Medication Strategies - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
Medication Strategies - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 406 words
4 min read


Allen is currently facing issues with delayed ejaculation, and impotence, which might be a side effect of paroxetine 20 mg that he has been administering for the last two months. However, the problem can be diagnosed with immediate promptness. Even though Allen is embarrassed about his current problem, and the fact that he had also co-paid, he needs to go back to the psychiatric. He needs to go back to the psychiatrist because the problem can be solved but as soon as possible (Wright et al., 2012, p.193).

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Medication Strategies

A psychiatrist may try some options to correct the problem of impotence, and erectile dysfunctional. One medical strategy that the psychiatrist may approach, is counseling. Counseling is a paramount step, considering that Allen is undergoing a lot of stress. Through a counseling session, Allen will talk about his condition and it would help in easing his sexual anxiety. That would further make him feel more confident in his relationship. Allen needs accept to his condition so that another medical strategy can be introduced to support the counseling (Minhas & Mulhall, 2016, p. 94).

The other medical strategy that the psychiatrists may use is lowering the dose of paroxetine 20mg and introducing erectile dysfunction medicines, such as Sildenafil, commonly referred to as Viagra. Regardless that the medication has been able to help with his anxiety and depression, lowering the dose would be best as it would still work in minimal doses for the first condition. The introduction of Sildenafil aids him with his dysfunctional condition (Mutsatsa, 2016, p. 252).

Temporary Medication

While addressing the issue of impotence and erectile dysfunction, Allen requires medications that require the least monitoring of his blood pressure. These medications require having less, to no side effects. Alpha-blockers such as terazosin, prazosin and, doxazosin require less monitoring because they help with the blood pressure, while at the same time do not often cause erectile dysfunction (Minhas & Mulhall, 2016, p. 109).


With the use of Sildenafil, there are side effects to it. First, it can cause blood pressure to drop, which might be life-threatening. Other side effects might include muscle ache, a headache, and a stuffy nose and, in some rare cases a green-blue shading on the vision (Wright et al., p. 2012).


In Wright, P., In Stern, J., & In Phelan, M. (2012). Core Psychiatry E-Book.

Minhas, S., & Mulhall, J. (2016). Male Sexual Dysfunction: A Clinical Guide.

Mutsatsa, S. (2016). Medicines management in mental health nursing. Los Angeles: Learning Matters.

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