Mental Disorders and the Choice of Activities, Free Paper Sample for Students

Published: 2022-03-29
Mental Disorders and the Choice of Activities, Free Paper Sample for Students
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Anxiety disorder Post traumatic stress disorder Psychological disorder
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 521 words
5 min read

Anthony's Article

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Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder -as outlined by DSM V- that is associated with the symptoms listed by Anthony. Yoga is not fit as a Therapeutic Recreation (TR) activity for people with this mental disorder. This is because once exposed to the cause of the panic attack after the yoga sessions, they will still exhibit the signs and symptoms. One of the best therapies is exposing them to the activity or whatever gives them the panic attack. For example, if they have panic disorder with agoraphobia taking them out for swimming will be a good idea as exposure to crowds can help in the agoraphobia. However, meditation is a good choice for people with panic disorders as it helps deal with the attacks.

Hypochondriasis is classified under somatoform disorders in DSM V. I do not agree with Anthony's choice of family therapy. Family therapy is not a TR activity but is under Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) where a psychotherapist talks to the family regarding the condition of the patient. The main aim is to make them understand the nature of the illness and the importance of supporting the patient to ensure a good prognosis. Reality therapy is good for hypochondriacs- as client faces reality and this enables them deal with the situation.

Dissociate amnesia is a dissociative disorder that involves reversible memory impairment that primarily affects autobiographical information. Crafting class is a good activity for those who have passion. I do not agree with reframing sessions as it will not help patients in regaining their memory. In addition, choice of TR activity for these patients depends on what kind of information they have forgotten. For example, patients who have forgotten their parents can go for outings, such as swimming or biking or any other activity they enjoyed doing together before the amnesia, as these will help them recollect their memories.

In summary, Anthony's choice of activities is not satisfactory. I think yoga, re-framing sessions, and family therapy are not good choices for panic disorder, dissociative amnesia, and hypochondriasis respectively.

Second Student's Article

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder -as outlined by DSM V- that is associated with the symptoms listed by the Student. I agree with the student's choice of therapeutic fly fishing, and Equine assisted therapy as they have been associated with good outcomes. Also, just to mention, yoga and gardening have been shown to promote mental health status in people with PTSD.

Hypochondriasis is classified under somatoform disorders in DSM V. I do agree with the student's choice of activities. Reality therapy and nature walks helps these patients cope with their symptomatology. During the walks, the patients -mostly adolescents- realize they are well, leading to less somatic symptoms.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is classified under dissociative disorders in DSM V. It is characterized by two or more distinct personalities or identities in the same individual. Recreational therapy like art and yoga can allow a patient explore and express their thoughts.In conclusion, I agree with the choice of activities for the second student as most of them will help in alleviating the symptoms.

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Mental Disorders and the Choice of Activities, Free Paper Sample for Students. (2022, Mar 29). Retrieved from

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