Essay Sample on Meniere Infection

Published: 2023-04-20
Essay Sample on Meniere Infection
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 820 words
7 min read

Meniere is a disease that affects any age but is more probable to strike people between the ages of 40 to 50 years. The condition is a chronic related epidemic. It has two causatives viruses- endolymphatic sac (ES) and endolymphatic hydrops (EH). The infection causes increased pressure in the inner ear, the part filled with a lymphatic fluid called endolymph (Zalazar et al., 2019). The disease has three stages. The early-stage involves extreme vertigo episodes lasting the whole day. Middle stage two (intermediate phase) has less vertigo and long term remission that continues for several months. In the last period, there is no vertigo. An incidence of a patient at the healthcare, the patient complains that his disease started with dizziness lasting for 20 minutes with blocked hearing (Zalazar et al., 2019). Still, the episode continued fading, and over a month, the patient experienced no more vertigo but has lost his tinnitus in hearing. By the time of healthcare visits, the patient has no dizziness, worse hearing blockage, and inability to balance upon walking and moving up and down stairs (Zalazar et al., 2019). Among the health issues, anxiety, and loss of the patient experience of confidence visible in the description of symptoms. The patient also smokes tobacco and has poor diets.

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Acute otitis media infects the middle ear, which is part of the eardrum. The infection has three causative bacteria -streptococcus pneumonia, Moraxella catarrhal, and hemophilic influenza. In the beginning, episodes of cold and flu are experienced (Kaur et al., 2017). Risk of infection increases in cigarette smokers. Upon infections, the patient in diagnosis experiences swelling on the nose, allergies to tonsil inflammation. The patient is a tobacco addict, which he takes through sniffing. In essence, the virus does not initially affect the eardrum (Szmuilowicz & Young, 2019). Still, fist affects the tonsil and nose, blocking a middle tube between the nasal and the ear and therefore exposing the middle ear to infection. Headaches and fever are late symptoms, and the effects are poor hearing ability, eardrum burst, and purse flow from the ears (Wall & Conroy, 2016). The disease is significant in children, and exceptional cases in adults-treatment of the infection involve the application of warm compressors and the use of antibiotics necessary to fight the bacteria (Kaur et al., 2017). Prevention of prescription is an avoidance of allergens and minimized smoking habits (Kaur et al., 2017).

Labyrinthitis Infection

Labyrinthitis is a disorder of the inner ear. In this infection, one or both balances initial navigator-vestibular nerves inflame (Szmuilowicz & Young, 2019). The disease is caused by bacterial labyrinthitis. Upon infection, the patient diagnosed in general healthcare experiences dizziness, nausea, vertigo, and a sensation of sleep movements during the frequent dizziness (Dewyer et al., 2018). The effect is the loss of hearing ability and poor eye concentration, regular loss of walking balance, slurred speech, paralysis, double visions, and general body weaknesses (Dewyer et al., 2018). The infection will be managed by prescribing antihistamine injections, including desloratadine, valium, and prednisone fexofenadine.

Meniere Infection

Following the Meniere diagnosis, medical treatment involves inner ear injections with several doses of gentamycin, antibiotics, including Amoxyl (Wall & Conroy, 2016). The dosage will aid in reducing vertigo with an alternative dose of steroids to curb the combat inflammation, beside the pharmaceutical dosage, lifestyle cancellation on smoking behaviors and practices to face stress. More so, the prescription of diet schedules and balancing food (Zalazar et al., 2019). In essence, the patient will have to reduce the level of salt intake to retain body hydration and raise the level of sodium to necessitate health endolymphatic fluid. The level of caffeine intake should be minimized in the patient's beverages and foods- this eliminates tinnitus symptoms.

My choice to diagnose the Meniere infection is that the research about the virus is projecting and have a massive trend in occurrence in the health setting of modern healthcare problems (Szmuilowicz & Young, 2019). In meeting another patience, I will test the possibility of previous ear-related disease. As seen, the three infections are related, but miners carry the symptoms of the other two in the three sages.


Dewyer, N. A., Kiringoda, R., & McKenna, M. J. (2018). Inner Ear Infections (Labyrinthitis). In Infections of the Ears, Nose, Throat, and Sinuses (pp. 79-88). Springer, Cham.

Zalazar, G., Albernaz, P. L. M., e Maia, F. Z., Carmona, S., & Cal, R. V. R. (2019). Meniere's Disease. In The New Neurotology (pp. 133-142). Springer, Cham.

Kaur, R., Morris, M., & Pichichero, M. E. (2017). Epidemiology of acute otitis media in the post pneumococcal conjugate vaccine era. Pediatrics., J., & Young, R. (2019). Infections of the ear. Emergency Medicine Clinics, 37(1), 1-9.

Wall, G. M., & Conroy, P. J. (2016). U.S. Patent No. 9,345,714. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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