a concept in calculus was of equal importance to me. Limits as values of functions as functions approach a specific sequence proved to be a useful tool in general mathematical analysis. Limits helped me understand how specific functions tend to behave when approaching certain points. I found limits interesting as they formed the basis of my calculus understanding. Algebra was also of particular interest to me. In solving equations, I was mind-blown by how complex issues can be solved through mere equations. Algebra helped me have a deeper understanding of surds and matrices. Also, algebra was influential for me in that it helped to solve complex matrices that had previously proven to be a challenge to me. Algebra has also assisted me in the process of solving puzzles. On the same note, I have come to understand that algebra is a mathematic method of manipulating symbols and coming up with meaningful information about such symbols. I have come to appreciate algebra as an interactive mathematical topic. Algebra helped change my attitude towards mathematics. Though I previously thought of mathematics as a challenging subject, I have realized that you just to identify the necessary manipulation technique. The technique will easily help you solve the puzzles. Another area of concern that I found to be of particular interest is trigonometry. It has helped me understand how angles are an essential aspect of the world of architecture and engineering. Trigonometry helped me understand the ancient Greek philosophies on patterns and measurements. Trigonometry also opened my mind to various engineering and architectural wonders around the world. I came to get amazed that the Pyramids of Egypt borrowed heavily from trigonometry. These being a world wonder, trigonometry as a mathematical concept needed to be in use at such an early stage of human civilization. Thus, it is only right that trigonometry is an instrumental architectural concept.

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I have severally applied calculus in real-life scenarios. For instance, I have used it when refilling the family’s swimming pool. I usually use integral calculus to determine the volume of water in the swimming pool at any point in time. I have also used calculus to determine the rate of water refilling. Thus, it has become to establish the number of droplets per second through differential calculus. Besides, I have employed calculus in my parent's business. Calculus has assisted me in identifying the optimal sales. Besides, calculus has proved to be a crucial concept for the survival of the family business. It has helped my parents break even their business by identifying the optimal costs and pricing of their products. In so doing, the business has survived various challenges along the way. Thus, it is only true to hold that calculus and mathematics, in general, are crucial in human life.

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