Microwaves: Speedy Tool or Disaster on the Loose? - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-15
Microwaves: Speedy Tool or Disaster on the Loose? - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Food Electronics
Pages: 8
Wordcount: 1931 words
17 min read


For over a decade now, the microwaves and their uses have potentially escalated globally. For example, it is an important tool for customers in speedy food eateries, buffets, and even households, among others. However, the electromagnetic radiations of the microwaves have proven to be disastrous when not appropriately regulated on their use, storage as well as maintenance. To give an instance, the heating effect of microwaves has been criticized for the laying waste of living body tissues when not monitored. This essay describes what microwaves are, their production, what they are used for, the benefits, and the drawbacks of their uses.

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What are Microwaves and their uses?

A microwave can have several definitions from different scholars. However, science describes microwaves as an embodiment of electromagnetic radiations that have wavelengths drawing up from approximately one meter to close to or one millimeter having frequencies of between 300 MHz and 3 GHz (Pall 45). Fundamentally, they possess wavelengths that are lengthy than terahertz and relatively stubby for radio waves. It is commonly applied in households for heating or cooking food by uncovering it to electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency order (Pall 45). This kind of radiation produces the polar molecules in the substance to revolve and to fabricate radiative heat in an approach of dielectric heating.

However, the dielectric heating is usually made possible when a microwave oven is subjected to radiation more often than not through a frequency of 2450 MHz, which is a wavelength of approximately 12cm (Jin et al. 10). The dielectric heating permits water, sugar not to mention the fat fragments in the food to take in the energy from the microwave beam (Aggarwal). This process further stimulates the creation of molecular motion by the molecules due to their possession of both the negative and positive charges (Aggarwal). As a result, there is an achieved rotation to effectively structure with the oscillating electric field that is produced by the microwave beam (Aggarwal). Through this rotation, there is the creation of heat, which results from hitting of molecules with others, thereby ensuring motion takes place (Aggarwal). Essentially, the heating in microwaves is usually successful in liquid water due to its molecules that are always free to rotate compared to fats and sugars because these two have low molecular maneuvers by the dipole (Aggarwal). It is also less of a success in frozen water because its particles are localized (Aggarwal). According to Aggarwal, microwaves heat or cook food faster due to their ability to distribute heat energy right to the food fragments.

Microwaves also have applications in communication and radar. For instance, they are used more, especially for direct communication networks. This process enables them to make known of information in whichever form, including but not limited to voice data and video communication whether in analog or digital schemes (Yang et al). Mobile phones also use microwaves because they are also generated by use of a small antenna. They are additionally used in supervisory check as well as data accession in the cases of switches, signals, remote machinery as well as the valves (Yang et al). For example, radar works by dispatching microwaves, ascertaining the echoes getting back from the strike objects (Yang et al). In this, the time taken for the echoes to get back can be determined and hence helpful in the ascertainment of the distance of the objects in question.

Production of Microwaves

According to Gombosi et al, microwaves are generated by vacuum objects that extensively work on the motions of the electrons that are monitored by either magnetic or electric fields. These electric fields have the potential to dispatch magnetron, traveling wave tube, klystron, gyrotron, among others (Gombosi et al. 5). The released microwave emitters execute because of clumps of electrons maneuvering ballistically rather than the application characterized by the continued occurrence of current (Gombosi et al. 5). As a consequence, they function on the density harmonized manner and not the current adjusted approach. Additionally, the lower power microwaves are usually successfully produced by solid nature apparatus like the field-effect transistor (FET), the Gunn diode, IMPATT diode, the tunnel diode, among others (Grigoriev et al. 4). Naturally, microwaves can be fabricated by the reactions of atoms and molecules. By illustration, they form elements of the electromagnetic radiation manufactured by thermal disturbance. Importantly, the thermal motion of atoms and molecules in a gadget at a temperature higher than the absolute zero gives rise to the emission and the absorption of radiation.

From the microwave oven, the microwaves are fabricated by a magnetron. Magnetron takes the appearance of a hollow tube that possesses a cylindrical cathode passing via the center and the surface of the hollow tube (Atuonwu et al. 11). It is fully furnished with the numerous cavities that act as the anode and hence giving room for the existence of the electric field. There also exists a lasting magnetic field that is aligned to the distance of the magnetic field but vertical to the electric area (Atuonwu et al. 11). This structure permits electrons in the contact end. As a result, a high thermionic excretion or the high temperatures from the cathode provokes and discharges the surviving electrons.

The electric field expends more pressure on the electrons, forcing them maneuver towards the anode end then outside of the tube. Because of their curvaceous motion, the electrodes are propelled to an area that has a soaring absorption of the negative charges in the anode (Atuonwu et al.12). The oscillation of the magnetic and electric fields is then formed as a result of the movement of charges, which was caused by the pushing of the excess negative charges back all over the cavity (Atuonwu et al. 12). By so doing, the frequency at which the resonation occurs is made persistent to that of the microwaves (Atuonwu et al.12). Since the magnetic and electric fields are emitted perpendicularly to each other, and perpendicular to the direction of travel at the same frequency, the microwaves are efficiently produced.

Benefits of Microwaves

Microwaves are considered an essential kitchen appliance. This is because of its ability to cook or heat food faster only at the touch of a button (Priecel et al. 16). The microwave vibrates water molecules at a faster rate, which leads to faster cooking by use of the microwave oven (Priecel et al.16). It is also rare and almost impossible for microwaves to mess the process of cooking or heating food, unlike conventional ovens, which took more time preparing meals (Priecel et al.16). The use of microwaves ensures health consciousness by preparing healthy foods. For example, it enables one to steam vegetables without necessarily boiling in water, which may drain nutrients (Priecel et al.16). The use of microwaves thus ensures that all nutrients are maintained in foods, and this promotes the consumers' health.

Microwaves are essential in a sense that one will not scorch food, unlike other ovens like the conventional ovens. Importantly, the microwave saves one the stress of having to keep checks over the food while cooking to avoid burning of food in the cooking process (Priecel et al.17). This ensures that the food is not under or overcooked since one can set the time limit and the necessary temperatures for a particular food (Priecel et al.17). Consequently, the microwave does everything and hence allowing one more time to concentrate on other things.

Because of the economic challenges, microwaves can save one a great deal. For instance, microwaves consume much less energy when compared to other cooking alternatives such as conventional ovens and the use of gas (Priecel et al.17). This implies that one can save more when using the microwave or, better still, use the amount saved on other necessities. Moreover, the microwaves operate on the on and off options such that after the set time elapses, it automatically goes off and hence saving the energy (Priecel et al.17). By so doing, it promotes the efficiency to the user.

Microwaves are easy to clean. They are made in such a way that their cooking chambers are easy for cleaning (Priecel et al.17). This is since the microwaves coerce the food hot and not its appliances. Furthermore, they do not make the food to cling on the utensils, making it an easy task to hold and clean it (Priecel et al.17). The cooking chamber is also way much easier to clean as compared to other cooking appliances because it has a sleek end inside and also the glass finish. For this, it only requires a moist wiper to polish off the food remains in case of any.

Microwaves help defrost. This is a technique that lacks in most of the cooking appliances. However, it is not the case for microwaves. This is since the microwaves can melt and cook the iced food within a short period (Priecel et al.18). Interestingly, the food taste is usually maintained. Besides, microwaves are smaller in size and therefore consume little space. They also promote less usage of the oil since it allows cooking low-calorie foods.

Microwaves are also safe for children. They are the best options for use in the kitchens because they do not produce smoke and heat (Priecel et al.18). It is unlike the other cooking appliances like the conventional ovens that usually produce excess heat and smoke, making it unsafe for children. Further, it is encouraged to use the microwaves that come with lock solutions aimed at helping to keep children away from the microwaves.

Drawbacks of Microwaves

In most cases, there comes the possibility of microwaves radiation leakages, especially after they are damaged. Such leakages mostly happen when the surfaces of the cooking chambers, improper function of the microwave doors, among others, develop holes (Yolacaner et al. 117). The radiations emitted are thus dangerous to the human body. According to Yolacaner et al, the continuous subjection of the microwave radiations leads to the development of health complications such as damage of the eyes, especially when looking directly into the damaged protective mesh, cancer cells formation, less immunity, burns, negative change in heartbeat rates among others.

Secondly, microwaves can be dangerous due to food poisoning or uneven cooking (James et al. 257). By illustration, the incidents of the hot spots and cold spots may come to pass in food as a result of the uneven standing designs of the microwave open (James et al.257). The consequence of this is food poisoning, which is thus harmful to human consumption. Additionally, the shape and size of the food play a crucial role in the determination of both hot and cold sports (James et al.257). For this reason, the microwave may not be able to infiltrate the entire food. It calls for proper maintenance of the size and shape of foods to be cooked by the microwave if uneven cooking is to be avoided.

Unfortunately, the microwaves make dry foods. This is owing to the fact that they use water molecules for cooking the food. It goes a long way in the great cutback of the water level in food, and as a result, there is the production of completely dry food, which has a dangerous effect on causing dehydration (James et al.258). It thus requires that the food to be prepared should possess a lot of water content.

The other huge challenge with the use of microwaves is that there is no recourse available for deep frying. It is a fact that microwaves can essentially be used for the preparation of nearly all kinds of food that can be cooked by conventional ovens and gas stoves (James et al.258).

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Microwaves: Speedy Tool or Disaster on the Loose? - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 15). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/microwaves-speedy-tool-or-disaster-on-the-loose?pname=speedypaper.com

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