Movie Review Essay Example: Dreams and Coffee and Cigarettes

Published: 2022-09-01
Movie Review Essay Example: Dreams and Coffee and Cigarettes
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Movie
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1207 words
11 min read

Released in 2003, the film coffee and cigarettes by Jarmusch is a collection of about eleven vignettes that depicts a conversation between two to three individuals as they discuss many insignificant subjects. All the scenes appear to embody similar characters on the screen element which conform to a common theme and invite attention to the overreaching motifs based on the visual and contextual interpretation of the film.

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Nonetheless, the film takes into account a black and white filter while incorporating a diverse cast of celebrities who exist as themselves. Even as the consumption of coffee and cigarette between two individuals can be opined as an effective lubricant in some occasions, Jim Jarmusch's representation of the two comingled in on scene offers the argument that the consumption reflects a level of dialogue in which ambiguity of relationship between the film characters appears (Jarmusch 2011, n.p). It also proves the lack of distraction in the scene, something which leads to a social awkwardness which also varies based on the presence of communal coffee and cigarette consumption. Such scenes equally portray an underlying comment in which casual American relationship in the society can play the role of criticism in the American work ethic.

Therefore, the major theme which is explicit in the film is based on absorption in obsessions, joys, and addictions of life. Even though the theme exists, there are other underlying threads between the film vignettes; such include the medical knowledge, cousins, the Tesla Coil, the opinion pertaining coffee and cigarettes not making healthy meals, for instance, lunch. There is also the Lee, miscommunication, delirium, the musicians and the similarities noted between the medical skills and musicianship, the acknowledged fame and the notion that drinking coffee before going to bed will give an individual the opportunity of acquiring a fast sleep.

Construction of the theme

The film constructs its theme based on the many in which the eleven vignettes are presented. Therefore, in trying to understand the manner in which the themes are developed, it is important to go through the eleven segments that make up the theme and deduce points of concurrence. For example, there is the part on, "Strange to Meet You," which features Steven and Roberto conversing about coffee and cigarette. Steve tells his friend Roberto about his coffee ideas. For example the aspect of freezing the caffeine popsicles for the kids and how he prefers drinking coffee before having to retire to bed. The primary argument aligned with the belief of drinking the coffee before going to bed is on getting a fast sleep. Even though Roberto appears to understand very little that is said, he seemed interested in listening more (Jarmusch 2011, n.p). They even go to the extent of experimenting the switching of chairs procedure although they later returned to their normal seats. At last, Steven recognizes that he had an appointment with the dentist and may miss an important medical procedure, his friend Roberto volunteers to attend the appointment, something which later becomes more of funny. The segment explains a part of the theme particularly on the addiction of life where Steven is addicted to things like coffee before going to bed with the aim of getting good sleep.

Other arguments on theme development are on the Twins where Joie and Cinque Lee have been featured. The same scene also shows a recounting of the urban hero where Elvis Presley divulged in some racist comments about some African Americans during a magazine interview. There is also another segment which focuses on the dangers of smoking. The segment features Vinny Vella and Joseph Rigano whose conversation is done over a coffee table. Vinny also requests for some money from the father with the aim of meeting some demands of life. We also have the cousins where Cate Blanchett offers to play for herself a personal fictional though nonfamous cousin by the name Shem whom she encounters over some coffee lounge in a hotel. The lounge has a rule prohibiting smoking. Shelly then tells another character by the name Walter about her boyfriend who happens to be in the band. She goes ahead to offer a description of some of the music styles similar to those described by the band. At the end of the conversation, Kate is made to look awkward by the constant remark made by Shelly. In a nutshell, the theme of absorption in obsessions, addiction to life and joy is a result of the manner in which the vignettes and styled and the storyline that each present. One may be about obsessions of life happiness, another one on pride like in the case of joy and Kate while the other one addiction on coffee and cigarettes to mention but a few. The construction of the theme, therefore, goes to the extreme of offering a somewhat common description and interpretation of events within the short narrative fragments which in the end builds on one common theme. The difference will be noted on the concluding paragraph after the analysis of the second film on, "Akira Kurosawa."

Akira Kurosawa Dreams

The title of the film proves the manner in which the Japanese filmmaker has engaged in false advertising which in some way may be viewed to have served an accurate header. The film depicts the dreams from childhood to the visions anchored pertaining the apocalypse and those that go beyond. Unlike the film of coffee and cigarettes, Akira Kurosawa's Dream is presented in eight vignettes with each ranging from seven to twenty minutes and are founded on the actual dreams throughout the life of Kurosawa. Through the dreams, he ends up creating a mosaic symbolism and imagery which when viewed as one gives a clear picture with a significant message for humanity. The dream begins with the issue of sunshine through the rain in which there exists a sudden rainstorm which occurs in the midday sun. The next dream is based on the Peach Orchard that takes place on Girl's Day at Kurosawa's elder sister (Kurosawa 2011, n.p). On the other part, there is the depiction of Kurosawa's next nocturnal vision of being military personnel returning from home. The central theme in the film of Akira Kurosawa's Dream is that of identity because of its inherence in humanity. The theme is constructed based on how the Dreams seek to explore a passage by Fyodor Dostoevsky in which the filmmaker argues that dream reveals deepest though of humanity achieved through self-expression even though other pure expressions would prove elusive under Toho.


The two films are, therefore, different based on the manner in which they have been presented. For example, the coffee and cigarette have been presented in the form of eleven vignettes while the Akira Kurosawa's Dreams has been presented in eight segments. The theme for two also differs and the manner in which each segment in the storylines have been given. For example, the first film is made up of dialogue between the characters while the second issue is only grounded the dream of one person.

Works Cited

Kurosawa, Akira .Dreams. Retrieved from 2011.

Jarmusch, Jim. Coffee and Cigarettes 2003. Retrieved from 2003

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Movie Review Essay Example: Dreams and Coffee and Cigarettes. (2022, Sep 01). Retrieved from

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