Essay Sample on Motherhood Infertility

Published: 2023-04-19
Essay Sample on Motherhood Infertility
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  Maternity Mental health Literature review Social issue
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 873 words
8 min read

Reproduction is a crucial human desire that brings much anxiety to individuals and society at large. Any time there is a reported case of infertility, the affected parties are likely to fall into depression and other forms of psychological impairments. The World Health Organization defines infertility as a disease of global concern (Miriam and Weatherall, 325). Infertile women are in a strong desire to sire children, which leaves them mentally disturbed. Scientists, however, have a hard time trying to exhaust all parameters surrounding infertility and the society in general. This is generally a critical review of the works of other scholars with a bid to unravel the mystery of motherhood and infertility in society.

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According to a 2014 reproduction health article published by the national institute of health (Shandra et al. 204), over 10 percent of the women in the US that have attained the reproductive age have a disability. Unfortunately, the relationship between disability and motherhood intentions of these individuals is unknown. Researchers have used data from the National Survey of Family Growth to try and come out with the relationship between disability and individual attitudes. One thing from the research is that all women have a common attitude towards motherhood. Whether disabled or not, all women want to have kids of their own. However, those with disabilities are less likely to have kids. These women are met with multiple challenges that will need the attention of the elites to solve. Unless there is this understanding, it will be challenging to solve the issue of reproductive health among the disabled in society.

While some scholars are interested in analyzing parties that are likely to face the menace, others are deep into investigating the effects of infertility on an individual's life. A recent article by BMC shows that infertility can trigger painful experiences in one's life (Bakhtiyar et al.). This eventually leads to low-quality lives, as demonstrated by the study, which involved both fertile and infertile women. Infertile women are disturbed both physically and mentally, and it is beyond their control (Elizabeth and Abrahamson 12). However, they are healthier in the social aspect, although this cannot make up for the mental and physical deficit.

Scholarly articles on the experience of infertility show that it is treated as a condition that requires medical attention. They associate the condition with psychological consequences and not as a socially constructed reality. Although more studies are placing infertility within a social context (Greil et al. 147), clinical importance persists. The social scientific study of infertility is identified by two traditional research. One tradition uses quantitative techniques on the patients and assesses the psychological need for counseling. The other tradition uses qualitative techniques to capture how the sociocultural factors affect the infertile people. Mote attention is being paid to the experience of infertility and how it is affected by social factors.

According to the family relationship journal, infertility is a common problem but often misunderstood. The effects that infertility has on families make it relevant to research. The research is widely extended to areas related to infertility, such as reproductive health and fertility trends in the family (Shreffler et al. 653) and the effects of infertility on couples and individuals under the experience. The article focuses on the misunderstanding in treatment and knowledge of infertility, the awareness of the problem, and access to resources that are relevant to treatment. Guidelines on infertility are presented in infertility education, emotional support, and understanding treatment approaches and their implications.

Infertility is a prominent problem in society, yet little attention is directed on the same. Even the works from the authors highlighted above do not seem to propose a lasting solution to the same. However, they are common in the sense that they define infertility and the effects it brings to society and individuals. One issue that has not been documented in research is ways of helping individuals cope with the problem. Additionally, there is a need to highlight issues that lead to the problem and how to overcome them. In this direction, my paper will help the audience to deal with the issue early enough before it manifests in an irreversible state.

Works Cited

Bakhtiyar, Katayoun, et al. "An investigation of the effects of infertility on Women's quality of life: a case-control study." BMC Women's Health, vol. 19, no. 114, 4 Sept. 2019, BMC. Accessed 5 Mar. 2020.

Greil, Arthur L., et al. "The experience of infertility: A review of recent literature." Social Health Illn, vol. 32, no. 1, 15 June 2012, pp. 140-162, PMC. Accessed 5 Mar. 2020.

Shandra, Carrie L., et al. "Planning for Motherhood: Fertility Attitudes, Desires, and Intentions Among Women with Disabilities." Perspect Sex Reprod Health, vol. 46, no. 4, Dec. 2014, pp. 203-210, NIH. Accessed 5 Mar. 2020.

Shreffler, Karina M., et al. "Responding to Infertility: Lessons From a Growing Body of Research and Suggested Guidelines for Practice." Family Relation, vol. 66, no. 4, Oct. 2017, pp. 644-658, PMC. Accessed 5 Mar. 2020.

Sternke, Elizabeth A., and Kathleen Abrahamson. "Perceptions of women with infertility on stigma and disability." Sexuality and Disability 33.1 (2015): 3-17.

Ulrich, Miriam, and Ann Weatherall. "Motherhood and infertility: Viewing motherhood through the lens of infertility." Feminism & Psychology 10.3 (2000): 323-336.

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