My Family Ritual - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-13
My Family Ritual - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Family
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 668 words
6 min read

Rituals are solemn or religious activities done repeatedly and are of great importance in our lives and routines (Watson-Jones et al.,140). Rituals can take part in the form of large or small ceremonies, and in particular times of the year. Also, they can present themselves in the day to day activities we engage. In most cases, we undertake these activities without knowing they are rituals (Wolin et al.,240). Rituals play a vital role in our lives because they help us celebrate holidays, death and wedding anniversaries of our loved ones, among many other activities (Wolin et al.,240). For example, my family takes part in giving gifts to all extended family members during Christmas since I was born. It is a culture my great grandparents practiced during their time, and we adopted it to date. In general, rituals emphasize our belonging to a particular community (Watson-Jones et al.,140)

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Rituals involve strict adherence to set rules and guidelines during their performance. The policies limit the ritual performers what they can do or say during the ceremony. In my family, all members adhere to set rules and guidelines on gifting. They make sure they follow all the processes required to ensure its success. Rituals attract traditions practiced by a particular community over a long period. Rituals repeat historical events, religious ceremonies accurately how they were done by our forefathers (Watson-Jones et al.,140). The gifting during Christmas is a culture that was cultivated by our great grandparents. It is the fourth generation since, and we will ensure our children will continue with the tradition. There are rules that govern rituals. In my family, there are rules which show how the gifting ceremony should be carried out. These rules control the behavior of my family members. They also teach us the importance of being patient with other members of the family. They also dictate the type of gifts one should have for individual members, such as giving our grandparents and parents differently. The rules also govern the starting and the end of the ceremony.

Rituals remain unchanged despite the situation. It calls for bodily discipline to ensure its success. For instance, in my family, in case one relocates to another city or country, they have to attend the gifting ceremony. Mostly, rituals are beliefs in society, and they require a human response. Some of these beliefs may be indirect (Wolin et al.,240). For example, my family members believe that everyone should attend the ceremony. Failure to follow, there is a belief that our grandparents may curse them. Gifts in my family are believed to be a sign of unity in the family. They also think that they can receive blessings from the eldest people in the family through giving and receiving gifts. Being a family of staunch Catholics, they also believe that the gifting ceremony should start with a word of prayer to seek blessing from God. The performance includes where all ritual activities become evident (Wolin et al.,240). During the 25th of December, all relatives gather at our grandparent's home to celebrate together. Other activities involved apart from gifting include playing games and storytelling. We also bond with each other and allow everyone to tell us what they have been doing.

In my family, the gift during Christmas helps build a bond among the family members, which helps prevail peace and togetherness. They motivate us as a family to work hard together and help each other in case of difficulties. During Christmas, it allows each member of the family express their joy by receiving gifts. Also, the ritual help teach young family members the importance of sharing and gifting. When one is upset, the ceremony provides a platform to express themselves and solve any underlying issues. The gifts make everyone feel appreciated and loved in the family.

Work Cited

Watson-Jones, Rachel E., and Cristine H. Legare. "The social functions of group rituals." Current Directions in Psychological Science 25.1 (2016): 42-46.

Wolin, Steven J., and Linda A. Bennett. "Family rituals." Family process 23.3 (1984): 401-420.

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My Family Ritual - Essay Sample. (2023, Dec 13). Retrieved from

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