Mixed Methodology - Free Paper with a Project Proposal Example

Published: 2017-11-10
Mixed Methodology - Free Paper with a Project Proposal Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Research
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1531 words
13 min read


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This study will employ the mixed method in obtaining the results. Mixed methodology although considered complex and tasking, it is identified as one of the effective ways to conduct a comprehensive study (Mertens, 2014). In this mixed method, it will entail both the qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative method will involve the use of questionnaires and survey to obtain relevant information regarding the topic in research. Also, it will comprise of an understanding in details the available literature on the subject. In such a study that aims at developing better interventions, it is important to obtain some of the explanations involving the research topic. Another qualitative method will involve the use of interviews to some of the employees especially in the oil industry. In the quantitative analysis which involves the use of numeric values to conduct a research, it will also entail the use of questionnaires but in the format that allows for numeric data to be obtained. The quantitative analysis will also entail the use of already researched data found in the existing literature on the subject. The materials that will be required in the methodology will mainly include funding for the entire process. The funding will be used for purchasing the required writing materials. Additionally, in the live interviews and use of the questionnaires, it is important to consider motivating the employees who will be involved in the study although the research is based on voluntary services. In consideration also is payment of the people who will be assisting me in conducting the study such as the administering of the questionnaires and collecting of various data. Another requirement is obtaining the necessary legal documents for the study such as permission by the company’s officials of all the industries I will conduct my study.

Data analysis will entail the use of software to provide the necessary graphs and determine the correlation between the different variables of the questionnaire. A transcriber will also be used to convert the audio information into written words for ease in storage and analysis. The questionnaires on the other hand, since they are few will be sampled and analyzed singly while putting down on paper the necessary data and information. It is important to put into consideration some of the ethical aspects during the study. This will include ensuring gender equity among the respondents and fairness in the administration of the questionnaires. Notably, legal considerations should also be ensured to avoid conflicts with different people during the study. While it is important to seek permissions from the relevant officials of the industries where the study will be conducted, it is crucial to ensure that the respondent’s information is kept confidential. This will be achieved with the help of avoiding the use of names of the employees and those involved in the study. The methodology will also entail following the set procedure in conducting research such as training the respondents on what is expected from them before commencing the study. In such a study where both information and data is required, it is conducted with the help of both the qualitative and quantitative methods. While the quantitative data provides information based on numeric figures, the qualitative method will provide the necessary information in a theoretical manner. Questionnaires are selected as most people can express themselves amicably without fear of victimization by the companies they represent. The live interview, on the other hand, will be based on accessing information from the management team and those who do not fear any related issue with the study.

Plan for the research

This study is expected to cover the duration of seven months. Among the various aspects of the study which will be added include discussion and presentation of the results. Also, there will be the development of the proposed strategies based on the results obtained while recommending on some of the new strategies that can be used. The project will be distributed as follows


October (2016)

November (2016)

December (2016)

January (2017)

February (2017)

March (2017)

April (2017)

May (2017)

Project Proposal

Literature review

Data Collection

Data Analysis


Compiling of the report



Change remains the most viable option to improve the success of an organization while reducing the loss of customers and profits. However, the risk of resistance to change remains a dire situation that requires effective intervention. While this is possible, it is first important to consider the reasons behind the resistance which will then assist in developing efficient interventions. Various studies have been developed to study this topic. According to the literature review, technical expertise, efficacy, receptivity and readiness remain the core reasons behind the change resistance. While technical knowledge defines the skills and abilities of the different employees, receptivity is described as how well the workers will adopt the changes being proposed. Receptivity has been identified as a core reason behind change resistance since it focuses on challenges that will face the employee’s workability. Considering the issue of readiness, it entails both the aspects of knowledge and resources. According to the existing literature, communication remains the key factor behind both resistance to change and developing ways to avert this aspect in any organization.

This proposal will, therefore, aim at seeking more answers towards this topic while basing on two main aspects; the issue of the current trends and their influence on the change resistance and the role of management in change management and mitigation of resistance. The two areas are selected sincle they have not been effectively analysed.The study is based on the Oil Corporation in Angola, one of the largest industries globally. The study will then employ the use of mixed methodology to provide an effective analysis of information. While the qualitative method will entail the use of surveys, questionnaires, and interviews, the quantitative methodology will involve obtaining numeric data from previously done research. The entire study is expected to take eight months while making use of various resources and workforce. Through this study, I anticipate contributing to the existing literature on various aspects involving reasons for change resistance. While focusing my study on the global trends that will influence change resistance, it will be therefore easy to develop strategies that are aimed at addressing possible challenges in change implementation. Similarly, I aim at identifying the role of the management and leadership in organizational change and averting possible resistance in its implementation.


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Mixed Methodology - Free Paper with a Project Proposal Example. (2017, Nov 10). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/mixed-methodology?pname=speedypaper.com

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