Essay Sample on Music Therapy (Book Review)

Published: 2023-03-15
Essay Sample on Music Therapy (Book Review)
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  Music Mental health Autism Behavior change
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 855 words
8 min read

Book 1: Effects of a Music Therapy Group Intervention on Enhancing Social Skills in Children with Autism

Children with autism lack social skills and have a slow response to the environment. According to the study done by Blythe LaGasse, it is evident that music therapy is significant in the treatment program of children with autism. According to the book, many children respond positively to music, which engages them to learn. The book articulates that children with autism respond positively to music stimuli, which assists them in developing their social skills; thus, music therapy. Music helps children with autism to predict and react positively to the environment. In research conducted, the book reveals that there was a significant behavioral change in children with autism when they were engaged to eye gaze. When interclass correlation coefficients were done to determine children's behaviors, it was determined that there was a significant change in ICCs for eye gaze.

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The difference in social behavior for children with autism, as indicated in the parental report, it is evident that children showed social and behavioral change. Besides, parents in the MTG group reported that their children with autism responded positively to eye gaze. Therefore, it is true that music can be used to influence the response of children with autism and also as therapy. Also, this research indicates that even though the scores on the ATEC did not realize a significant change while using the ANOVA, both groups reported substantial improvements during treatments. Besides, the joint attention research indicates that eye gaze among children increased while in adults, it dropped. Ultimately, that shows that music can be used as a therapy for children with autism. It will help them respond to the environment and change their social skills.

Book 2: Can Music Therapy Still Be Humanists?

This book indicates that music is the culmination of cultural humanism. Besides, understanding music is like understanding people, which is interpersonal. The paper suggests that music is an object that should be allowed in the world to recognize its personhood. Also, understanding music can be like defining a person using Kant's definition. In human action, music is useful as it frees itself of utility. The book articulates that music can be used to describe humanism because of its relationship with its performers and the expression that it gives through melody and ornament. Therefore, the primary concept is that musical person determines music therapy. According to music therapists, music defines our humanity, which is the way music can help, and how humans can help each other with music.

Further, the work described in the book is outwards, which is in contrast to musical therapy. The artistic concept describes performativity characteristics of a community as being therapeutic. Also, in areas that music assists humans have been used to extend the individual approach to music therapy by controverting individualism and externalism. The chapter also highlights the ecological perspective on musical treatment. And how it helps people in their daily lives, in their social settings and giving people solutions in a more specialized and professionalized manner. Generally, while determining challenges to humanism, it is suggested that music therapy can still be the solution to human problems. Therefore, music is part of humanism, which has continued to be the overall legacy of humanism; thus, music therapy is still part of humanist.

Book 3: Therapeutic Uses of the Flute within Music Therapy Practice

Flute usage has been determined to be more therapeutic than medical therapy. The paper suggests that medicine and music were separated after the Renaissance. During that period, music was classified as an art, while medication was categorized as science. In the 20th century medical flute resurfaced when it was used to comfort soldiers who were in pain. According to this chapter, it is articulated that many clients prefer playing concert flute or listen to recorded sessions. The recorder has a unique tone, and therefore, a therapist can decide to play whistle to the patient or give them a recorded melody to listen to as articulated by the author.

According to the research, it is revealed that many respondents proved that they had played the flute and that it helps in comforting patients. They also played the pipe as the primary instrument. According to the author, many people had used the recorder for therapy and currently, it is used as part of medication for patients. The research revealed that when patients are asked to choose a music instrument for treatment, most of them decided flute. Respondents similarly recorded that they had used the flute in a medical setting for therapy. Patients said that they chose flute because of its relaxation and the guided imagery. Besides, with the flute instrument, clients can choose different vocals during music therapy.

Further, the recorder is beautiful and calming for patients. The book articulates that therapist acknowledged simpler flutes such as the penny whistle to be efficient in music therapy. Therefore, it is vital to note that music therapists use flute instruments during therapy sessions with their patients. The author believes that the flute instrument is widely used by therapists and patients to comfort clients with its variable musical tones.

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Essay Sample on Music Therapy (Book Review). (2023, Mar 15). Retrieved from

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