Mental Illness: Causes, Challenges & Effects in Australia & Beyond - Paper Example

Published: 2023-10-27
Mental Illness: Causes, Challenges & Effects in Australia & Beyond - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Mental health Mental disorder
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1176 words
10 min read


Mental illness issues have been a challenge in the Australian healthcare system and on the world at large. The challenge the issues are linked to the high variation of the causes of mental issues, their complexity and effects. Various issues have been identified in the community, with some affecting a specified group of the population to a greater extent. For example, neurodegenerative diseases are more common among the aged population as compared to the young generation. In addition, some concerns are more severe as compared to others. Despite the challenges associated with these issues, the Australian and global healthcare system has made massive efforts to manage the mental illness issues. Therefore, psychological issues can be considered as a solved challenge.

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Availability of Information on Mental Illness

The first important piece of information that has been well synthesized in the current healthcare system is the causes of the disorders. Numerous studies have been done to evaluate the causes of psychological issues and the risk factors associated with mental issues. According to the available information, biological factors are among the major causes of the disorders. These biological factors include human genetics, alteration of brain chemistry neurodegeneration, among others. Genetic studies revealed that patients suffering from mental complications are more likely to transfer the condition or other related complications to their offspring (Einstein & Klepacz, 2017). In addition, the study on brain structure and neural functionality demonstrated that deterioration of nerves in the central nervous systems and alteration of the chemical composition in the brain could be among the causes of mental illness.

Furthermore, clinical and scientific studies have associated mental complications with adverse events such as abuse, accidents, and trauma. Some of the mental issues associated with these factors include Post Traumatic Stress Disorders and depression. Also, lifestyle behaviors have been linked with increased cases of mental illness in the community. Among these behaviors include smoking and substance abuse (Einstein & Klepacz, 2017). Based on this information, it is evident that a lot has been done on the causes of mental complications, which has helped design effective management solutions.

Improvements in Diagnosis

The second most important improvement noted in the healthcare sector is the improvement in diagnostic measures. Unlike in ancient times, the healthcare system is well equipped with technology and guidelines that help in the identification and differential diagnosis of mental illness. Among the essential diagnosis tools are the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) (Tolentino & Schmidt, 2018). The manual contains information that helps in easy classification of mental disorders. In some instances, healthcare providers can use this and other resources to assess the severity of mental complications. For example, the use of the manual helps in the differentiation of the two types of bipolar disorders based on the variation of the clinical manifestations. In addition to the increased efficiency in diagnosis, the manual can also help detect several concurrent mental issues affecting an individual. The embracement of technology in healthcare has also helped in diagnosis and monitoring patient's progress. Therefore, the presence of effective diagnostic resources can be considered as the second important advancement that has been made in the healthcare sector to help in the reduction of the prevalence of mental complications.

Improvements in Management

Significant improvements are also observed in the management of psychological complications. After the effective determination of the main causes of the mental issues and determining the actual complication affecting the patient, the next stage involves determining the best strategy for the patient's recovery. Currently, two approaches have been found to be highly effective in the management of mental issues. These approaches include pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. Pharmacotherapy involves the use of conventional drugs to reduce the severity of mental complications. Through scientific studies and clinical trials, several drugs have been designed for this purpose. Some of the drugs are used in combination. For example, lithium carbonate in highly used alongside other medications for the treatment of bipolar disorder type 1. Similarly, several drugs are available to manage other issues such as Alzheimer's disease, mood disorders, and anxiety. Although some of the medications have significant side effects, continuous monitoring of the patients has helped avoid the negative outcomes associated with the use of conventional drugs (Lake, 2017). The second effective method is through the use of psychotherapeutic approaches. The approach involves helping the patient in the recovery process by behavioral changes. The technique is widely used for patients suffering from issues such as autism. The use of this approach has been widely effective due to the increasing number of qualified staff who can handle different mental illness. A combined approach can also be used to achieve the same purpose. The combined approach involves combining both behavioral change therapy and the use of conventional drugs. Thus, major advances have been made in the management of psychological issues.

Community and Mental Illness

Despite the major challenges encountered in educating the community of mental complications, a significant change can be observed in society. Initially, mentally ill people were rejected in the community, a situation that affected their overall being. The rejection was based on the behavior of the mentally ill patients and the social beliefs of the matter. Some mental complications may drive an individual to be violent and to have other antisocial behaviors. The situation makes the individual to be alienated. For example, children are likely to avoid more violent peers. Also, the societal belief was a major cause of the isolation of people with mental issues. Some communities in the world believed that mental issues are a result of demonic possession or curse. On the other hand, people with these health issues often felt inferior and hand no sense of belonging in the community (Savy & Sawyer, 2013). Through community sensitization, the Australian community and other communities in the world have understood more about mental issues and are more willing to cooperate.


Mental illness has been a topic of concern in the global healthcare system. Despite the challenge in addressing the issues, significant strides have been made in the Australian and global healthcare systems to address the issue. Among the major advances include increased availability of information about the causes of different mental complications, improved diagnostic techniques, advanced management measures, and improved societal support. Currently, the healthcare system and the community have detailed information on the causes of mental illness and the effects of the complications. Through community sensitization, the cases of stigmatization have significantly reduced. Therefore, Australian and global healthcare systems have made significant strides in addressing mental illness issues.


Einstein, E., & Klepacz, L. (2017). What Influences Mental Illness? Discrepancies Between Medical Education and Conception. Journal Of Medical Education And Curricular Development, 4, 238212051770512.

Lake, J. (2017). Urgent Need for Improved Mental illness Care and a More Collaborative Model of Care. The Permanente Journal.

Savy, P., & Sawyer, A. M. (2013). Mental illness: understandings, experience and service provision.

Tolentino, J., & Schmidt, S. (2018). DSM-5 Criteria and Depression Severity: Implications for Clinical Practice. Frontiers In Psychiatry, 9.

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Mental Illness: Causes, Challenges & Effects in Australia & Beyond - Paper Example. (2023, Oct 27). Retrieved from

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