Essay Sample on Monica What`s-Her-Face and "Responsible" Journalism

Published: 2023-10-16
Essay Sample on Monica What`s-Her-Face and "Responsible" Journalism
Essay type:  Critical analysis essays
Categories:  Media Social responsibility Writers
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 946 words
8 min read

The writer seems to criticize the working and technical operability of the media, including its ideals that minimally satisfied him, shortcuts and shortcomings, limitations and influences, power dynamics, and ideological underpinnings. The argument he postulates is an example of an absolute conspiracy theory fueled by anger and the populism of the media elites in the industry. The criticism of the media focuses on the concerns regarding its purpose in the public life of individuals creating a siren call of self-righteousness, and professional protectionism. Therefore, responsible criticism of the media holding them accountable is another form of power becoming more than admonitory, vitriolic, and adversarial. His outrage is all-involving and indiscriminate, revolving around great indignation inseparable from problems linked with society, including capitalism, social justice, and politics.

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The writer utilized the ad hominem fallacy arguing for the need to discard the information that new reporters present merely due to the argument towards it (Creative Commons). The use of a single story as the reference point indicates how the case is baseless with no concrete backup. More so, the media puts the stories into perspective for individuals to fully understand and not rely on watered-down rumors supplementing a story that might be wrong.

The responsibility of the media is to challenge the authority and uncover failure in various aspects of the society while in the process entertaining its views and readers. The integrity of the press is not being manipulated and corrupted focuses on providing information first hand without concurring to whatever notions and paradigms individuals develop. Journalists are responsible for demonstrating issues affecting the government, including constitutional redundancies and expert, organized scrutiny of the government (Ugland and Henderson 6).

The article by Magliozzi indicates inductive reasoning in the part of the writer using citation of examples to logically demonstrates her thinking. His argument is somewhat less cogent and irrelevant, making assumptions of the media in general. The reasoning he explains is not definitive, but most of the claims are generally having little merit. The attack towards radio and TV newsroom based on a headline of a story in the magazine is generalistic.

Additionally, the writer uses post hoc, ergo propter hoc inferring that journalists are responsible for writing what is popular in society (Creative Commons). The work of journalists surpasses the popular stories existing in the market. There is a risk for journalists becoming unwitting mouthpieces for individuals having vested interest in the story. The central issue is that journalism is considered as universal in this case without consideration of the peculiarities involved in the context (Ugland and Henderson 3).

Another noticeable fallacy entails the slippery slope indicating that the rejection of Monica's story for being too intrusive requires understanding rationalization (Creative Commons). The writer uses a defensive mechanism, trying to justify his feelings and behaviors to avoid the correct explanation. More so, the use of hasty generalization fallacy utilizes a few examples cited warranting the generalization of responsible journalism (Creative Commons). Claiming that journalism is irresponsible, citing two recent factors that support the claim does not offer a string warrant when examined to the number of news articles published every day.

There are two supported and minimally researched arguments in the essay; hence he becomes ineffective in his writing invalidating the argument. Assessing the accuracy of a research intervention indicates the article would be more valid when the evidence is extensively researched and providing a broader evidence base to reference the argument. The lack of enough discussion discredits the writer's idea of journalism being irresponsible.

The due process followed in writing the essay is minimal at best, determining the evidence to be less valid. The Monica story in Newsweek explains the criticism towards a commercial she was involved in and also presents what Monica says about her face affecting the people's criticism. She says the negative response to the advertisement associated with the facial expression is because "my eyebrows looked worried, I guess. People were like `You look scared.`" (Williams). The report in the paper addresses all points and does not attack Monica or her privacy.

However, the criticism of the press is not necessarily associated with the hope of commercial gain, populism, or sterile anger. Still, the genuine belief on reforms regarding the press presentation allowing the conventional certitude the media distributes globally. The purpose of journalism in society entails obtaining facts and truthful submissions according to the permission provided by human frailty. The lines regarding the conflicting sides are blurred associated with genuine concerns moral panics, and outrage cacophony, attributed to the press criticisms on the published articles.

A journalist means an individual writing for TV news and newspapers, but not all of them are responsible for telling the truth or performing fact-checking the two sides of a story. I do not think there is nearly as much bias or abuse as individuals claim, such as the essay, but there is a distinct difference between responsible outlets and journalism. Responsible journalism explains to the bias-focusing multitude that journalism in its basis is not a cesspool of political hacks and liars. Journalism is also filled with hard-working, balanced, and well-meaning individuals trying their best to get the story right.

Works Cited

Creative Commons. "Persuasive Reasoning and Fallacies." 2012 Book Archive, 2012,

Magliozzi, Tom. Monica What`s-Her-Face and "Responsible" Journalism.

Ugland, Erik, and Jennifer Henderson. "Who Is a Journalist and Why Does it Matter? Disentangling the Legal and Ethical Arguments." Journal of Mass Media Ethics, vol. 22, no. 4, 2007, pp. 241-261.

Williams, Janice. "Peloton Actor Monica Ruiz Suggests Her Face Contributed to Ad's Viral Reaction: Culture." Newsweek, 2019,

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Essay Sample on Monica What`s-Her-Face and "Responsible" Journalism. (2023, Oct 16). Retrieved from

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