Free Essay Example on Promoting Health Intervention Event

Published: 2019-11-20
Free Essay Example on Promoting Health Intervention Event
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Advertising Health and Social Care
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1117 words
10 min read

Mission, Vision, Objectives of the Event

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The vision of this program is to sensitize and ensure that the outcome is a healthy population, communities and families free of drug abuse-related problems and other related risks. The mission is to empower families, population, and communities to adopt healthy behaviors that would prevent drug and substance abuse. By seeking to help the masses to reduce substance abuse and related risks (such as HIV/AIDs) in the targeted populations, this event would focus mainly on offering quality substance abuse prevention services. It shall additionally aid the participants in prevention and risk reduction by targeting the support structures instituted for targeted masses. The first step in planning the drug-abuse prevention program is starting to carry out the assessment of the type of drug problem within the community and determining the level of risk factors associated with the drug menace. The outcome of the sensitization program will be raising the awareness of the seriousness and nature of the communitys problem and guiding the selection of the best prevention programs in order to address the drub-abuse program.

Why the Event is being Held

The aim of the paper would be draw some of the practical and workable solutions to the problem of drug and drug abuse amongst the youth. The sensitization program sees the need for the youth to learn and master various means and avenues in which drug treatment can be done, once victims have been identified. The primary purpose of drug treatment is to assist the patient to stop drug abuse. Other than stopping drug usage, treatment should stop outcomes of drug addiction such as decreasing or stopping criminal acts, and improving occupational, social and psychological functions of the recovered patient (Britton & Thorogood, 2004). Also, effective drug treatment helps prevent re-lapse, that is, the temptation to go back to drug and substance abuse. Finally effective treatment should help a person return to productive functioning in family, work and community.

Target Clientele

Our target market for the marketing plan will comprise of children, youths, and parents. In the case of children, the plan will target reducing cases of obesity to allow them to live healthy and productive lives. As for the youth, the marketing plan will avail details concerning the need for team building, fitness programs, and socializing events while at the same time encouraging them to participate in competitive games. For parents, the plan will market seminars that they can attend to allow them to assist their children in refraining from cases of drug abuse as well as gain information on how to eliminate obesity.

Program Assessment

At the point when advertising anything through the Internet, it is indispensable to lay accentuation on the substance. The substance ought to speak to the clients and give them significant data concerning the administrations they require. For our situation, we might concentrate on creating astounding and accommodating substance. The substance we might distribute we underline on the requirement for receiving a solid living through tending to the issue of medication and substance manhandle. We should likewise post content that gives data on the risks associated with corpulence and the perfect methods for destroying it, particularly on account of youthful kids. It is additionally key to understand that practicing liberality assumes a pivotal part in respecting the investment of the clients. Subsequently, we might concentrate on furnishing our clients with data and get to apparatuses to the site, which will procure our association inbound connections to enhance our rankings in web indexes (Semenza & Krishnasamy, 2007).

What's more, a call-for-activity would assume a vital part in urging our intended interest group to take an interest in the competition. We should concentrate on giving them significant things that will urge our customers to trade their contact data. Despite the fact that it won't not be conceivable to acknowledge expanded activity immediately, an alluring suggestion to take action, for example, giving freebies will urge clients to share contact data and in addition spread the news to different people who may will to take part in the competition. We should likewise catch up the suggestions to take action, which will advance support the confidence of people to take an interest in the occasion.

Launching the Program

The promoting arrangement for the competition will involve educating youngsters and the group on the requirement for carrying on with a solid life and significance of abstaining from medication utilize. Upon the achievement of the promoting arrangement, the group will figure out how to address the different stoutness and substance mishandle cases among youngsters and kids. The arrangement will likewise support different individuals from the group to take part since they serve as casualties of the circumstance either in a roundabout way or specifically (Smedley, 2000). Moreover, they will figure out how to learn different things concerning the need of receiving a sound way of life to guarantee they live beneficial lives. In this sense, it will be conceivable to ingrain a feeling of solid way of life among the assorted individuals from the group regardless of their age.

In promoting the competition, we might dispatch a site, which will give insights concerning the occasion. We might likewise use the online networking webpage, Facebook, to make a page about the occasion. The online networking page will permit its adherents to increase huge data with respect to the occasion. They can likewise cooperate with different people who indicate wiliness to share data concerning what is occurring in the competition. Moreover, we might utilize Google, which will serve as our essential instrument to bolster our publicizing activity. Here, we might center our endeavors on SEO to bolster our advertising endeavors.

Besides, it is significant that the way toward selecting watchwords is essential in any Internet advertising effort. In this way, in our advertising arrangement, we should choose watchwords important to the occasion and additionally those that can permit the occasion to rank on top of internet searcher comes about. The major catchphrases we might use involve solid group living, medicate mishandle free life, checking drug manhandle, stoutness in youngsters and youth, socialization exercises, and group wellbeing. We might for the most part use multi-word phrases since they are typically less aggressive and make it simple for our customers to achieve the site effortlessly (Stevens, 2010).


Britton, A. (2010). Evaluating interventions: Experimental study designs in health promotion. Evaluating Health Promotion, 42-55.

Britton, A., & Thorogood, M. (2004). Evaluating interventions. Evaluating Health Promotion, 57-72.

Semenza, J., & Krishnasamy, P. (2007). Design of a Health-Promoting Neighborhood Intervention. Health Promotion Practice, 243-256.

Smedley, B. (2000). Promoting health intervention strategies from social and behavioral research. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

Stevens, W. (2010). Economic evaluation of health promotion interventions. Evaluating Health Promotion, 56-69.

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