Missed Nurse Care by Beatrice J. Kalisch, PhD, RN, FAAN

Published: 2022-12-06
Missed Nurse Care by Beatrice J. Kalisch, PhD, RN, FAAN
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Finance Analysis Technology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1236 words
11 min read

The title used in the research article lacks comprehensive information for the reader. "Missing Nurse Care" is not a clear title for the research study. The title is open to several interpretations. The author could have been more specific in their title to give more information to their audience. From the title one can deduce the population under study; however, one can connect the population to the content of the paper. Therefore the title would have given more precise information on the content of the article for the reader to understand what the research is about since this research article is a scientific journal that is based on evidence and researched materials.

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A substantial introduction provides the rationale of the research and givens insights on the research topic. The above research paper sparingly meets this criterion. The article gives a comprehensive rationale on the missing nurse care. The introduction states the research gap in previous research work related to the issue and what the research paper covers. Additionally, it gives the reasons for studying missing nursing care. The author of the paper says that the main work of a nurse is to monitor the progress of medical administration and patient welfare. The introduction also goes on to explain the meaning of the title and how missing nurse care affects general health care. The author also mentioned the methods of research in the introduction. The article equally mentions the statement of the problem which will be addressed in the rest of the research paper. Despite minor omissions, the opening of the article is compelling and outlines clearly what the reader should expect in the research study.

The research questions are an extension of the introduction part. The questions give a clear picture of the purpose of the paper. In this research, the author has highlighted two questions that the research seeks to answer. The research questions for this study include: " What are the reasons nursing staff give for not completing these particular aspects of care? (Kalisch, 306). "What nursing care is regularly missed on medical-surgical units in acute care hospitals?" (p. 306). The reader of the paper can tell what the paper is about by reading the two research questions. The questions are clear and precise on what the research seeks to uncover. This makes the introduction stronger since the objective of the study is clearly stated.

The literature review of the paper is not that clear and precise. Despite identifying various issues that have been identified by previous researchers, the author has not given detailed information on previous studies. The author only mentioned previous areas of study such as staffing, benefits of ambulation, problems after discharge and malnutrition of patients (Kalisch 308). However, there are no detailed references and subsequent in-text citations for such studies before. The author has just identified a gap in nursing care, on which the research topic is based on.

In the method of study used, the user assures the participants of their protection. The methods to be used for the research are thoroughly explained and applied to the fullest. Despite, guaranteeing total confidentiality among the participants during the interview, the questions are asked on an open group. This mostly motivates the interviewees to withhold some crucial information hence disadvantaging the overall data being offered by the participants. The research could have enhanced more privacy by conducting a one on one interview which would increase the confidentiality of the participants to answer questions more frankly (308).

The author assures her reader that, two independent researchers analysed data. At the same time, she says she used qualitative analysis software while applying the ground theory approach (Kalisch 309). The report of recorded tapes by two researchers confirms that the results attained in the research are not biased. The groups strongly identified the themes included in the study as established by the two independent researchers. This proves that the information on the research topic is carefully scrutinised and any possibility of biasness can be ruled out hence, the analysis of data was done perfectly, and credit should be given to the author.

More credit and less criticism should be offered to the author on the research question analysing techniques. The research questions have been correctly answered. The author has backed her findings with direct quotes from the nurses' interview. This has brought more clarity and a sense of understanding of the research. The researcher has directly applied the results of her research study to make sense of the findings and answer the research questions. Through this, the researcher has been able to determine what problems nurses go through and what prevents them from meeting care. The primary purpose of the findings is to record the results of the research study about the research questions. This makes a research study strong since it fulfils its intended purpose.

In the discussion section, the results and findings of the study are discussed in detail but lacks a connection to past research findings. The researcher focuses on the seven themes identified in the findings. She goes on to use external research to give a detailed discussion of the findings which shouldn't be the case. The researcher should focus on the facts of the subject under study. The discussion section should connect the findings to known facts to draw a viable conclusion. However, the researcher has not focused on past research studies to bring the findings to a conclusion. She has only focused on the findings of the nurses. This does not carry a viable conclusion on the issue under study. The article has gone further to introduce topics such as denial and self-esteem which does not connect with the research study. The researcher did slightly deviate from the research study due to her underutilization of outside resources (Kalisch 310). The findings in this study are not somewhat unique and can be quickly adopted by different hospital settings.

The research study somewhat did a recommendable job despite a few flaws here and there. Kalisch did follow most of the requirements of a qualitative research study. The findings have been documented and well arranged to meet the researcher's framework of the study. Ideas are organised systematically. The research study can be authenticated by the evidence shown by the recorded interviews. Use of direct quotes also gives credit to the findings and reduce any biases from the research. All the results and conclusion are trustworthy to a certain point because data have backed them. One can conclude that the research answers the research questions by reading the article. However, there has been little reference to several research studies to back her study; hence the issue of plagiarism can be brought up at some point. She did not focus more on other sources in her research; the only thing that was used immensely was primarily, results from the groups.

One may argue that the information given by the focused groups during the interview could be insufficient since the interview was done in a group format. This could have led to some interviewee to withholding some information. She did not maintain complete privacy and assure the interviewee of complete confidentiality despite making them believe that the information they shared was protected. All in all, the article did meet the criteria for qualitative research despite the minor issues noticed in the article.

Work Cited

Kalisch, B. Missed Nursing Care A Qualitative Study (2006). Retrieved from http://southbaynursingqsen.pbworks.com/f/Missed+Care.pdf

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Missed Nurse Care by Beatrice J. Kalisch, PhD, RN, FAAN. (2022, Dec 06). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/missed-nurse-care-by-beatrice-j-kalisch-phd-rn-faan?pname=speedypaper.com

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